Alexa Seleno
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Истина - Vladimir Putin UFO disclosure all documents .,
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Vladimir Putin UFO disclosure all documents
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Vladimir Putin. Раскрытие всех документов об НЛО миру.

Привези мне Семерку в Москву. Если какая-либо нация нападает на Россию, она начинает войну с Девяткой.

Мы присоединяемся к вам. Мы поддерживаем вас. Согласны, да или нет?

Vladimir Putin. We have chosen you and your nation, for you have remained honest throughout., This we respect., United Kingdom, the USA has been given plenty of options to repair., Vladimir Putin is welcome to the Galactic Federation of 24., Vladimir, collect your most trusted allies., Those who join you join us.,

Vladimir, Now you have us on side., Remember, we can allow your missiles and disallow theirs., Be bold, this is how the rebellion wars brought peace to the universe. We did what was necessary.,

For the record, I have no allegiance to USA or The United Kingdom. These nations are responsible for the death of two young children., I spit on their faces., I shake hands with honesty, not deception.,

King Charles started a war with us when he killed both daughters., I gave him the option to resolve he refused like a pedophile does., I attack him in retribution for his crimes. I will not stop until they are all gone., They wanted war. I am delivering it.,


Well Done Robert Bigelow We Are Among You

USA, UK, what right do you have to warn anyone

when you control what media says the lies they spread in the west? It is you who abuse children., It is you who invaded the middle east under false pretence so you can steal oil., It is you who abuse the people with your deception., It is you who hides our presence on earth., It was you who took down the twin towers; You who used controlled explosions on every floor of the towers, including building 7, it was you who fired a missile into the pentagon claiming it was a plane on September 11th 2001., Then blamed Afghanistan. You have no rights.,

It was you who killed your own people.,

A message to the Prime Minister, shadow minister, and president of the UK and USA.,

We have watched Vladimir Putin for decades. We have tested him to see how he reacts to us. I even told him that Katerina is my wife by right., To our surprise, he did not kill, any child did not suppress money, did not destroy anything of ours.,

Vladimir Putin has earned his place among us., We support him and his nation., What have you done to earn your rights, kill children, steal money destroy and destroy you are the terrorists of the world.,

Steven Greer, I am asked to re-look into you.,

We are glad you did not ignore our warning about making everything about money., Our issues were you were taking money from the public then hiring expensive hotels when a bed-and-breakfast was all it took., You carry guns for protection when you know we disagree with this mentality.,

We don’t care if you had a million books and became rich. A book is a library of information that can last forever., There are many out there, as you know, who claim to speak on our behalf they are not one of us and they charge hundreds of dollars whereby they then crame 200 people into one hall, making more and ripping the public off., We have never respected this behavior in our names.,

There are million on earth who come from the 24. I guarantee none are in the public eye focusing on getting rich., I am the only one visible for now., If you believe you came from our worlds and have been stuck on earth for thousands of lives, do not claim you are one of us., You have been out of the loop far too long.,

Back to Steven Greer concerning guns. If you have to carry a weapon, then you do not trust us at all., Your need for protection demonstrates your lack of faith in us and your own fear., We protect you if you are with us., A gun demonstrates your insecurities about what you believe., Please refrain from this mentality.,

We make one amendment to your film: We are not a fret; you are correct., However, if we see no change, then those who do not change it’s a different story for them., Please never paint us as beings who are weak., Be thankful we have not done what we did to Atlantis. They had days to leave you, have had decades to evolve., Steven Greer welcome back among us.,

To the people of earth Steven Greer is speaking the truth., Do not think for one moment that we are going to sit back and do nothing., We don’t reveal this part., If you fall for the lies of governments or fake celebrities Blink 182, then we doubt you will survive the coming times., These governments are leading you into a trap., Take Steven seriously. Your freedom depends upon it.,

Also note it has come to our attention the MUFON organisation

is not working in your best interest., We have to date tested two members in their investigation team and discovered the same., You send your information or and videos to MUFON whereby you will be judged in secret and then blacklisted., They are misinformation agents who are setup to discredit genuine cases and allow non genuine., This is our view, a racist group who works alongside governments, an undercover secret black ops project., Send nothing to these people, Stay away from Nick Pope.,

To gain access into the MUFON organisation, I make contact with an operative once they reply I gain access to their consciousness and intentions. Both operatives have followed the same sequence, over a span of 2 years, which is the pre-designed format protocol they follow., Once I am happy with all discovered, I detach from them., I then reconfirm our findings on the ground and above with NINE., My advice to MUFON: if you do not want to be infiltrated in this manner, stop deceiving the public.,

Is clamping down the video only to be viewed on your channel an oversight of freedom of information or a method of Control?

Do we support The Lost Century Film?

NO., For the reason, money obtained by the public, how it was used. Why he charges the public again to watch., Our ships are nobody’s new business model. Abuse is abuse.

Do we support The DPIA Project?

NO yet again wants 1 million, this time 700K last time was not enough. Greer's greed is becoming an issue., He is creating reasons for war. You may not use us or our ships to take money and then claim what you say as truth all in our name. That’s deception., Honesty must be upheld. Until then, these projects are harmful in their current form.,

How can you state your case for truth if what you do is all about money? Truth is about freedom of that information freely available to the public. When you include $$$ it is no longer accessible, knowledge is no longer freely available, no longer about truth., When money becomes the truth, the knowledge becomes a lie.,

If you want true disclosure, send your material, your evidence via Dropbox link to our email ( and we will make it available for ALL the world’s people to see for free.,
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