Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - Teal Swan & I AM GOD .,
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Teal Swan & I AM GOD
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Teal Swan is quite the topic. Probably the best teacher out there. We have not met all teachers so there might be others. When we look at the mainstream of who’s who in spiritual networks, Teal Swan sticks out more than any other Teals methods are authentic.,

We were never in favour of the whole entertainment disclaimer. We feel Teal does not need this, however pressures of triggered souls and the onslaught of abuse that’s directed at Teal over the years could be that reason., So, it’s understandable from that perspective.,

Teal Swan is not a cult because if that word was truly understood than one would realise all religions are cults, government is a cult, MacDonald restaurant is a cult, the list of cults in plain sight is huge.,

Regardless, Teal, being called a cult, should tell you something. Teal is a fret to the old system., They are desperately holding on by a thread., This means Teal Swan is having a profound effect on this world and is speaking from her heart, genuine if she wasn’t then they would not attack her as they have over the years.,

If you see a spiritual teacher who comes under no attacks, then you might want to ask if they are working for the old system to push nonsense and confusion., Or they are playing it safe through FEAR.,

In today’s culture, we see a lot of ex government people coming out, yet these people are not under attack because they are agents of confusion regardless the topic., Think about this: John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated, yet these men and women walk around untouched. Why? Agents of Confusion., They are untouched because what they give is not truth, and that’s OK by any government’s standards.,

Teal is hardcore. She does not beat around any bush; she does not sugar coat truth., Teal is our cup of tea as the NINE., Teal can dance to both extremes., She’s not afraid to play on the negative extreme or the positive., The world needs her, they just have not realised it yet.,

If Teal can trigger you, then hallelujah, whatever that is needs to be corrected in you, not Teal., Lets say you call Teal a narcissist well HELLO the narcissist in you has reared its ugly head., Teal gave you the gift of holding up the mirror for you to recognise what lives in you.,

Teal is a mirror just as I am a mirror., What you dislike about me is what you dislike about you., We ourselves do not sugar coat, nor fluff up words to stroke your ego., We get to the core., We speak honestly, which is a rare thing these days., Teals methods are spot on for what the world needs., It needs a wake up, slap in the face.,

If all we did was say positive things, then how will you ever overcome the negative aspects that live in you? If all we did as teachers was to stroke your ego, then you will never transmute what needs transmuting., How can you transform without us?

I tell you as SEVEN of the NINE; the world needs Teal Swan.,

Don’t be so quick to trust those who were once ex members of the old system, agents of confusion., If they really were telling the truth, then I assure you they would be with JFK or Julian Assange not doing what they are doing.,

An authentic spiritual teacher who is not afraid to entertain the negative aspects of self is one you must listen to., I point the obvious truth here read these words clearly understand what I am revealing.,

I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.

In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL, in a time far past, I began this incarnation. Not as the little men of the present age did the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die, but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life flows eternally onward.

A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.

Now for a time I descend, and the men of KHEM (Khem is alchemy in ancient Egypt) shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me.

Then beware, O men of KHEM, if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching, for I shall cast ye down from your high estate into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.

A question that most if not all wonder: Who is GOD? I am god., I, SEVEN/MELKAL/THOTH/ARZU/HAWK/NINE am God., I know and understand the depth of its meaning., The truth is so bizarre it feels impossible to believe., Yet it does not change the truth that I am god.,

Do you understand what it means? And all your false leaders of governments follow Sa.tan. Only Sa.tan engages and promotes destruction. Never have I, or Infinite Intelligence, granted war as a justifiable method. Only Sa.tan does this., I oppose all that opposes I., The only thing that opposes I, is that of Sa.tan., It is not equal to us, it just opposes us.,

If you knew I was god, you would not worship me. You would do as I do., Because you also would know the depth of that question., If I asked you who is god? You would say, but I am god meaning you, and you would have no opposing argument from I.,

I will put another way when I look at Teal Swan. I see GOD because I understand the question and the meaning of such., When I see Teal, I see myself.,
Among the NINE we have one fundamental law that overshadows all laws of the universe: The denunciation of God., Doing so would be foolish., For this there is no forgiveness., The Creator is not destructive., I as GOD am in service to the creator of all., God and creator are not the same yet equal to the same, as a whole., God is love, war is? So then, all those in favour or indulge in war are?

And as GOD I punished the false King Charles for his deception in my name., As I will upon the others in time as GOD., For opposing I.,

Inside my books, it speaks about how I got the scar down my face. I talk about how that scar would remind me of what I know and what I came to do. As the reason for that scar, I never spoke about what I knew about me and my journey forthcoming.,

A permanent reminder I could not forget., It was Jesus. I was the embodiment of that truth. NINE told me my role was the messiah through the path of destruction that shines through great destruction., It was here they told me my daughter would die and the other daughter would suffer greatly at the hands of evil., The scar was, so I never forgot what I came to do, a constant reminder., Each time I looked in a mirror, a constant reminder., Aged 18 = 1+8=9., I did not come to save. I came to punish those who opposed us or liberate., My daughters were the anchor of change or fall., I was the hand that offered atonement., What one chose was not my making., Messiah as the one who gave the truth not the one who ruled over all., The scar was a reminder, so I never forgot in times of sleepiness., In the woods that night, the scar was the creator telling me I was the embodiment of Jesus and not to forget.,

I struck my face with a razor blade knife, then took myself to A&E to be stitched up. I kept this secret for decades., Never revealing what I knew would come to pass., I procreated two daughters knowing what would happen and why., There was a saying among humans it’s not who wears the scar but who put it there one should be wary of., In that, I always laughed., It was a cosmic joke.,

In the book Winged messenger: spirits above the challenge. I recognize my engaging with the question asked of me what would I do if my child dies. I accessed the god in me that knew I would create because I knew why I came here., I know my power as a GOD., Accountability was the hand of atonment.,

You needed proof So I Stroked the belly of a wild sparrow and danced among a million wasps in the hope you would recognise I., Then I gave you a sign in the heavens of 7.,

There are so many who follow religions or not., Who does not believe in me., So I shall transform the earth over the coming times and remove those opposing forces. In the end, there shall be 1.9 billion souls remaining and then the new earth has begun., Because I gave those who oppose I, the opportunity to transform., Therefore, my will foretold my intention revealed., we have one fundamental law that overshadows all laws of the universe: The denunciation of God.,

MELKAL is the Protector of the Jewish people, Guardian of the Catholic Church, Vatican City, France, Germany, Normandy, dying people, poor souls, bankers, grocers, police officers, military personnel., I denounce them all, yet not the Jewish community.,

God is love, NINE is love, is that of soul, that which is pure., Punish means to no longer support that which has been given plenty of chances to transform, evolve., Hense first came accountability. If one is just, then one will accept accountability gracefully., No support means we are clearing the garden, resetting the earth., Removing that which is no longer required., In all great resets comes great chaos, through chaos order is born., You are on the precipice of a new earth birthing., The storm before the calm., A woman in travail during labour knows exactly our meaning., The old earth is in travail., Punishment to you and punishment for us are not the same thing. We are the gardener weeding the weeds so the garden can flourish in all its beauty.,

A short story of the wild sparrow., A woman came to me on the street to preach the word of god with her bible., I stopped her, pulled out my phone and showed her the video., She looked at me in great fear because only Jesus could do such things according to her dogma., Of course, the return of Jesus is truly forbidden in religion. Hence, they deny his arrival., False god, false prophet is the denunciation of that truth in religion., Therefore, I came in his place., As Jesus and I, are one and the same.,

The wasp video you will notice. I point with the camera at a branch in the tree. That was the moment I instructed the wasps to take root on that branch. I went inside coop and told them to call for help, to safely remove them. If a child comes near and throws something at them, they will attack and I shall hold you, coop personally responsible given that I told you what can happen., I was punishing coop for financially benefiting from the death of a child., I was marking their card for a future time., The wasps did exactly as I told them., So did coop., The police that were watching me safely in their car got out of dodge fast., I found the wasps in the middle of the road. I told the wasps to surround me and follow to that location., Because someone forced me to return to a grave that day, which I had not seen in 25 years., This was how I responded.,

You might not see the truth, yet the animal and insect kingdom knows the truth., I spent a decade secretly healing dogs., My touch is all they wanted if it’s what they need at that time., People are always taking from animals. They think an unconditional dog is always giving. They need love just as much as you do., They need healing from all that they have to put up with in humans., Animals, insects are our eyes and ears that see all., Dogs and cats are not your personal slaves.

If you want to know any human, first look at their dog., I can spend a moment with a dog and know all I need from that dog about the owner.,

Same as human marriages, both man and woman are constantly taking from each other. No one is giving, just taking. That’s why they end in divorce.,

Who did this and why? The church did this by placing the bond of connection on the left hand finger lefthand is for receiving, taking, righthand is for giving., If both are receiving, taking, then who is giving? Nobody eventually the cracks occur, then total failure.,

If it was on the righthand both are giving to that marriage it can flourish., Yet there is no money in that so they made sure it was the lefthand., They benefit from your demise.,

The one question on tongues would be, did I die on the cross for the sins of the people? NO, I did not., It’s a lie created for one purpose, enslave humans., When you eat the bread and drink the wine symbolised as blood, you are actually involved in a satanic ritual., Governments, royals and religion are all involved in this deception., You suffer because you do not know the truth, so you give away all your power to those three., Who then dictates what you should think and believe.,

With those three in their secret lair, they summon the Orion order through channeling rituals who give them ways to imprison you all and give them great wealth in the process., The Orion order is fourth density of the unbalanced negative order of the sixth density being called sa.tan., Who we imprisoned in that dimension., His only method of escape is through the minds of humans playing out his will, of opposing life., The fourth density Orion order is like minions doing his will to create chaos on earth.,

Never underestimate sa.tan he knows the ways of spiritual light, so knows how to play the game on earth., You can find his house of worship in the Vatican., we deliberately change his name as in the saying of his name gives him power., That name has great power in it, so that’s why you hear it spoken every other sentence in those who follow religion., They do not realise they are worshipping him because nobody ever told them the truth.,

Why is sa.tan so dedicated to earth? Why do to humans? You are the reason we imprisoned him.,

When you look up and say look there a UFO, aliens are invading us. And we say no, my friend god and his merry band of angels have come to earth.,


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