Alexa Seleno
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Истина - Truth About Covid = Cyanide Poisoning You See Latin Ovid .,
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Truth About Covid = Cyanide Poisoning You See Latin Ovid
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Truth About Covid = Cyanide Poisoning You See. Latin Ovid.

Cyanide poisoning symptoms: Early: headache, dizziness, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, vomiting, Later: seizures, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest.

COVID-19 symptoms can include: high temperature or shivering. Coughing. Loss of smell or taste. Shortness of breath. Feeling tired. Aching body. Headache. Sore throat. Blocked or runny nose. Loss of appetite. Diarrhoea.

As stated on the NHS website. Notice how they relate or exact to Cyanide poisoning. In Latin OVID means YOU SEE Now add the “C” in covid and you have (CYANIDE YOU SEE) Cyanide Poisoning You See?

Rewind pre-covid tobacco products were altered the packaging changed removing the ingredients which used to state cyanide in tobacco. This allowed them to hide and increase the poison without anyone noticing. So when covid came nobody would join the dots. In the UK labels changed to hide the truth, started MAY 2017 2 years prior to covid.

Tobacco sold worldwide a global genocide, same as WW2 Gas, poisoning the jews, only this time covertly discreet and disguised as a lie under a new name.

So what about the people who never smoked? Placebo effect. Plain and simple. Do your research.

It’s all been a lie orchestrated by all governments worldwide they were acting as Adolf Hitler. Global genocide. Fact.

When covid first began Wulan labs all a storyline play, all an act whilst they were poisoning the world with cyanide, slowly day by day. Who stamps their duty on tobacco? Who profits from it? Who forced killer labels on packaging? Same people who committed the global genocide governments. The same people caught lying during it all.

Take notice on the NHS website they state this. The symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other illnesses, such as colds and flu.
That creates confusion surrounding symptoms and speculation, which means the symptoms can be anything. If anyone should stumble on the truth CYANIDE then speculation word programming already enforced.

Take a look at this question

In the early days of covid, it was called Coronavirus. Corona in Latin means CROWN, one of the very families involved in mass killing the population.

What does it mean when the body coughs? It’s the body’s natural response to removing foreign entities from the body. A defence to poison.

What about the evidence on the vaccine? See Video Below


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