The New Age of Aquarius., The New World, New Earth.,
Is most certainly a beautiful place., Before I announced the transition early morning at Leven Beach walking along the path, I spotted a god who knew they were a god., Laying down, grounding themselves to the earth., I sat in gentle throwing distance sat listening to music soothing soul expanding type.,After a time this god got up, began walking towards me, passed me and turned, spoke the word. I smiled with a yes! And off he went into the day.,
After announcing The New Age of Aquarius., Again at Leven out of nowhere who should appear, the god walking among all., Walking with pure grace in his every step., He parked amongst the bus station and vanished into the background.,
When a certain bus arrived, he became visible and stepped onto the bus and was gone again., Not a man or woman, not even a child, could see him.,
Since The New Age of Aquarius started, more and more gods are walking around oblivious to others., I am also seeing others falling sick, which is a great shame if only they could have heard us calling., God to us is a man or a woman., You find god in goddess as you find man in woman., The combined soul.,
The old world, the age of Pisces, is falling away, fading out, taking its occupants with it., On the hardious road the cycle they must return to, may they some day remember the echo of our words and pass through to join us once more.,
What were the best things I did in my life prior to and at the new age start that had a profound effect? I switched off Netflixs, Amazon Prime, Disney, Paramount TV, switched over to Gaia TV full time, feed the soul only good stuff only truth.,
I made using a space blanket, a cable, plug and two crocodile clips and earthed my resting place plugged into the mains socket., Don’t do this if you don’t know the wiring pattern. Do it wrong and you will fry.,
Re structured, reprogrammed my water., I have an earthing plate at the foot of my computer., I walk barefoot once I know I am not going out.,
I expel the old paradigm using fluid, be that coughing, sneezing, taking a leak every day to keep the body in tiptop shape.,
A day ago I built a 6 foot copper pyramid above my bed, with a diameter whole feeding from the top via a plate. The bed is already earthed, so is the pyramid., The effects are profound.,
I never use a hoover only brooms as cleaning is energy clearing, not a chore. Hoover is a chore., Broom is spiritual movement of mind, body and soul.,
Some of these are resent changes., Energy is a conscious intentional way of life.,
I have just stumbled on a man named Andrew Harvey, a book called Radical Passion, yet I am watching him talk on Gaia Open Minds from the year 2012., Here is a man who understands., Speaks on law of attraction being detrimental rather than evolving the soul corporations making all inert., Hear, hear, Touché.,
When building the pyramid structure over the bed, I had nine guiding me left right bit more and so on., I then placed a funnel inverted at the top so the energy came through the funnel into the hole to the whole pyramid., In the night I must have tapped the side which made the funnel slop side out of alignment that woke me up and now I leave without a funnel.,
With the diy earth blanket that cost me no more than 49pence. The first nights were noticeable. I could feel every cell in my body vibrating, throwing an entire party with joy.,
WHY earthing the bed? As I have come to learn, it can heal the body of all inflammation, which always leads to sickness., A world stuck holding mobile phones and nobody is realising the damage it is doing to them., How to stay sick free and sack your doctor? Earth your bed with an earthing blanket already made or make one yourself., Alternatively, walk around barefooted.,
Imagine that earthing the body was the magic cure., Now imagine what that health would look like if all you had to do was sleep knowing the body was taking care of business as you slept., That’s exactly how I see earthing a bed., I am giving the cells what they want and they are giving me what I want., A working harmonic relationship of an entire ecosystem, the body.,
The biggest question one might have is I am not sick, so why do I need? Why wait until you're sick to even consider something new? Yes BUT I have a doctor that’s his or her job.,
Sadly, the system the doctor works under does not have your wellbeing in mind., If the doctor speaks what he knows, he loses his job so they keep quiet., Why wait until you're sick? When you can prevent sickness altogether.,
With TV, the best test of will is the route I chose. On paramount channel only, watching Star Trek the latest version, the last season is being added weekly. I moved out before all episodes uploaded. Because when deeply engrossed in something, if you can pull away without knowing the end you made it., Will power.,
I AM not new to this. I had been away from TV for over a decade. Since arriving in Scotland. I re took up the TV those channels above for two years and then dropped it like the programming junk that it is., It’s making people sick without knowing it.,
Copper Pyramid.,
I did a quick search to see if anyone else made their own copper pyramid., I noticed some things like taping the top to hold together., This was a big no, no from NINE, so I asked I need to turn the bed around. How about I share our gadget that holds together and makes it mobile can take anywhere. So here are the images of the gadget alone, a solid square hard foam. With equal measure, four outer holes for the poles and one center hole for energy to come down through., Try not to assume you know my measurements, layout or position second image taken before realigning., I am not sharing., If you have a pyramid crystal then be a legend and place on the center hole above., I will give you this: it stands 52 inches, 4.333333 feet above the bed., I gave you the exact as all the 3’s return to 9 add the 4 brings you to 13th and 52 is SEVEN., If you know how we play with numbers., 5 holes relate to council of FIVE of the divine council of NINE., This is the real key to my positioning. If I turn my head in the opposite direction, I can use for healing or meditation., As I am not in that position, I use for other reasons., At the flip of a pillow, it has three main functions., I do have a crystal pyramid shaped facing downwards through the hole not above facing up., For those who understand 369., may wonder where I am using? It’s hidden in plain sight., (4.333333) Put the 4 to the side 3=3, 33=6, 333=9., They don’t call me THOTH for no reason., Now, with all the numbers, imagine I have a cosmic telephone. I punch in those numbers and make the call to where they relate to., The other end picks up the call and sends a signal like a fax machine does.,I have seen Russian pyramids being measured unfairly., as the copper had pvc connectors breaking the material energy field and the other all pvc including connectors which is unequal comparison., I have seen pyramids capped off at the top, which again reduces does not mean they don’t work., The aim is to get maximum effect.,
A pyramid must have the center hole imagine a funnel capturing the universal energy as it filters down to a condensed energy focus point., Pyramids in ancient times always had the energy hole. If it didn’t, the energy would reduce, reduced to nothing in some cases., You look to Egypt for a capstone and get the wrong idea.,
The error comes from looking at the king and queen’s chamber, yet did you know there is a tunnel that reaches to the capstone? The capstones you see today are not original. Destroyed at the end of the empire, the tunnels blocked off., Under the capstone, a large plate stone with a hole into the shaft going downwards., Alternatively, find via the queen’s chamber.,
Let’s now go back to my pyramid. Why do I earth my bed? A few reasons. However, the pyramids on this planet were all built on the foundation of earth energy., My home the connection to earth would be missing and now it’s not the connection reestablished.,Again, "running water never grows stale, so you just gotta keep on flowing.," ~ Bruce Lee.,
Ancient Knowledge
My pyramid is fully functional after using for 2 hours., What I explain now is not the reason only a preparation of how in ancient times pyramids used apart from healing or meditation., The knowledge divided hidden among cultures to keep the knowledge safe. So it could not come back together used by wrong hands.,I will reveal one hidden in a culture., In ancient times, a divine high priest was the caretaker of these things, a gatekeeper., Find a laying buddha statue. He lies on his right side with his hand cupping his face. Knowledge of what side he lays., Nugget hidden in this religion.,
I position myself as the buddha. I reposition my body in a shape formation until one of my meridian points aligns with that crystal. I wait for the pulsing wave sound, felt not audible, heard inward., It comes in waves and cycles a pattern forms., the pulse hits the meridian point, sending a shockwave through the body. The body jolts uncontrollably., then the body rests whilst waiting for the next pulse to arrive., I managed 2 hours.,
One cannot sleep in this position. One would remove the crystal first., The body will become energised, so sleep for now is out of the question., All of this is preparation for something else.,
In ancient Egypt, a divine high priest performed this or others under the guidance of them., At the fall of the empire, the knowledge dispersed in every direction to keep it safe away from foolish hands whereby hints embedded in symbolism like the buddha laying down.,
Now you’re wondering, was there a crystal in the pyramid? Yes, via another chamber, one places the crystal in position of the same shaft reaching the cap point., for the purpose I speak not for healing or meditation of sorts.,
Why would I not share where I am going with all this? The same reason scattered across the earth same reason NINE protects this information away from all eyes on earth, just not me., So every day since erecting I have to rearrange remove items in case of eyes that fall., or unannounced visitations.,
I would only lay on my back if I was considering healing., which is why many heal this way., The sleeping buddha is vague yet on point.,
Upon writing this, NINE asked I consider the cloak of wisdom in my explanation.,
Using the pyramid for meditation or healing purposes not scattered in many cultures, this information is easily obtainable even by being present inside a pyramid., What I am referring to is not available. We have watched those who have an interest in the pyramids and none of them have located this knowledge because it’s hidden, broken down into a thousand parts. To find one like the sleeping buddha will not lead to another., You will have doubts which are intended until the day the shaft and the other chamber discovered, then all doubts will fall away., Even then forbidden to use., The knowledge will not come back together., Healing and meditation are harmless in any hands.,
How the crystal came to be amongst the pyramid came from Atlantis, the reason that led to the fall of atlantis., The crystal knowledge survived and came to be a part of the pyramids., The crystal knowledge never left a man or woman’s sight. It has many applications. You will find the majority of tech, powered via a crystal., Crystals formed on earth via the earth’s energy field. However, they did not originate from earth. They are an ancient ET technology brought to earth to encourage its growth, reaching far back millions of years into the history of human civilisations,.,
If humans reach as far back as millions of years in history, why did the Abrahamic religion bring forth the book of genesis? With each new colony, given a starting reference, if we did not they would go off in search of what was rather than focusing on their growth forward., Taught to love the infinite creator., The start of a new colony is way too early for them to discover they were not the first., Each new colony introduced begins with similar stories., which become distorted as time moves forward., It gives them foundation to work with…
If you look back at the time of ANU, Enki and Enlil, many believe this is the starting point of the world you see today., True and untrue., ANU invested in slavery of the human race to put them to work so he and the others could find a way to escape his prison., which he learned he failed and took a different path off., the right way.,
If you look at this as the starting point of man, you fall short of the truth., Man/woman never intended as slaves before ANU man and woman lived in pure harmony with nature., The arrival of ANU brought great strife for man/woman., Many spreading their wisdom as those who have come and gone before you with insight on how to or better still how they achieved., Those above those at a distance.,
Interesting discovery: I spent 30mins to 1 hour in the pyramid. Upon coming out, I felt the urge to expel fluid via a few coughs, only to witness each cough rang the crystal bowl whilst 3 to 4 feet away., The WATER frequency that went within rings out without touch., Profound., The room resonance is shifting… This speaks volumes about how I am restructuring, reprogramming water I drink., That can only happen when the voice is matching the frequency like a singer can break a glass with her voice., If I speak I hear no ring., If I clap a tiny ting of a ring., When I delve deep into the diaphragm of my voice to cough boom, it rings out like a tuning fork, setting it off in sequence., Interesting to know when how long before the voice can trigger., 26/05/2024 18:03.,
Moving back to the pyramids of Egypt
The most natural thing is to single out one of them and call that one the master pyramid or main pyramid., The idea that one must be the leader comes from mans way of looking at things. He must be the leader of the group, and so on…How about looking at them all as the master pyramid? All three in sequence are the master pyarmid., Changes the way you see them., Like an orchestra has a cello, a violin, a trombone and so on, the high priest is the conductor… You unearth all these wonders around the globe, yet none have ever considered what lays beneath Scotland., No, mine ever unearthed., Answer this question: if you’re a tourist coming to Scotland, why does Scotland feel so energetically different to most parts of the world? Why so different from any city on earth… When you leave, you wish you were back in Scotland, somehow you got an energetic reset and no real idea why… Do you know the connection between Scotland and Egypt? One purely drawn to, rather than stumble upon.,
In history, taught egyptians have black hair. In truth, ginger., Something in ancient Egypt made the gods stand out among the society. It was Ginger Hair., No one sees the connection as history claims they had black hair., Ginger decedent’s of the gods of the yesteryears., What I AM telling you around the fall of the egyptian empire, the children of the gods left Egypt and one group went north to Scotland., Those left behind were those who worshipped the ancient gods what you see today., When the gods returned to the sky due to those misinterpreting the teachings., Those who believed in the gods felt deserted, took it out on the children of the gods before the empire fell., ~ You might say but she who came was a daughter of an egyptian pharaoh. Example: We ask is Charles the biological father of harry? Enough said., The roman empire discovered the children of the gods in Scotland. That history well documented Roman empire is the British empire., If you didn’t want a nation to remember, a partnership that benefits who? To keep memory from returning centuries of work, make the society feel less than those in power.,
You might ask who was here before this? That’s where we speak about what’s hidden underground that resided here before the Iceage., When the egyptian children of the gods came, they followed the frequency that makes Scotland unique.,
Draw a line from the pyramids of Egypt “3” to Perth in Scotland “6” now go in the opposite direction at the same equal distance find what you find… “9”., Now, from point 3 and 6, flip that and find what you find… Keep in mind the base distance for both directions.,
To make it less confusing, swap the 6 and 9 around., 3 to 6 is not the base distance., that is the distance between 3 to 9 or 6 to 9., Perth would be "9"