The Negative Realm Of The Spiritual Elite.,
What am I revealing? Pretend I am a spiritual teacher. I am famous within spiritual circles and I have a mass following., I shall play prime example., A man comes onto my YouTube and comments something I perceive as negative. I then respond by calling them haters, negative souls. I make fun out of the uneducated behaviour., I then have spiritual debates about them with others all whilst not realising they were not negative at all. I WAS.,I imprisoned them without knowing them or why they said what they said., I gained power over them by calling them negative., I gained status among my following., I was the creator of that energy., My followers joined in and they too became my prisoners., It was by the very nature of calling another negative that I created it in them because it lived in me. To control my own negative emotions, I condemn it to others to hide the fact of what I really was hiding.,
If I was the one who commented and knew the deeds of that teacher and was purely holding them accountable, nothing more., Then I am free, I am without fault., As the spiritual teacher condemns me as negative they reveal their true nature in them.,
If I was just being malicious with comments without genuine reason, then I am negative without question., However, the teacher is not wise enough to understand by condemning others without knowing the reason imprisons the teacher and all they convince in this ideology.,
An intelligent teacher would know condemning others without genuine reason only condemns the self., It is the path of the unenlightened teacher whose aim is financial gain, to be worshiped, not enlightenment.,
An authentic teacher will love the positive and the negative. It sees no difference in both. He/she understands the law of polarity and all that it teaches., This teacher does not run away or hide if it feels negative it expresses and moves on, always learning from it yet never remains stuck in it., It is the greatest tool the teacher knows., Yet seldom do spiritual elites know this, too much emphasis on how one looks or comes across., A fraud would condemn, shun, and run away whilst never understanding the gift it offered them.,
The authentic teacher will not do to anyone without good reason. Should they ever learn they were wrong, correction is their way in this they remain a free soul., The brothers and sisters of the most high always honor responsibility and accountability., They will move to the new earth., Those who condemn for no good reason shall not., For they are unenlightened.,
If all is one and one is all, then there be no enlightenment for a soul in calling one negative or positive, defining one better than the other, for all are the same.,
Most souls don’t say things out of malice they do it out of fear of not understanding, not yet fully aware. The comment is a pushing against it. Because what they were taught growing up, to believe. It does not make them negative. They enlist a response to become enlightened.,
Not to condemn. As long as you condemn it remains and you are the cause, dear teacher., If you cannot see it, then it is you who must evolve., To help them is to help yourself., That’s enlightened.,
You got to express how you felt; you got to say what you wanted., You did not suppress any emotions, nor does what you said affect you or anyone else., It will also keep outburst of uncontrollable anger at bay, because you did not deny them., Nor did you give power away to another to deny you., You will find inner peace.,
If you're a person commenting to someone online venting your misunderstanding, try this first to see how it feels., Your wellbeing is just as important as the next person., Your feelings matter as well, no matter how others class you, they don’t know you, like you do., Trust you, that this does work.,
Earth has always been about balancing the physical with the spiritual preparing you for the real world, what you think you create, be that unhealthy or healthy your choice., That will intensify more and more now., Be careful what you create., Take responsibility hold accountability. Avoid allowing your mind to take you places you do not want., Govern your mind and emotions. These are key and intention is everything., Above is a tool to assist.,
A reminder of what you should already know., Mind is not the issue emotions and actions are., The thoughts create the emotions that then create the action., If the mind only thinks and does not generate emotions, then there is no action., Cap it at the mind, do not deny the mind, that will create the opposite. Don’t allow it to dominate and move to emotions., He/she who controls their mind controls the world., Their world.,
So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bring forth are ever causes of more perfect effects.,
Far in the future, I see man as Light-born, free from the darkness that fetters the Soul, living in Light without the bounds of the darkness to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul.,
Know ye, O man, before ye attain this that many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light, striving to quench with the shadows of darkness the Light of the Soul that strives to be free.,
Great is the struggle between Light and darkness, age old and yet ever new. Yet, know in a time, far in the future, Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.,
Ages to come shall see revival of wisdom to those who shall inherit thy place on this star. They shall, in turn, come into wisdom and learn to banish the darkness by Light. Yet greatly must they strive through the ages to bring unto themselves the freedom of Light.
Then shall there come unto man the great warfare that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course. Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers open the warfare between Light and the night.
When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds; when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light.
Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying: O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother. Only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right.
Then shall men cease from their striving, brother against brother and father against son. Then shall the ancient home of my people rise from its place beneath the dark ocean waves. Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded with all men seeking the Light of the goal. Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people. Banished shall be the darkness of night.
Aye, the children of men shall progress onward and upward to the great goal. Children of Light shall they become. Flame of the flame shall their Souls ever be. Knowledge and wisdom shall be man’s in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame, the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning, that is yet One with the end of all things.
Aye, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All. Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos, shall move forward to a place in the stars. Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time into another beyond the stars.,
Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT. Be not afraid for all is thine own. Fear is the LORD of the dark ARULU to he who never faced the dark fear. Aye, know that fear has existence created by those who are bound by their fears.,
Each has his own part to play in the cycles. Each has his work to complete in his way.,
When ye as men can learn that nothing but progress of Soul can count in the end, then truly ye are free from all bondage, free to work in a harmony of Law.,
All that man is is because of his wisdom. All that he shall be is the result of his cause.,
Hark ye O man and list to my warning: be ye free from the bondage of night. Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS. Keep thy face ever turned towards the Light. Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow, only has come through the Veil of the night. Aye man, heed ye my warning: strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the LIGHT. The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their brothers those who traveled the pathway of LIGHT. For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHT have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT.
List ye, O man, to he who comes to you. But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT. For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS and yet are not the children of LIGHT.