Sound Circumference Of The Pillar Of Light
When you make a sound in a circle, or in the circumference of the pillar of light, you create a column that is capable of doing many more things than you ever realized. It is capable of creating explosions and of destroying and creating many realities.These are the words of the ALTEANS: if you know where to locate these words, you will have a great understanding of sound and what you can create., With the new earth by utilising crystal bowls in a circular formation as used, you create the pillar of light if you align your intention to new earth. You will create the shift much faster, I tell you, so all those who own such crystals have the power to create a wall of resonance with the new earth., Begin the new earth wall of sound., You are the bringers of the dawn.,
Think of the golden spiral of light of the NINE.,
Think as the spiral of sound., We are cryptic for the sake of what sound can do on a low energy spectrum, as mentioned above., New earth awaits you., In the love and light of the One Infinite Creator.,~ Melkal.,
Watch the circular motion “Spiral” of the crystal playing add “Intention” envision forth your new earth.,
An example that one can see is: What makes Islam so powerful? At the Mecca, they gather and circle the cube, chanting as they are invoking the spiral of sound.,
Take this native American dance it’s the same.,