Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - United Kingdom Military Truth The Heros Last Stand .,
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United Kingdom Military Truth The Heros Last Stand
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United Kingdom Military Truth

Did you know that the United kingdom governments cannot promise protection., Since The Iraq war and Afghanistan war soldiers started buying themselves out early., and recruitment is poor to zero., There are not enough soldiers to protect the united kingdom. Soldiers woke up that both wars were illegal and committed under lies. Both wars are war crimes. Every minister is guilty of these war crimes., Soldiers got smart and left.,

The MOD claims if a big war strikes, they would have to enlist civilians as they do not have the manpower or womanpower to go to war., They are fucked basically., Yet what they will not tell you is you do not have to enlist even if they say it’s mandatory, it’s a lie., Your freewill guarantees you this.,

Look around. You might see military recruitment posters they are desperate.,

People have woken up, soldiers have woken up. it’s only the government who remains blind, arrogant and stupid.,

That’s also why the UK gov stuck its nose in Ukraine war, because the British can’t fight Russia so it’s using other countries it’s using Ukraine to do what they want Putin gone., That’s why they helped., Any country can attack the UK because they can’t fight back.,

Did you know this? If you answer NO, you knowing this truth puts the gov in a vulnerable place so they kept it hidden from you.,

To all ex soldiers who walked away, thank you for your non service., Thank you for your intelligence., Thank you for putting your life and the lives of your family’s first instead of for the liars in government or the royal fools., Thank you., We appreciate you.,

Told you “Confessions of a Bodyguard The Heros Last Stand” told you it was going to happen., The entire network went against you.,

Now, where are they all? Who are they now working for? Rishi Sunak go suck on your big toe and sulk.,

In the entire history of the NINE, no leading council member has ever walked the earth in human form until SEVEN.,

All the things ATUM/Tom spoke as our spokesperson by his tone and our wisdom never would you have seen us coming., Everything I have done would appear out of character for the NINE., When it comes to the others, we leave nothing to chance., ATUM gave nothing about SEVEN present on earth in the later years well not completely accurate as he did mention SEVEN one time in a way of double meanings.,

In the days of ARZU he did what was necessary for the all rather than himself he dedicated millions of years to a single cause the fall of ANU., This made SEVEN our number one choice.,

The words of any member of NINE hold great power, be that in any form., His words are the might of ten thousand angels when imbued with the essence of NINE., He wrote that book with a single chapter imbued by the power of NINE., The London backstreet cafe meeting of Corporal Tim and the Government man warning to back-off Jake or else., The power becomes manifest., SEVEN dedicated the chapter to you government.,

SEVEN’s words are the might of ten thousand angels when imbued with the essence of NINE.,

SEVEN knew after he marched into London the night before Donald Trump’s arrival that you, as a government, would try to ignore, deny and lie your way out of taking accountability., That chapter placed covertly into the book if you deny taking accountability., The entire royal family is falling sick and dying., It ends when we say it ends., Low level members of government are leaving before it catches up on them., None are willing to take the fall for your error.,

After my first daughter’s death, you bribed me with money to take a label, a label you could later use to prevent anyone from believing what I say. So we wrote the true story about that in Winged Messenger Spirits Above the Challenge. Then upon my arrival in Dundee. The Police who was refused by government to help me leave the forest. I told them I have a knife in my Nato bag. They tried to arrest me and I gave them no power to achieve it. Whereby from St Andrews to the Dundee police station, I spoke with a Sargent, who then suggested Carsview hospital voluntary in order to bring me out of the forest.

I agreed after a while and the big showdown regarding Katy and the razor blade NHS coverup. The Doctor kicked me out as he lost control of his temper and shouted out that there was nothing wrong with me. I replied, Thank you with a smile., Because written in Winged Messenger was the truth.,

Every time I went into each system, I always came out with big secrets you wanted kept hidden from the public., Why am I always in the right place at the right time? You can thank NINE.,

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