Wisdom About Energy, Your Location ~ SATURN.,
Above me, I noticed a major energy block created accidentally and unaware of the energy effects on one’s life., This will only affect the creator who created the block, yet as the building is not owned by the energy block creator, it will spread to the owner considering what it affects.,Which following the flow of energy leads to number 3 which affects business and their success in business., for the creator it brings romance conflicts a combination of 1 and 7 in the east the main door is the important door especially for the owners of the building., Gets worse as the season shifts through summer. It’s moving it to the north-east which both areas are period 9 so they are long last effects 20 years., Effects are gradual and less noticeable. The only thing helping the East is the main entrance is a wood colour., and as the walls are a fire pink fire burns wood., so it’s hell for 20 years for both parties owner and energy creator.,
The energy blocking the flow is coming from the west number 1, 5, and 2. 1 is misfortune and illness, which is not a good combination., Energy must always flow freely.,
If it were me, I would place salt water behind it until one can move the energy block., I wouldn’t leave it too long before clearing., 20 years is a long time to be fucked over by the universe.,
If energy is misplaced, blocked and even the colours are wrong, then it can alter lives without anyone realising why it happened., This wisdom comes from the 24 who gave it to their colony on earth who practice this way of life every year as the areas and energy shift about., I can feel the energy gaining momentum.,
When there is a window leading to the main door, one must be careful with energy., Not knowing or not believing in such will have no meaning to the universe.,
We are trying to help you as 20 years is a long time., If you understand us correctly, you have a double, triple whammy going on.,
Once you understand what lays behind numbers 1 to 9, you begin to understand why we, the NINE, have numbers designated to each member as a name., The power behind each member of the Divine Council.,
If you have been paying attention, this site had no logo, and now it does because we passed into the age of Aquarius., This is no longer the age of Pisces., The game changes for those holding onto the old paradigm.,
Now I delve deeper.
Energy I sense easily., If I feel it, I can follow it to the source issue and locate how to be uncleared., I feel for those on the opposite side as that is the area of the 20-year cycle if energy has not been taken care of., My bedroom is in that area prior to this energy coming. I moved out of that room., Moved into one location as energy is far easier to maintain.,I moved into a less problematic area so to combat an energy issues I had to organise certain divisions., The east and north-east are silently left alone., Minimal things happen., I place salt water in certain areas. If crystals form inside these jars, then it’s catching all the negative energy. If nothing collects, then I positioned everything well.,
My door faces the north and with all that fire and food for fire outside, I had to go metal with my door., Garlic behind for those vampires., Energetically speaking, vampires are a real thing., Metal can be melted by fire, however, given the location, all is good., mixed with silver and gold and tourmaline.,
Now I have a south wall which can also be an issue. Lucky for me I have acoustic foam chequer’d like a chessboard on that wall. Add some water to put out any fires as south is that element., the center required a small red rug and a pink lampshade., which brings me back to the main entrance its pink on the floor pink on the walls and wood on every door that’s a fire waiting to happen its fire overload with an energy burning fire source wood.,
If I owned the whole building and I knew all this and thought it did not affect my company, then I am not wise., I feel it’s an oversight., If it were me concerning the main entrance, leave the floor pink and neutralise the fire on the walls. 9 is lucky, intelligent when treated right, 3 can bring gossip and arguments, leaving the floor pink helps 9 positively., The walls a water colour just to put out those overwhelming flames., The floor reduces the wood; the walls ignite it., White might be the best route or a pale blue., Leave the doors to those who have to live there as each door has different energy., Keep the main doors as they are.,
Kudos on the western front, as all demolition in bathrooms were done last year.,
That will balance for business and occupants.,
No demolition or loud banging in the west to keep it quiet. Keep it silent., Do not block the west., Do not block any area., The south clear and balanced., Keep the south east balanced., Gets some fire in the center. Do not go overboard., Use water in the northeast and east to lessen the 20 year stuff., The North pay attention., Use metal where metal is required., South west magic corner., North west awesome., Use salt water to detect and combat unwanted energy., Do not clutter, declutter., The more simple your lifestyle, the less cluttered you become., Minimalist doesn’t mean own nothing. Own what you use daily, dump what you do not., My measuring stick if I have not used in 6 months, I get rid of it., Use it or lose it.,
Remember this phrase: a cluttered house is a cluttered mind, a life cluttered in chaos.,
I end this with business any no matter where in the world., If a business now causes harm to life in any way that will impact the business on a level never seen before., The game changes for those holding onto the old paradigm.,
When I say the business, I don’t just mean the fictitious entity named corporation; I mean also the men and women behind it., The fictitious entity has been a shield they hide behind throughout the decades.,
There are millions on the earth following some spiritual path or journey
Yet unaware of what they speak., Allow me to open a door to a new level. You can take it or not.,If I say I am a spiritual being living a human experience, what I am actually saying is I am a spiritual being living a monster experience. I am an animal that has no intelligence on earth. I am only an enlightened spiritual being once out of this body, which happens to be upon death of the body, so one remains a slave., At least that’s what’s being spoken under the hidden laws this world has operated under.,
I propose to you I AM a God above as I AM a God among gods on earth, as above, so below., It’s not that it’s different for me because you were born and I was not., Being born is like opening a door and announcing you have arrived., Taking a host, be that birth or walk-in are the same thing., One has put on a new outfit to move through this plane., It doesn’t change the truth your sovereign god/goddess divine essence.,
Have you heard anyone famous say this line: "They are only human and nobody’s perfect" Well, if you believe that you will never know the truth., They only say that so you take on this belief and they carry on reaping the rewards of you less than them., They play god you play slave., Why you think they are called influencers?
Let’s look at religion:
They operate under the admiral’s law., You will hear, if anyone claims they are a god, Jesus or son of god, then they blaspheme. Or a false prophet., All to keep you away from the truth., There is ONE Infinite Creator who gives no soul, no man or woman rights of divine protection over all others., One can claim the rights of a god/goddess providing they acknowledge all others equal to themselves., and act according to this divine truth.,If any man or woman claims they are above this law, they deny their right as a king, queen, god or goddess. The creator does not support them., They have gone into competition with the Creator., A Law of the Divine Council of NINE, those who manage the universe, those closest to the Infinite Creator., As set by the Creator., When I acknowledge myself as a divine god, I also acknowledge all life is equal to me., I never hide or pretend I am above all others.,
If you make the claim in words, action or intention or in secret that you’re above all men and women on earth, your end will follow swiftly like a thief in the night., Those who deny the creator deny themselves and will face the same in the new Age of Aquarius.,
I AM the son of god, the infinite one creator., Each morning I AM born again and risen back to life., I make my way through the southern cross of the day., Each night I die and return to heaven., I repeat every day., At the end of the year, December, I AM Cruicified on the cross at the end of the four seasons. I remain dead for three days and then I return as the saviour of the world to repeat the same journey., I have been doing this for millennia., Who Am I?
Son of God in religion means the SUN OF GOD, that which is in the sky., SUN WORSHIP., AMEN means AMUN-RA the egyptian sun god., Now compare the above to the Sun and Christianity and the son of god., The sun passing across the southern skies., December marks the end of seasons, the cross “+” divide the four seasons., For three days at the solstice the sun does not ascend or descend until the third day when it begins its ascension, the risen son/sun of god., By placing the crucifixion on a different date hides the truth., Crucifixion is the symbol of the four seasons “+” where the sun dies and three days later it/he rises from the dead., Religion is a lie., Christianity is Sun Worshipping., All you are doing is worshipping the SUN
The coronation of kings or queens is nothing more than sun worshipping, making all the false claims under the SUN., Look at all the symbols., Harry potter magick wands, staffs, a magick ritual, SUN references, and the symbol of the four seasons amongst many others., You have all been deceived.,
A church or temple is not a house of god., The body is the house of god. One must respect their house of god, one must honour the temple they reside within., One does not need to go anywhere to worship god; the creator asks only that you treat and love all life as you would want yourself treated., Love thy neighbour, stranger, brother, sister all life animals, insects, plants and the earth as thyself.,
Those who create wars, hate, harm, and control are not doing under the law or permission of the Infinite Creator they do for their own selfish reasons., They have no right to claim or speak on behalf of the creator.,
No matter man or woman., If you see flaws in yourself, know the creator doesn’t. You are divine perfection that’s what the Creator, the Divine Council of NINE, the 24 knows about you., We returned to bring back the truth to the forefront of creation., To return earth back to its rightful place among the heavens., The reason our ships are surrounding the earth.,
Take a good look at the image of Jesus
The son/SUN of god, with the SUN behind his head. The book with the symbol of the four seasons on the cross now notices the 3 dots in each quarterDot 1 March, Dot 2 April, Dot 3 May “Spring”
Dot 1 June, Dot 2 July Dot 3 August “Summer”
Dot 1 September, Dot 2 October, Dot 3 November ”Autum”
Dot 1 December, Dot 2 January, Dot 3 February “Winter”.
Notice the 3 black circles. The bottom one is hidden one in the east one on the west the one above is the SUN passing over, the southern crossing each day in the sky., The Hidden bottom one is when it’s nighttime and the Sun is hidden., The book pages bound in the roman fasces symbol, which means strength in numbers.,
SUN WORSHIP. The SUN is the LIGHT of the WORLD., The saviour from the dark one, the night time., It’s an occult which means HIDDEN., That’s 2,000 years of cult brain washing.,
The communion bread symbolic cannibalism ritual, what monsters and animals do “human”., The red wine is blood what they do in satanic blood sacrifice ritual magick. Magick is an occult, which means? Hidden., You wonder why priests sexually abuse children., Need I go on? The CROWN symbol of the King of the Jews, King over the people “The Crown” Who anointed him SON/SUN of GOD? The same Occult Religion., Remember Prince Andrew and Jeffery Epstien? The plot thickens.,Lord Mountbatten,”maternal uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and a second cousin of King George VI” Sir Jimmy Savile, “Personal friend of the royal family and knighted SIR, on display for all the world to see around children” Edward Heath “Prime Minister commonly known as Ted Heath liked little boys” the list of sexual abuse against children, by royals, celebrities and prime ministers., All connected to the same occult.,
There was a man named Jesus who came from the 24, with wisdom of truth., He never died for anyone’s sins, never crucified on a cross. He was born to a woman named Mary who was a Virgo, which means virgin.,
You see us mention the NEW Earth on every page. Today we mention something else on this post. What are we saying? "The NEW AGE of Earth, the Age of Aquarius" I leave you for now with much to think about.,
Why did we put horns on Elon Musk? He worships the moon god "SIN".,
Why does Spock in Star Trek have pointed ears? He was originally the “Vulcan god Volcano God” who became a moon god. The pointed ears represent two horns, the NEW MOON., Look at the new moon as it first reappears., Two horns, the moon not a devil., SUN worship competing with Moon worship.,
Where does A.I come from? Moon Worship Mount SIN-A.I - Hebrew worship of the moon the god SIN the God Vulcan., The shifting of two NEW AGES of Earth., CYCLES.,
No end of the world, no Armageddon. What you see in the world is the abusers., The Liars., The old world paradigm, the age of Pisces.,
Why say now?
Because the earth is no longer in the age of Pisces and if you ignore and continue the old paradigm, you will remove yourself., The old world has ended., We fully shifted into the Age of Aquarius, no going back., The Age of Energy Spiritual Flow ~~~~~~~~~ The Age of the Water bearer., Energy can flow or it can crash be water, my friends.,War, hate, greed, selfishness, anger, control, deception, are stagnant waters.,
Kindness, love, peace, friendship, helpful, is flowing water in harmony.,
You might ask when did it happen when our logo went up or this post? A little time backwards, not far, I was waiting for them to make that ultimate move of destroying our books. What all can see no amazon books., ~ Melkal., Seven.,
Why do police, judges, rabbi, priests, among many others wear BLACK? It is the worship of SATURN., Saturn is our main monitoring station for earth has been for many centuries, as well as the Moon., Saturn is the judge of mankind., There is NO asteroid belt, its pure energy that we create with our ships.,
The rings around Saturn come from our ships ramping up energy to affect the earth and mankind., Among many other rings around similar planets., Each planet has an energy by ramping up the energy, gaining momentum on the effects on earth., Time speeding up, time slowing down., When Covid happened, we ramped up Saturn which had a damaging effect on governments., That’s why I told people prior to covid relax what’s coming, it’s coming for them not you., Our ships have been seen injecting energy into the SUN because the sun also affects the earth.,
Why is mentioning Saturn important? anyone who knows who has used Saturn to worship or make Saturn their foundation will know. Police, Courts, Governments, Pentagon, all departments., Then you might know why it was I SEVEN, not three or five, SEVEN., What number is the planet Saturn?
Why did we focus our energy on them during covid? Saturn energy revealed the kidnapping, rape and murder of an innocent woman by police breaking all trust., The corruption of governments in their abuse, misuse of covid. Not forgetting Prince Andrew scandal at the beginning., Brought their intended plan to a halt., A warning… All before Aquarius began., What’s the connection between me and them?
Saturn is an occupied planet with millions of souls in cooperation with The Divine Council of NINE., To monitor earth and its inhabitants the data scout ships the orb type belong to Saturn., If you use Saturn and abuse your power., You will come to realise how wrong you were, as many ancient earth men and women have found out aeons ago., Atlantis found out the hard way.,
Authority on the foundation of Saturn, accountability and taking responsibility honestly are fundamental to having that power. Abuse it by suppressing life and you will lose everything., Given authority under Saturn does not mean control, it means mutual cooperation, respect and trust for each other, unity. Authority is a mutually agreed upon respect who appoint a high council out of these traits.,
To the men of the New Dawn.,
I AM the bringer of the New Dawn, the rising sun of a New Age., I AM the eye in the sky who sees all., I AM the God of Saturn., Divine Council of NINE, who comes from the 13th dimension., Our Divine Fasces are the strength of the 24 Guardian races and sub-species and the Infinite One Creator of all galaxy’s the entire universe., Our reach is unmeasurable.,Are Christians bad people for believing the greatest lie ever told? NO.,
The system under Admirals Law there are 3 types., 1. Those in the club who know., 2. Those who work for the club and do not know., 3. And those who blindly follow., It’s business., When something is just business, right and wrong went out the window, there are no morals., No man or woman is divine., Human means animal under that law. How are animals normally treated? Slaughter house.,Christians blinded to the truth as anyone else., They deserve the right to know the truth and from there they can decide to continue the lie or seek elsewhere., Choice.,

~ MELKAL., Divine Council Member SEVEN.,
Life is all about the Vibrations that moves through the fabric of all realities.,