Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - The Hidden Government And The Stranger., CFR .,
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The Hidden Government And The Stranger., CFR
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The Hidden Government And The Stranger., - CFR

Those who many call the illuminate the hidden government., Do get their way in a timeline we witnessed., I was a large part of the old government collapsing., In that timeline, I approached many spiritual men and women., They turned their backs on me because they judged how I do things., NINE presented two options: try again or assist the hidden ones., I tried for a second time met with judgements., I chose to assist the hidden ones until the global governments collapse, taking all religions down with them.,

After Alteans arrived and we went into partnership with the hidden ones., Strangely enough, those same spiritual people decided they now wanted to be a part of it., We refused them., One by one, all those who doubted me came asking to help. One by one we refused them.,

I pointed to the once hidden members. I said you see them, apart from NINE and the 24. These men and women were there, just hidden in the shadows., I chose them because you were selfish.,

Did we keep that timeline or trash it, that remains to be revealed.,

I came here to do what was asked of me just so happens it did align with the hidden ones.,

We watched the hidden ones and their objective was impressive., In our worlds, no freewill we all move towards the same goal as one unit, that’s similar to how they see theirs., How they achieve is somewhat debatable., And this group did have my back when no one else cared., They would trigger a response from me, yet they never needed. If they had asked, I would have told them.,

Never turn away from helping a stranger. You just never know when an angel was in your presence.,

That’s how that timeline played out.,

Why are we reluctant to mention if we trashed or kept? Amazon was the hidden ones. It was a wrong turn in their history., We have plenty of timelines documented on site., It’s roulette. We the NINE always win.,

If they had thought intelligently, they might have realised we knew something they did not., If they did know, then it would not of taken centuries to get even this far., Instead, many failures as they do not know.,

What is an angel?

They are the 24 heads, Elohim gods of the 24 guardian races., The description of having wings is a metaphor for that timeframe we came down in ships., Man of that era had only birds to describe a flying man, so they called us angels gave us wings like birds., The same ships many call UFOs in the sky today., The gods surround the earth and walk among you.,

Committee on Foreign Relations “CFR”

Its sister committee in the House of Representatives is the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Now watch this video and locate what’s wrong in this mans words., What is he saying that does not align with the actual history of China 1999 with the ban on Falun Gong? (A hint 11 seconds) Plus, why did Li Hongzhi conveniently leave 1 year before hell broke out? What did he know that he never warned anyone else about?

Was Li Hongzhi in league with the CFR to create a reason that can spark a world war by using innocent people using Qigong to better their lives as weapons in a staged event in 1999 when he left China in 1998? Then took the fight to America whereby he fuels the American people to support outrage leading to world war under the guidance of Men of the New Dawn? America needs a reason to start a war like it did with Afghanistan. IS Li Hongzhi the reason behind the prisoners of Falun Gong was it a planned event for global unrest that he took part in knowingly? This doctor is a liar on oath nobody would make a 4 year mistake like that. A confident 1995. One does not forget dates and years during traumatic events. It’s imprinted in the mind., Unless it’s a lie., The truth China government, the US government and Li Hongzhi working together sacrificing the lives of innocent people to push towards a reason for a global war add that to Russia already happening.,

Why has China deleted all history of 1999 and what happened to the Falun Gong prisoners from its people’s memory’s., When war breaks out, nobody remembers what really happened. They learn nothing online outside of China and the world who attacks them. The Chinese People will obey and fight a war unknowing to the truth that everyone has been setup and lied to.,

Who are the "CFR"

~ Melkal.,

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