Scottish Gov, Rishi Sunak, Crown, Assisted Death
My purpose as MELKAL through my experiences, he who carries many names, is to bring out all that is good about you and all that is not all whilst remaining balanced in those moments in person., In order for judgement upon that which the infinite creator does not support is revealed, every time you choose an action in my direction, I am successfully completing my mission and objective for the infinite creator., I am the closest you will ever come to understanding the infinite creator., There are many gods, as I am one of them, yet only one creator.,
Your thoughts about me are irrelevant, only the creator’s thoughts matter., Those in question have acted from a stance as if they were the creator., They have broken the creator’s law and the law of the NINE., I am here to reveal the truth within your hearts., You have placed the lives of humans and those within this galaxy at risk through your deceptions., Our first priority is to the creator, the lives you have abused and the universe.,
To every member of the royal family worldwide and associates., To every government on earth and all associates, to all corporations that abuse their power., I am going to make the world wake up to who you really are. They are going to see the truth., It will take my death. This is my last mission., When the time is ripe, I am taking you all down with me.,
What does it all mean? I am demonstrating the truth they do not care what they do to children, do not care about me or you., To me, this is the springboard of the old paradigm that I am utilising to something else., Something greater., Death is fear that many fear most., If you are willing to die, those who generate fear in order to control become powerless., I am putting you in a state of powerlessness., Look for 7 or 9 in any form., especially in anything electronic., Seven UK airports went into chaos as an example of 7 or 9., Rich man run the risk of losing everything, every bank is now vulnerable.,What happens when I go quiet? Well, one thing I guarantee I am doing I drag people like Rishi Sunak or King Charlie on the mental plane the etheric plane within a private domain that belongs to all Alteans I take out a sword and remove their heads I stab them in the heart thousands of times nightly., I am destroying them in the physical domain and anyone who interferes in my life., That’s how we gave Charlie cancer.,
The effect is not always obvious and can take time. It’s how you assassinate a human on the physical plane, leaving no trace or evidence you did it to them., Just because I tell you, does not prove or disprove anything., It’s where I go nightly by entering the original reality to affect the secondary reality., By removing them from the original, I remove them from all., There are many gasping in shock. I strike their hearts as those who know it’s a fatal and final blow on the mental plane., Yet I am Michael. I am just and justified under the governance of NINE., Fatal blow is thine order of one., This private domain on the mental plane is how all ALTEANS shadow people enter the physical plane. It’s how they can affect you without you harming them., The shadow aspect is nothing more than a camouflage., Shadow people watch over children protecting them from these parasites., As ALTEAN shadows we do harm adults because they have hurt children.,
We have also replicated in our domain a mirror of Westminster Parliament whereby we go in and slaughter every minister inside., Slaying the child abusing beasts., All this because they refused to take accountability., Justice.,
Where does all this fit in with the biblical description of me as MELKAL, Michael? None of them is Saitan, Saitan child of the rebuked., Saitan was the commander general, a warrior of the old ANU regime, locked and bound to a dimension he cannot escape., Saitan joins the void at the end of this galaxy., Those I drag into the mental plane are those who do Saitan’s bidding on earth., The mental plane is where good and evil do battle.,
The angels who stand at my side are the Alteans or shadow people., Why does Saitan oppose me., Because I am the rebellious son of ANU who ended the tyranny of the Annunaki., Satan responsible for imprisoning me on Orion during the first rebellion war., When I escaped and fled to Venus, I brought great shame upon Saitan.,
We imprisoned ANU, Enki and Enlil on earth. Saitan bound to a different prison., Saitan and Melkal are brothers of war., When Saitan found out NINE invited me as Chief counsel SEVEN, he took his anger out on earth using mind control over humans. NINE visited Saitan and warned him to touch only the weak and leave the strong alone., Saitan informed he will join the void. This has angered him more, so he takes out his anger on earth look around. His temper tantrum can be seen.,
You hear stories like Saitan thrown out of heaven. Heaven means the sky, the stars. He was just not bound on earth., ANU, Enki and Enlil bound on earth the rise of the Sumerians., They were different from the humans. They used that to their advantage and made themselves into gods among men., They were not responsible for altering the DNA of humans. That was Altea. We did that to protect the humans., ANU made humans into slaves the first of many to follow.,
How did ANU Enki and Enlil cope in their new prison., All you know about them is how they made good of the prison they found themselves in., It’s how they transcended the earth and joined the Alteans.,
ANU Enki and Enlil were not nice beings long ago. One thing I can tell you about them before earth and during. They never sexually abused children., If caught in this crime, they would cut off your pecker and feed it to the wolves., Saitan did this to humans, his way of imprisoning humans in a fate similar to his own.,
If we took you back in time at the fall of ANU., every culture on earth has a story of a great war in the heavens, Shiva, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Horus, are not five individuals they are the same individual, whereby every culture watched the heavens a blaze all had different perceptions of what we looked like and why it happened and who we were., Every culture visited after ANU’s fall., We appeared in a soothing form they would understand., Mostly we wiped the memories of our war., Implanted in them as the gods who came to earth.,
Humans were already here as ET colonies from the 24 races, known later as the 24 guardians of the universe., The warrior’s counsel of the NINE., The 24 were the alliance during the final rebellion war., You may call yourselves human, yet you came from the stars., Came from us and put here on assignment., You were not supposed to stay; you got stuck and repeated reincarnation began.,
24 Divine races Altea is us., When you hear someone claim their heritage among the Pleiades star system, they are acknowledging they are ALTEAN., They have never experienced the second octave where we now reside., They have been trapped here by their own making, war, greed, hate and so on., Among the 24 Alteans are in the highest dimension on the 13th., This they did not know., That’s how long they have been gone., We were in this galaxy at the time of Anu’s fall.,
They look to the Pleiades as home, yet that’s incorrect. The Pleiades a portal to our galaxy. It’s not occupied, just guarded., The portal is ALCYON., The home Prime Creator began the Altean worlds, Prime Creator meaning Arzu and Latea, Altea., The springboard from Venus., Altea made up of many races: Annunaki, Ra and the Kitarian mother race.,
The head race, which is us. We are 144,000 heads. We do not have children. We are eternal, have no need to procreate anymore., Some in our system do, yet females do not carry the children pods develop the child., A child chooses if it wants to be male or female it chooses how it looks. The child designs its own life., Children, to us, are sacred gods., The parents conceive a child through thought, not sexual intercourse., A sacred bonding of minds., We are the gods of the mental plane., Mental plane is our technology., The creation of the mind is our doing.,
We have given you every available option to evolve, you have refused., Our communications with you will now cease.,
I am dying to the mortal, limited self. I am birthing the immortal, eternal god within., As in I, as in all.,

I am calling to the current Scottish shadow minister to assist in my death.
I came to Scotland in exile from England due to the British government’s abuse. I came to Scotland under the belief you were different. It is no secret that the royal family and the British government set out to destroy my entire family in which they succeed, leaving me as the only surviving member.All in the effort to keep their crimes against children kept secret. Sadly, the police know what I am talking about as they themselves took part in these crimes and kept quiet. Not once coming forward to protect the public.
I am not ill nor terminally ill. I have suffered a loss that many could not cope with. Unfortunately, I did for 20 years since that time, including further 10 years totalling 30 years. I have lost all those I loved. I was forced out of the place I once called home, financially they made sure I remained without, even though I owned 7 companies which they killed off. It’s not that I never tried. I worked 24/7 for 10 years straight. Some days I worked 3 days and nights in a row without sleep. Only for them to destroy all. I refuse to do any work for myself or others for this reason. Many years of lack of nutritional food which took a toll on my health.
My only crime was winning a high court battle against the British government. Only a communist dictator would behave this way. All was done under the name of the CROWN.
I have come to terms that my life is over and I do not delude myself any other way. I see no reason. I have no reason to remain on earth. I am requesting your assistance in my death so I can be at peace.
The British government knows I will not work after what they did, Rishi Sunak has announced, stopping all the money of those who refuse to work, which means in time I will be living on the streets and you, Scotland, will be responsible. So I wish to die and save you the trouble.
In fairness Scottish government, you yourselves had made my life difficult since I arrived. So it seems I am not welcome anywhere. Lets be honest with each other.
My only crime was winning a high court battle against the British government. And speaking the truth. Only a communist dictator would behave this way. All was done under the name of the CROWN. I was a soldier, an ex para and if this is how the crown treats those who give up their life in service to them who remain loyal during their service. Then I want out. There is no honor in the royal family or any government.
I am not sad, depressed or any feelings of this nature. I no longer believe in the human way of treating life and request to depart this planet. And you can continue on with your delusion of power.
If I am to be honest with myself, I am done standing up for other people’s children who care not for others. I walk this path alone as the day I began it. I will not delude myself that caring for children matters anymore. Change does not happen by one man alone. I am ready to die knowing I gave 110% for children. This I have no regrets. And you will be free of me. You win, I win.
I have not mentioned NINE or Infinite Creator yet. I am doing this with their blessing. I am going to die with your help or because of you. Make no mistake about that. You are responsible. Do the right thing and grant my request.,
It is my right to die since you are the ones who deny me peace.
In 1995, carrying my daughter’s coffin in my arms to her grave was the most painful experience I had ever had. You chose to insult her memory with your doctors covering up what went on that day. Then, 8 years later, you chose to harm my other daughter where abused whilst in your care. You used deception throughout. Then you lost, which angered you for revenge against all my family until all was destroyed. I have always maintained you negate life. I am the proof you so want to keep hidden.Now my intentions are death, caused by you and because of you. I do not choose to live among you anymore. You have no morals, no decency, no honor, and you take no accountability. What you claim others should do, you do not do. You are a false entity. You call yourselves government under false pretenses, under a dishonorable false king who claims his authority under a god, which is a lie. The Infinite Creator has given you no right that you claim.,
Government, you are pure evil. Anyone or any entity that can deliberately harm children for sick pleasure and financial gain is pure evil., If the only way to protect your secrets is to remove me from speaking or place me in a situation of survival. If my only way to expose your true nature is for me to die, then so be it.,
Scotland, although re-looking at the law surrounding assisted death, will never agree to my request leaving only one option for you to deny me the right to life and living, using all means of attack be it housing, food, health, water, finance. This time, blame it on the scots make them look evil.
I have never had ill intent for any scot. I will, however, defend myself against liars and deception. I came to Scotland on the memory of William Wallace believing all men and women had this level of courage in them concerning the British so-called establishment. I believed I would find kindred spirits.,
When I came to the defence of the Scottish lass Kąty, I did out of love for all humans regardless of their culture, colour or creed. I spoke the truth. I attacked no one. Yet the Scottish government launched an attack in my direction for speaking the truth about what they had done to one of their own., No different from the British government.
You are pure evil. Anyone or any entity that can deliberately harm children for sick pleasure and financial gain is pure evil., To the death, so be it., In that, the evil in your hearts will be on display for all the world to witness.,
I am willing to die so those 2 billion children may live without fear and without you.,
You sense a trick, a trap; you are right. All I have spoken here is truth, which got the attention of the entire universe. My death is the start of the rebellion war. I am the trigger that rains down on earth., No matter how I leave, the truth remains the same: you will pay the price.,
We are sure you realise now anyone can take revenge on you by activating the trigger.,To the public: In every country you will find government, you will find social services. Both use the police and the health system to kidnap children. They make you feel like you did wrong as parents; they make up lies to take your child away forever. What happens to these children? Foster carers sexually abuse them. These children end up so deep in their system until they vanish they have now been sex trafficked across the globe. They become drug addicts and prostitutes. They are sent to parties where the royals and ministers sexually abuse them.,
All these governments are not separate. They are all the same government where the British built their empire by invading these countries. Once established, they made it look like occupation was over, a lie. That’s why they all carry the same names and services. Then came the end of the British empire, another lie, deception so nobody could work it out., If you think the British empire died, then you ain’t going to look in that direction, are you?
The countries they never invaded joined, and a new government established. Do your research find out how many nations did the British invade 80% of the planet., War between nations is about creating the illusion that keeps you are under control and in fear, if you think nations are at war you ain’t going to see the truth. Illusion.,
The same family, the royal family who govern all governments. Does all child sex trafficking. There is only one government on this planet., It took centuries of planning to dominate the world.,
I am not going to ask you to stand up and fight back. We have already been there. Instead, war is coming from the universe., You should have stood with me when I gave the option., Much loss, pain and heartache is coming to earth because you refused to do what was right, you refused to defend these children.,
Atlantis abused a power we gave them and we struck them down what caused the flood in the bible., We acted in anger without thought., This time, we chose to give many years with the option to resolve and correct. We have been more than fair this time.,
We have 2 options: 1. We go to war with the earth, removing all parasite humans. 2. We let this galaxy implode and all human life destroyed, all consciousness dissolved. The first octave never recreated., Both choices we remove all children so they can begin again the 2 billion souls we choose to save., We have not chosen spiritual people, they also did not do the right thing., They serve no purpose in our worlds.,
Where is your Jesus now? He is with us leading the war among the 24 heads.,
Men and women of the north and south were America and the UK. You falsely betray my teachings in both nations in exchange for greed., The first and last words stick around in mind and memory. That’s why we spoke this first among our teachings., The White Brotherhood did not give our knowledge in exchange for greed., You never hear publically from the White Brotherhood.,
When the British government and royal family get nervous about an individual.
Date: 6th May 2024They attempt to silence them by cutting off all financial income so they can not live.,
The first wave: British government contacts AMAZON requesting a favour of removing my books and finances. There were 110 books. All that’s left is what you see 11 books., AMAZON emailed claiming I broke terms and conditions to cover their tracks, also saying I will receive no more royalties., Which means AMAZON will now be stealing money from those books visible.,
2 years ago AMAZON prevented me from logging into my KDP account, which I still have no access. At one point sent no money for many months claiming my account needed updating, which was a lie, as without notice, suddenly started sending money to the same account they said needed updating they were hiding the revenue of those missing months, stole the money.,
This is how they also abuse lives in secret., All because I touched a raw nerve on these posts. I spoke the truth, and they reacted.,
And this where corporations support governments in destroying people’s lives.,
This was all actioned on 30th April 2024, 3 days after I posted this post.,
Do not buy these books on AMAZON in any country, they are stealing the money., Avoid everything surrounding AMAZON you’ll be next.,You don’t like it when we shut down communication because you know that’s when trouble comes your way., Charlie got cancer the last time we did this., I will make all public as and when required of me other than that., Watch out, we are coming for you just like we went after charlie.,
I have chosen to die so the truth will be revealed, so all the world knows., Nothing left on or about earth to live for., No reason to continue., Give it all you got.,
Gregg speaks of the fifth world. The ending of this world is movement., Video above. Correct. We are moving those we chose to the new earth., Surely we ask, have you not worked this out yet? What happens to the old? Destroyed along with the galaxy., New earth is not in this galaxy., We are proud of Gregg. It’s been a long time since we seen him on form.,Who’s going to new earth? In the style of humor, listen to the song below.,
There’s a saying that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed, well partly true during the cycle, not accurate at the end of a major cycle where an ending happens. Those who never evolved will never know consciousness again destroyed the eternal void., If you don’t learn from history, you know it’s all over, you never evolved., If you still think war is an answer, you know how it ends for you; you know what’s on our list., That's what happens when you listen to arrogant governments., You end up paying the price of bad management.,
This earth still looks beautiful, yet nothing like the new earth. It’s a true paradise with all the same animals we spent years removing many animal species., The humans we took over the years will not return. They took part in the preparation of the new earth. Once we showed them our reason for being on earth, they volunteered to help., We only took them to keep our presence on earth quiet., All children are going many adults as well., You will enter a third world war in a single moment and many will vanish into thin air., You wanted to trust your governments. Well, you get to stay with them., I am a god and I get to be the one to tell you.,
To all the religious folk who wait on Jesus’ return., You're too late for the party. Jesus’ return meant when humans wake up to the god within themselves, then Jesus has returned, not as a single person as many. They are all around you., The saviour is themselves remembering who they are., You allowed yourselves to be conned you also stay.,
Greed no matter who you are, those guaranteed a seat never put in a position of becoming a millionaire., New earth has no money system, a fresh start. If you became rich, guess what you also stay., The list is getting narrowed down., We have said the hardest spiritual lesson is wealthy and to remain honest., No one has ever passed that test, nothing has changed.,
You have seen me say 2 billion are children and the final number not disclosed same as I cannot inform anyone yes or no., If I told a person you're on new earth and the next day they did harm it would alter the list., The list of names is a highly secret list., Those on our list are all gods.,