Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - The United Kingdom Government .,
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The United Kingdom Government
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Every government, no matter the department, all are against the one infinite creator, as this system negates life and does not support life.,

I spent 4 decades getting something on them., I did as Altea, not NINE., I am not alone on this, other species also have something on them., I can’t tell you what they want or what they came here to do., NINE gave them permission to enter earth., Since then ALTEANS have been flooding in to earth., The 24 coalition are on standby in the atmosphere.,

These governments are stuck between us all., They fear if they tell you they fear what will happen to them., They have been told to keep quiet., We agree with that., Steven Greerer must back off with disclosure., He does not have all the details; he does not know what is going on., You noticed me going to war on Covid that’s because this species did it; the governments forced into it., Not by us, the others.,

You have also seen me attack Putin in the past.,

You might think you know lots, yet I tell you, you do not know what is going on., Hopefully these videos will hint., Be careful with assumptions.,

I also told you our history with the rebellion wars., We require you to know this about us and why it happened., It will make sense at some point.,

People like Rishi Sunak know nothing as he as well as all the others around the globe are just front men, men and women of no importance., They are not running any country. Showmen., NINE has forbidden me on informing you, as I did want to tell., They allow only what I am saying.,

USA, Russia and the United Kingdom were all warned to back away from me.,

USA, Russia, UK are all on the same page as us., Alteans are mainly in Russia. Anything done to mother Russia is done to Altea.,


I assure you what the pentagon gives is nothing of importance. They will not disclose the truth., The spiral comes from ALTEA., To all ufologist if you keep making shit up for content and financial gain, you are making it worse.,

I did not come here to destroy the earth., The UK government fucked themselves when they thought I was just another human they could abuse., Now they know different.,

A hint: Ronald Reagan was the only president to slip out the truth regarding one of the other species on earth., This error of Ronald’s never repeated.,


After much debate with NINE, I give you half the story.,

Watch the film fast-forward to 29minutes and listen. That outside force is already here. It’s a lower species who want earth for themselves. They have forced governments into building a weapon to fight off any species who come to free the humans from this lower species. These governments fear retaliation if they do not obey.

Feminism was done to suppress the males into passiveness. When the fret reveals itself, then there ain’t nobody to defend women or children., These women do not know they had been used to weaken men.,

Covid was about numbing down all societies into submission. And removing souls.

One world government would take hold, by this lower species., We allowed this species to enter earth as all governments who abuse the people, through their negativity, drew this species to them., The weapon is to defend the earth from help., So humans become the slaves of this lower species., (YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY) You are guaranteed those in governments and others who fear retaliation will end up far worse off than most. They are not intelligent to see this., Fear does strange things to people and they are no different.,

Climate change is deliberate as the earth changes. It makes it more livable for this lower species., By not stopping oil rigs, pollution and so on, the closer you get to their climate conditions where they can live but you cannot., That’s why governments do not change this.,

Transgender is about confusing the identity of a person mentally breaking down the soul of humanity.,

Luckily, you are not alone. Many species have taken up residency on earth to help stop this., Make no mistake, you are helping this species destroy you by continuing to support governments. They are looking out for themselves out of fear.,

Behind all these events, in BOLD the lower species were involved in doing it., If you can’t defend yourself because you're always drunk or on drugs or became passive and obedient or mentally confused. Then you won’t stand a chance against this lower species., All those spiritual people came here to help you. A great shame that most made it about money.,

There are two groups within governments, those who want better for the earth and those in fear of retaliation.,

We intentionally keep what NINE and the 24 are doing away from public consumption. The lower species hopes I will reveal., The lower species that are here knows they cannot compete against higher species.,

You will notice Reagan lead in by comparing USA and Russia as the superpower and how he says they are the villain. And here they are today, making him out to be a villain when it’s them. The lower species has control of the USA., This world war they are trying to spark is what brings about the end of the human race and the rise of the lower species., Look how the UK is helping by helping Ukraine., That war is nobody’s business but Russia and the Ukraine.

The pyramid ships above the Kremlin and the Pentagon belong to the NINE., Notice how many times we revealed 9 with the dates and the years apart., 2018 1+8=9 / 2009 “9” December the 9th “9”, Both were in December to highlight was the same species the NINE., 9 years apart., Then we did similar with SEVEN our video taken in Dundee.,

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