Time Acceleration Consciousness Vibrating at a Higher Frequency
Higher the motion, higher the frequency of vibration., Have you felt time speeding up? To me, a week appears as one day went by.,If all I did was nothing, I would remain at the frequency of a week feeling like 7 days had passed., For I have done nothing to seek higher dimensional shifting., I would not be seeking the higher mind., Universal mind the infinite all., A car will go faster when the motion of the engine increases, reaching the destination much faster.,
Aye, time which exists through all space, floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement that is eternally in a state of fixation.,
To move into higher dimensions, one must increase their vibration, which inturn moves the soul outside of time. Then one notices time no longer fixed. Therefore, one moves outside of time., Moving closer to the infinite all.,Time changes not, but all things change in time. For time is the force that holds events separate, each in its own proper place. Time is not in motion, but ye move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another. Aye, by time yet exists, all in all, an eternal ONE existence. Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate, yet still are ONE, in all times existent.
The slower time feels, the lower their energy vibration is., If one seeks higher wisdom on a constant rhythm daily, one engages the higher mind inturn the vibration reaches higher., If one does not seek, they remain on a lower vibration time feels slow, no higher dimensions reached., No wisdom obtained.,Lower vibration is equal to a river not moving and becomes stagnant., The wisdom of Bruce lee teaches the wisdom of motion of higher thinking.,
There is truth if you enjoy your job, time will go faster because JOY is the essence of the creator, hence a higher vibration., If you do not enjoy your job, then the message is apparent.,
One who reads and not understands is not vibrating at a higher vibration to comprehend its meaning. 1: it reveals an obvious message., 2: a goal to reach., 3: which direction to move., A navigation tool to choose the right path at the crossroads of life. The fork in the road.,
History Facts: In the late 80s to early 90s, the younger generation locked into a truth to obtain higher states of consciousness using LSD. This became a fret to the establishment only because they would lose control and lose all power over them, so they made it illegal., Medication establishes control over the many LSD releases, them.,
Speaking from experience as one of the cheerful souls of that time., I can confirm that LSD and cannabis produce no harm far more peaceful than any other., As one who took multiple trips at once, it did no harm to me., Experience outweighs a sad faced establishment who throws its dummy out the pram because it dislikes seeing others happy., LSD is an amazing healing agent that’s scientifically proven.,No misunderstanding: I do not advocate cannabis in my experience. It makes you lazy; it does make you peaceful, chilled. Long-term use creates paranoia and disassociation with the outside world and others. It can be a great pain sedative. This I feel it serves that place best., Oh, how I forget the laughter, the giggles is another level of happiness, the munches a hinderance if you're on a diet., Some perks.,
LSD highly recommend it can heal old emotional wounds by facing your fears, reach higher planes of existence, obtain wisdom not found in a mundane lifestyle., It’s FUN It’s safe providing you trust that nothing was added that should not be., Knowing your merchant is key., All other drugs I do not recommend or support for I learned early the dangers, whereby my peers were not so lucky., Although I recommend LSD, it has been longer than 20 years since my last adventure in LSD; I doubt it’s still around.,
As for alcohol, something I never understood, yet I know more now after a brief spell to understand them., Do I recommend it? Not really, once in a while seems harmless, daily seems suicidal. Yet this is one person’s short experience opinion on that., Do what makes you happy., LSD is all I am willing to vote up on others down.,
NINE suggests my findings on alcohol are not in depth., Why don’t I recommend? I discovered after a short while my body started to shut down I found myself regenerating, healing the body more than I would normally do., I would compare alcohol as dangerous as heroin, only it takes longer and slowly creeps up on you., I did all my experiments in secret away from other people., Clearly, motor functions are impaired., I could reach higher awareness, which I found shocking to learn., Loss of time does occur., The fact that it can shut down the body makes it a no, not for me., Occasional use is harmless., The feelings it can generate is obviously a plus, which makes sense why it’s popular.,
It’s your life, your choice, not mine. I have no right nor does anyone to choose it for you., FREEWILL, means freewill.,
Why is alcohol legal and most drugs are not? Clearly, alcohol generates illness, which the government and corporation big pharma make money on, so they abuse it., LSD and Cannabis are not dangerous., They must have a place on shop shelves., Let’s face facts: no doctor is ever going to recommend these drugs whilst alcohol can generate so much business for them.,