The School of Supernatural Powers Lesson One
I want to talk to the younger generation 18 upwards as you stand a better chance of activating such powers. By the time you can really do something with them, you will be old enough to use them responsibly because it takes years of daily practice. Stop practicing, start losing the abilities.,I will start with something one can see and practice using the elemental AIR., Watch “Men who stare at goats” You will find the cloud bursting technique. Ignore the comedy humor surrounding that scene. That’s so you don’t take it too seriously and never bother trying., Your own belief about what you can and cannot do matters here, so ignore everyone who says impossible, for them, yes true, for you yes you can.,
It’s harmless the sky won’t fall, nobody gets to remove a cloud on their first attempt, practice and dedication., If you want to learn this so you can hurt someone who upset you, then forget it. Walk away. It will not happen, you will hurt yourself., and powers will be taken off you., I teach nobody a direct 1, 2, 3 steps to bypassing the Laws of NINE.,
Choose a cloud that’s moving real slow that’s around a house in size. Stare at it and don’t look away or become distracted. See that cloud vanishing. Use your emotions to make a link with something that makes you feel happy. WILL that cloud to disappear, use your hand twist and turn it as if it were in your hand and squish it, keep your hand down don’t make yourself look silly hand at your side., Start a timer you have 5 minutes to complete your task.,
On your first successful cloud burst that wonder, excitement and joy you feel are now your trigger harness for all future bursting., You can do, as you know you can. Your belief in you is successfully installed into your soul., Practice every day shorten the time until you can do under 1 minute or less.,
You have learned how to affect matter using your mind projected on to the air elemental., Always find new ways to practice in your everyday living in ways that nobody knows you're doing., You're practicing invisibility affecting the world around you under cover in secret.,
Never take drugs, never drink alcohol. At the least, don’t make that what you are about, as it will consume your life and destroy you eventually., Take it from one with plenty of experience., You will become a target for the unseen world, never be angry or become a karen., Learn to control your temper. The unseen world will leave you alone if your heart is pure., You will have a shield of armour of protection because you’re honest and have good intentions.,
Learning to cloud burst any chosen cloud is a basic beginner practice method., You can expand and develop your own techniques as you grow in this new earth reality., You are seeing the world in a whole new light, one you never knew existed., Throw your Xbox out the window because this game is far more beneficial than pretending with a Xbox.,
The NINE are always watching and will take them away if you abuse your new powers., We are liberating you with powers locked and hidden away inside you.,
After you master the cloud bursting a new power, a new method will become available to you. Have patience., Remember, never get upset if the cloud says no, not today., keep doing., Persistence wins., Tell nobody who you believe won’t believe it. They are like a virus running through the matrix of a computer. Their mission is to install doubt in you., Be a ninja., Every day of your life is now training day., Sharpen your skills., Become supernatural.,
Few more: At night before sleeping in the dark in your mind’s eyes when closed. Can you see people doing things, like a film is playing, people you have never seen before? Good, they are not on this planet. They are not ghosts or spirits., Ask them what they want to show you. Lip read their mouths. See what they are doing, try to link it to something you understand in your life., Or related to a question you ask them.,
If you can’t see them, ask them to show themselves. Have patience., Bring your mind’s brain wave frequency down to alpha and theta whilst remaining awake., Meditation is a helpful tool., If you can reach Delta and remain awake my hat off to you.,
OK, another easy hack, before you sleep, turn off your alarm, now command your body to wake you up at the time you desire., Do that every night prepare to have your mind blown in wowness.,
If you can wake yourself up in intervals of 3 hours 4 or 5 during the night and you will remember what you dreamed about and hold that information., keep the lights dim as you recall, summon that information up from your stomach as each part comes to you say thank you and more will follow.,
Practice tickling a person with an imaginary feather on their neck when you see them scratch their neck or touch. You know you're having an effect on them., Best wishes to all new recruits.,
Teach your children, teach your friends and family, teach everyone who is willing to open their minds to what lives inside them., The power lives in you.,
I once taught others how to walk through any wall, sadly this film makes fun out of it, you don’t use your body you use your mind and spirit to pass through walls during meditation or trance to collect information and return to your body., Dumbass film industry., It’s funny never the less.,
P.S stay away from Elon Musk and microchips in the brain you already have the abilities., The long-term agenda is not good.,
If you see this badge, with the all-seeing eye image, now you have a better understanding about it and its meaning., If you want to learn how? You know who, what to look for., X for X-Men red for warning., Eye for Psyops., Sun rays for the rising sun on a new day, new world, the new dawn rising, the new earth movement., 5 is for freedom Council of FIVE., Why red, why a warning? This is no average, normal, mundane man. Supernatural., This is a New Earth Man., If you assume, deceive on this divine soul, you do at your own risk., Formerly known by the government as MR X.,
When the first generation of New Earth X-Men trained., I arrived. I am the second generation of X-Men. Our targets have no distance as an obstacle. We effect from any location anywhere in the world., The first generation needed to be in the room with a target., We are beyond time and space., regarding remote influencing not remote viewing.,

Do you understand quantum entanglement? Well, if all things come from the one infinite creator, then you have quantum entanglement between all things throughout the universe, therefore you can affect all things.,
Scanning most of New York emergency services
These things are happening right now. By having these details we can remote view to see what really happened., We have our target and all relevant data., These things make excellent training tools., To sharpen one’s skills.,DATA POINTS: A fire on top floor. One child and adults.
battalion 37 5 minutes away
mertle avenue, berswick, brooklyn, new york.
3rd battalion no reset and no other address.,
Time 9:45am GMT time zone. Time: 10:04, duration now 20 minutes away.
fire on 3rd floor 2 lines 1 operational, investigating 3rd floor.
10:06 duration now 22 minutes battalion 37.
changing to ocean avenue 10:13am
Concerning is battalion 37. it’s taking longer and longer for arrival at around 5am in the morning streets are clear., their first predicted time was 5 minutes away., ETA moved to 1 hour., Now thats enough reason to remote view battalion 37 On researching this part of New York seems nobody cares about the people who live here as fires happen a lot plenty of dead and hurt and plenty of investigations seems a lot of blaming yet nobody is looking at things like why is Battalion 37 taking a lunch break and moving like he has all year to get there., At first call they acknowledged a child was present in the fire., Concerning.,
Remote Viewed: We have an area of Brooklyn, New York, ethnic cultures, mainly low-income people living in poverty and rundown housing accommodation, we have a New York government who have no care for these people., Support and care not priority no immediate attention required governors orders.,
Right on schedule, someone from the UK informed they are being monitored., haha
Actual spelling of location is: Myrtle Avenue, Bushwick Brooklyn, New York., I’m scanning news channels and wondering why nobody is covering this fire any other fire they are on it., Is someone going to tamper with what goes out? Or hide it altogether? My interest has peaked again.,Interesting story in North London border of East London is an area in the 1980s was very much a ghetto, plans by the Haringey council were to force the riff-raff out who they deemed they wanted out so they could refurbish this area for the richer people to move in musicians, professional, doctors., Long list. I have a video with wasps that is that location. I look at Myrtle Avenue, noticing certain apartments and wonder if that’s what’s going on here? It has a lot of fires., Myrtle Avenue is 8.1 miles long with very different apartments. The only ones being shown inside are those neat shiny ones, not the run down ones., Something smells fishy here.,
No reset means keep going, do not return to base, stay on route., ocean avenue could not find possible different callout as I am covering the Bronx, Manhattan, to Queens so I am intercepting all jobs as they happen all services., Tracking the call signs is how I knew what to filter, the call out on ocean avenue which did not use a call sign., or lazy operator.,
And remember, if you practice this method, do not give out all data as you do want to catch them out if they try to hide, conceal or decieve. Keep your best data points out of sight., It’s a training method. You be shocked at what you can uncover.,
Media covers this fire in Queens, which has no 3rd floor. It goes live approximately 2 hours from when the fire started and still nothing on the fire I speak about., The plot thickens., News Media in their pockets much?.,NINE says: Consider the child is dead or badly hurt, and you made their error public., And if you never listened, nobody would know the drama of Battalion 37 that would have gone hidden.,
Took my mind into theta to arrive on location inside the building prior to the fire starting.,
Start bio relocate sensory view.,(I passed out on the floor, not sure why something I did not see coming. I came around got up went down the hall to my left entered the room a fan was running loud, I could sense I was being watched I shut the door grab a stick, theirs a rodent in the bed I flush him out his biting wires, the fan goes dead as the rodent attacks I ping back to my body., I recall an angry man.,)
End bio relocate sensory view.,
Upon re-analyses whilst in the body of the person who passed out,
I see no reflection or mirrors to suggest if I was male or female., The rodent indicates an intruder who was trying to go unseen., the intruder was male., possibly tampering with something electrical a fan or a computer fan., When I passed out, I was in a kitchen with the sense of being hit over the head. I recall a blow focused on the back of my head.,
When reaching the smaller bedroom whilst the door was a jar by 5 inches, I could see movement and eyes looking at me, which is how I knew I was being watched., The person had a lot of fear, hence shutting the door and grabbing a stick., I have a better description of the male, which I have no reason to share., all of this took place around 1 hour, which is the time I spent on location before jumping back into my own body., The rodent attacking and the fan going dead indicated the moment the fire started, which forced me to leave.,
The man became visible briefly as the rodent attacked the sound went dead. He pushed the doors, not the door for some reason, each hand on each door as he forced in. And then everything disappeared on seeing his face., Those things happened simultaneously., I am split regarding this man as I recognise the face., The mans face could be a bleed through from something unrelated., “Noted” I did not see a child, however I had the sense that’s maybe why I went directly to that room.,
It was approximately 8pm New York, 12 or 1am APPROX Greenwich time going backwards in time, approximately 15 to 17 hours into the past; the hour leading to the starting of the fire.,
Conlusion On Mans Face: To not state this would be dishonourable on my part, I know my powers better than anyone. The mans face was that of a black American celebrity who I had seen previously before moving my mind into theta. The rodent suggests I never knew them, so my mind interpreted only that it was an intruder unknown, rodent as in parasite or vermin., I see his face at the last second, a bleed through highly possible as I jump back into my body where my mind recalls where it left off before going into theta., If I had seen his face prior in the kitchen and during and the last second, then it would be him.,
I refer to the person’s body I was in, as a her, a feeling, even though I have not written that., I sense everything she feels, her vision, hearing, taste, smell, and emotions. Her emotions of not knowing who it was and my way of interpreting her emotions about the intruder showed me the rodent., the watcher at the door and the rodent in the bedroom can indicate there were more than one intruder present., Honesty about all parts is key to unraveling the story.,CASE CLOSED.,
A hint and the reason I did not give the full apartment details., I hope the penny drops. I can prove it did happen if the need arises., That’s why to see if the media hides the story or tells lies about the event.,
Evidence on media lies and government lies.,
---------------Exit 4 on the embankment, a man riding a bike collapses. Brooklyn 10:02am.
CPR in progress. time 10:16 man had a heart attack.,
Work out what you learned by this and what skills got strength., Anyone else listening would have just listened and not seen or been led to investigate more.,
If I discover the identity of a person I can point out, I must keep going until I can remove or confirm that person was actually there., I am now investigating my own sensor data., You can’t just say it was that person based on anything unless you can keep checking and double checking., Once satisfied how the identity got there, then you can close., If no identity is discovered, then close with what you have., Trust you and be willing to stay with it until data can be confirmed or thrown out., Just because you saw why did you see? The scene and your own sensory data analyse., Now you are a proficient psyops., You are no average man or woman. You are an eXtraordinary man or woman with a unique Skillset., It took me just over 1 day to obtain all data and close the case.,Films and TV shows
By watching every person and listening to them, try to anticipate their every move. Most people do this all the time without realising what a wonder method it can be., As you master, you are moving into future space to know what’s going to happen. Imagine how useful that can be., Don't do on films or shows you have already seen., Everything around you is a training tool once you know how to look at it.,In your home
Throw away the hoover use a broom., Don’t see a chore know you are clearing energy, moving energy, changing the vibration., Wax on wax off.,Some wonder what has this got to do with supernatural powers?
You’re strengthening that muscle called the brain. You are accessing parts you did not know were there., You want the outstanding powers right now. Unless you use the basic methods, you will never reach that stage., It takes years of practice., Don’t start, then you never become., To bake a cake, you need all the ingredients to leave one out or miss a step. The desired result changes, not what you wanted.,
When you have mastered these things and have seen for yourself., If you want more., Then you can track me down and we shall move to level 2., Out of sight, out of mind.,
One more training method: credit, debit card memory weightlifting.
When you use your credit or debit card and require your pin., Place one hand over the other so nobody can see, especially the shop cameras., Now look away and practice inputting your number., Your brain is doing all the work., You build a memory pattern., You are exercising the brain., You are pushing the boundaries of your mind., Don’t discount this as useful., Build that muscle to see without your eyes.,I am one who pushes to create positive change
My methods have no boundaries, formed to create the greatest outcome for all concerned., Through chaos comes order., I have no hate for anyone or anything. My intention is to bring about good in all., By order of the infinite one., By placing the ingredients into a cup, it is not yet a coffee of great taste until one stirs it up., Chaos into order.,In order to transform, one must die to the old self in death comes rebirth., My death occurred August 2012 My rebirth occurred in the middle east October 2012 my powers restored 21st December 2012., By being willingly to go in, I transformed chaos into order., I did not fear or doubt. I didn’t always know the reason for doing or going. I trusted the infinite one; the reason becomes revealed later out of trust., Through this process, I and the infinite one are one and the same.,
If I or anyone notices something that we disagree with, then that thing we dislike is in us as well or we would not see., It is our work to bring that thing into the light for all to see., It is our work to agree or disagree.,
To agree is to say it’s acceptable.
To ignore, to pretend it’s not there that which one knows to be there, it is to say they agree it’s ok acceptable. This is an identical match to what one disagrees with that which they are one and the same., To do nothing.,
To disagree is to make it known is not acceptable. Through this one and all, can look at this with clarity and command its cleanse within all areas upon earth and man. It cannot be transformed until this.,
One who pushes the topic into the light of day for all to see is one who commands its cleanse., The way seer, the way shower, and the way doer.,
The teenager is messy and has no respect for his living space., His father enters the room once a week and trashes his room and says to the teenager clean it., They do it as it’s not their mess or how they made it, so to them it’s chaos., You can only make a change if you’re willing to mess things up., Through chaos comes order.,