Pyramid log number unknown., Date 1st June 2024
I threw my mobile fully charged into the pyramid saying discharge drain the battery. I walked a way five minutes later. I remember I use that mobile as a light during the night. I picked up the mobile and checked it, still fully charged, put it on the side. Later that night…I told the pyramid this time to take me somewhere where there’s a secret meeting going on, of those up to no good. Propelled into a situation a place that bears no witness to our given target., I came back I wanted a leak, so I got up and picked up the mobile, only to realise drained of its battery 0% charge.,
When I posted this yesterday, I did not put the actual word I used on my mobile. I actually said “Kill the battery” not drain., It felt better to replace the word., However, to my surprise, I literally did kill the battery. It’s been on charge for hours now and still dead.,I got another phone away from the pyramid, took it to another room and said kill the battery to test if it was the pyramid or me., I did it again. The battery is dead., the second phone has been nowhere near the pyramid., I warn you now if you come near me holding a phone it might cost you., I hold no responsibility for your ignorance in this matter. You are 100% responsible for your own phone., You come near me at your own risk., If you saw this message or not., Maybe I should go stand next to a 5G tower., Stay well clear of my home with your mobile devices., I have other battery devices, yet only mobiles are vulnerable., This is not a joke.,
I have two more phones, one I can use to test and one I will build a Farraday cage for., I wondered why when I touched electrics my EMF reader went to 0% like where did all the energy disappear to… Now I think I know the answer., I AM without a doubt absorbing electrical energy in my body., Now to discover what good can I make of all this extra energy., I have always known when my computer fails it was because I became frustrated and stabilised when I did.,
If your battery dies because you got too close to me understand I never said kill your battery. I have a natural dislike for mobiles as they detach humans from reality. They turn them into drones or sheep without their knowing., They prevent human to human contact., I have no issues with the world’s mobiles suddenly all going offline., If I put the network out of business trust I will not lose any sleep over it.,
The Roswell crash of 1947 was deliberate,
This strangely brings me back to something I have already spoken about. The Roswell crash of 1947 was deliberate, as humans can’t resist. America’s secrets came at a high price if they did not take us serious., All current tech has our tech inside them including mobile phones., It was our safeguard should humans go too far, we could then shut down the world’s power sources and send you back to the dark ages if required., Turning off NUKES was child’s play for us., A WARNING., Even setting off launch sequences during the 1980s Russia was a WARNING from us., They kept that one secret from the public. They even made a film based on the actual event without telling you it was true.,You might think this was an excellent film, yet they really hid the truth. We caused many to shit the bed that day and many heads spinning on who caused it., See how they hide the truth in film., Using fiction and non-fiction., We did the same way we disabled NUKES., That day was a loud wake up call., You think you have all the answers yet you don't.,
We have crashed many ships over the decades in different nations., Do you really think with our level of technology that our tech would fail? If we can move in an instant across the entire universe in the blink of an eye that our ships could crash, you must be more nieve than you realise., It’s what you call a contingency plan., All satellites, the ISS space station, all could fall out of the sky without warning., Anything Elon Musk creates., All technology is vulnerable to us., The USA secrets and greed were the first to put you in this position. We take these nukes seriously as a universal violation., We only tell you as we know it’s too late to recall every tech., The world is hooked.,
How well do you know your governments? A global wipe out was underway, launching missile sequences one by one, which woke up many countries as they all detected. Setting off a chain reaction, each country firing at each other without realising no country was doing it, it was us giving you a wake up call., Nobody could have stopped it if we allowed it to continue., The day after, nobody told the public what went down or why and who did it., Now you‘re left knowing what’s inside all technology and our reasons., You're wondering why we would go so far? They ignored our disarming nukes, kept it secret, so we intensified our warning.,
Did you know if you fire a missile at the moon it will do no damage and it will sound out like a gong sound., This also they discovered., The moon is actually what I told you it is., A mother ship that monitors earth., It was responsible for sinking Atlantis, causing the great flood with a single energy strike., When you look at the moon, you see craters and believe asteroids or comets struck the surface., Think again we have mastered the art of camouflage better than you know.,
To the public of the world, many of you have witnessed me call out royals, governments, judges, celebrities, even Vladimir Putin and the Pentagon. Did you wonder where my courage comes from? Well, wonder no more.,
It’s called holding all the aces.,

I looked back at the pyramid with WTF, and "you are funny" statement.,
I came back and was ready to go again.
I found myself in the middle of a plot to steal all the silver and gold. I am then thrown into a casino location whereby one cries out, lament their stealing all the silver and gold… Felt like France by the way he shouted lamnt I could see it spelt without an E., The location uncertain., It could be America as the last few days I have found myself there, a woman being hunted by NY police., And for some reason, article 86 of the geneva convention was her haven., Article 86 was what I gave her even though I had no idea if an article 86 existed or not., only upon my return after doing some research to find it does exist.,
Are the two related? I do not know.,
I have noticed if I come back during the night needing a leak only to return to the pyramid, then the last trip is the one I seek., The pyramid is aware of these things.,
I went over to my mobile to check I didn’t imagine it, to find it still drained of life., I threw it back in the pyramid saying fully charge., took it out five minutes later and put on the side still without life., As I am learning, it doesn’t necessarily happen in an instant., As there were many hours between that mobile charged to fully drained and not used during., Battery would last days without use., Will it recharge the battery currently unknown at present.,
I have put the phone back in the pyramid and will leave there all day.,
I will now attempt to be more specific on my targets who, what, and where before I leave., Past, Present or future…,
I am currently experimenting with transporting my consciousness into different locations to locate hidden gems., The spy/fly on the wall., Sometimes I am cloaked, sometimes I move into another body and watch through their eyes., I have been practicing with non-specific instructions.,
A fictional example of specifics might be: Has Boris Johnson had sex with any other person other than his wife in the last 1 year., I want locations, names, anything that identifies them both., If more than one I want all related details.,
This might take several days if there are more than one., If there are none, I will return with nothing on day 1.,
I am he who built the machine of the future from the depths of the past derived into place., My machine changed worlds, opened doors among brothers and sisters., Yet my secrets that drove it remain unknown, known only to I, THOTH., The gift I left behind through my travels between time and space among the stars.,
In a time far, far, far from now hundreds and thousands pass through together., for now, I pass alone. In a time not far from now, I lead teams to pass on through with my guidance under the helm of the 4th density of Love., The future of man and woman of the Age of Aquarius.,
Majority of ingredients removed from sight for obvious reasons to keep the military from utilising as a weapon., Other worlds use different methods related to their makeup., The methods I am using are most suitable for this realm, and its makeup of natural law., I may or may not have implanted a false ingredient., I retain and reserve all rights for that which I choose to release publicly.,
The most useful thing I can give to anyone who considers themselves awake or spiritual, you will never pass through this machine if you are still feeding your spirit with TV, films, hip hop, rap or metal music, or sad song pop music., Or any news feed from mainstream media., Your energy will not vibrate the correct frequency in order to transcend by way of the machine from the future., I AM giving you what NINE confirms as accurate., You may ask, how do I know these things? I spent over a decade away from these things., I spent just over 2 years back among them to know the difference and truth of what I speak., It comes from experience.,
NINE suggests one is wise, there are those who came from the domain of governments who are spreading false information they have no such technology that create portals gateways to other dimensions or worlds for I was always the one to bring in the time of the Age of Aquarius and not before., Government, old or new current or ex do not hold the energy, vibration or resonate the frequency to open such things., For no spirit with the mindset of war shall ever pass through., Any attempt would end up destroying their entire consciousness., To keep it from them is for their own safety.,
We now confirm what many have known or suspected over many decades.,
We live among you for more than 6 decades., We have bred and married those natural to this earth., We are different in many ways, yet not in appearance., We the Elohim made man in the likeness of ourselves.,We came among the people to make our presence felt known and to remove all fear concerning us when the time comes., We all come from the 24.,
I AM one of the heads of Altea what you call Pleiades, we originated from Alcyon, which was the firstborn star of that cluster., It’s name is Altea you call it Alcyone., We do not reside in that cluster among the heavens. We are in an identical version in another galaxy. What you see is a bridge, a lift, elevator to our realm., On the far reaches of the border of the cold zone., which is an Aeon step to the home of NINE.,
You already know we are different. For I myself have not hidden these facts., We abide by the laws of the infinite creator. We are bound to no other laws., We have been preparing you for the day we come out from the shadows of this world., In order for you to become comfortable with our ships, first we came to live among you., You do not run from me or hide; always greeted with kindness in our presence.,
When the ships choose to land in their many thousands, it will be us they come to., We are the bridge between your world and ours., We are the ambassadors of our worlds merging., We are the forerunners who bathed the way for a new beginning on earth.,
You might wonder, are our intentions good? I ask you, have I harmed anyone who never had the option to resolve concerning my children? If we came here to harm, you would not be here today., Our actions speak the truth., I speak for all the 24 and NINE.,
Something you do not know: Those who knew we were here. Derived a plan to catalogue the population to determine where and who was who., DNA swab sampling for your family heritage. Where does your origin come from? Remember this? We were the only ones who did not fall for this trick., NINE gave us all a heads up., They were clever, they even made you pay for it., We kept silent, informed no member of the human race what was happening., We were not about to inform those who were testing your DNA that we knew., To us, it was pure humor to watch.,
You will not find us on social media. We have one soul out of millions who is in their who scouts and observers for us all., We call Facebook the farm., In your terms, the funny farm., We all left FB before it stopped you deleting your account., We have one soul in all the social networks, our eyes and ears., These are minor differences between us and you.,
You will have heard my words regarding Christianity and you may or may not know of the Vatican thoughts on our presence., yet still I spoke these words., Are you willing to evolve? Your honest answer will carry weight into a future with us or without., You claim to represent us., How can you represent us if you do not recognise us?
You are the only religion who has altered the text and hidden the fact the Elohim are gods, not a god., All others acknowledge this about us., Jewish, Muslim all know there is more than one god they do not hide it.,
Another Warning
if you are considering building a pyramid. I advise you to know what you are getting into., The power that comes from a pyramid is no joke to play around with unless you have experience in these matters., This was the only video I could find., Why this man earthed his pyramid in that manner, I have no idea yet he found out the hard way.,I do not earth my pyramid. I earth me not the pyramid., When it comes to the pyramids of Giza bear in mind, they are founded on the foundation of earth’s energy., Same with all pyramids around the globe., there are many thousands around the globe, some not even found yet., A copper pyramid works under different rules.,
The video he went directly through the center where the energy flows. I guess he was learning its potential, trial and error.,
My pyramid has many functions, yet the core intention of building combined with the water I drink igniting the codes within my body that are activating one by one., Causing electronic power surges at will is one of them., As we are close to what we mention above Roswell 1947., I am still in shock that many people default to the idea of meditation and healing., I don’t need a pyramid to meditate or heal myself., It has fast become a new age marketing novelty when people do not fully understand its power., It’s like giving a child matches and leaving them unattended., I hope what this man explains will help you understand the power you are dealing with., Novices would be wise to stay away from pyramids.,
Think about what this man is saying. He built a 30 foot pyramid already earth to ground and yet he still tried to earth the pyramid down the center when it already earthed., He caused a powerful feedback loop using the center of direct energy., I’m sure he must have realised it even afterwards if he thought about it.,
He also talks about another pyramid concerning halting cancer., He uses the universal power of 5 which relates to divine council of FIVE of NINE., He is not wrong in his assumptions, in fact his on the right path., He must have some idea what Council of FIVES power is, to even consider using FIVE…, Each member has their own power that moves through the entire universe., Be interesting to know how far he got with that.,
If you were considering exploring the universe, then it’s Divine Council of SEVEN of NINE you require., No joke about why I came or what I mention above Roswell 1947., You would have to be somewhat blind if you believe we were about to let a nuke, war hungry species into our universe when you can’t even find peace among yourselves., I am being polite., This is not the first time you hear this, as many have worked it out., We call them the intelligent ones., Paola Leopizzi Harris Intelligent woman who can see it.,