One World Government New World Order
Ask why these women don’t come forward? Fear., Both countries have a weapon system for people who speak out, called Mental Health. This weapon silences those who speak, drugged, abused more, finally labelled now. No one will believe them., Problem solved., Two-tier abuse system for those who escape sex trafficking and talk., Run by the care of government., Government causes the war, manages sex trafficking and the silence system., Male patriarchy system is based on sexual abuse of women and children. Government corporation primarily owned by the CROWN., Who actively pay and reward celebrities in the management of such abuse so not to reveal its them as well.,
If P. Diddy is stealing the limelight, then who in government/royals/corps are they trying to keep you from noticing the truth about? Celebrities are the fall guys. They are too dumb to realise the truth easily tricked by their ego., They take the fall whilst the major players are going out the side door.,
Look up Comfort Women of South Korea under Japan occupation of world war 2., Nothing changes in war, the truth is easily hidden.,
Brought to you by all members of the NINE under the divine authority of the infinite Creator.,
To the hidden groups, you were looking for signs that your magic worked., I am here to tell you; you fucked up., The reason a soul crashes in a head-on car collision with a tree walks away with barely a scratch walks away from the hospital unnoticed was because that was no ordinary human soul., A divine being a chief of all angels., Whilst that Angel has not revealed who they are, all may do as they please.,
Once that soul reveals their identity., Any soul doing anything in that soul’s direction becomes targeted and taken down with their own magic. Most die, become sick, which also encompasses their family., The angel is doing nothing. The entire universe is holding their corner and coming after every soul who attempts anything with ill intentions against the highest divine archangel soul.,
You send out a death spell, you will experience that 10,000 times amplified., As for the angel in question, it’s like a sneeze., Harmless., Using magick on the Infinite Creators number one is not a good move.,
That car crash all those years ago was a warning sign. Be careful who you mess with., appearances can be deceiving. The Police have these miraculous details in their archives, which was a warning sign for the government when the time approached., You won’t be told again, instead we are coming for you.,
For those individual souls who are hoping praying I do not come or look your way., Sadly, for you, you're too late. You have been under investigation and surveillance for plenty of time., Your world is going to fall.,
One thing you’re certain about is that a one world government is heading your way., Yet I have already told you, established already a century ago, you did not have all the details to notice., What you don’t know is who will be in charge of all that upon the great reveal. That’s where I come in., I, Melkal/Thoth/Seven, I am him., A slow yet steady preparation for my arrival., I do not agree with how they are getting there., the intention is what we do agree upon.,
We shall setup to mimic the divine council of NINE., Over many years I watched many spiritual people as the eight candidates to sit with me upon this new world order., You are hearing this for the first time. Those within all governments are also hearing for the first time and now you know why we allowed certain things., The eight candidates’ names remain with us for now., 4 Female, 4 Male, 1 extra terrestrial not of this earth, me.,.,
You may believe that the world is in a bad place,
Yet I tell thee I see it not., you might believe nations are at war, yet I say unto thee, look around you, what can you see? See it not., that is truth.,A story of time past, early 90s governments claimed Muslims were evil terrorists, building momentum for a future event., Tv news promoted such things. People believed what a box told them, yet none of them got up and went and checked for themselves., I did.,
How do you convince a world a truth from a lie? Bush family among the hidden take down 2+1 buildings in one morning blaming all on Muslims. That’s how you get a lie turned into a truth., Kill your own people and blame it on your neighbour., Yet never I say never go and check for yourself., you might find a wizard hiding behind the curtain if you do., Pray nobody checks behind the curtain, ain’t that so bush.,
How do you know? The tv said so, the newspaper, my neighbour told me, a friend shared his wisdom. The government said so., That’s how I know. SO YOU DON’T KNOW THEN, THAT’S ALL YOU TOLD ME., First-hand experience is how you know not hearsay, or fabricated hearsay scripts., But, but, but they had video clips., silence, explain how the movie independence day looked so real? See how little thee knows., To hand you tinted glasses is easily done., counting down from 9 and wide a wake and feeling refreshed. Welcome to our new earth birthing a new world order.,
she is a beauty yet bare with us as our lady is still in travail labour is an intense feeling even messy at times., Hold in there, the reward is beautiful.,
To bring down the twin towers meant you need a building that holds the evidence to how you bring those towers down, wait you better get rid of that building also, shit the job got sloppy., What was the horror shock on the faces of past presidents and family? What did they just read in our letter?
Why would we do it to you, anyone but trump right? exactly the man who can get you gritting your teeth, just because he smiled., The trump card, the icing on the cake, the deal breaker, the world breaker, the system breaker., the insider who pushes the wrong button at the wrong time, because he wanted to see what it does. That’s Donald Trump, the man who breaks the world., He doesn’t listen to anyone; he does what he wants period., There are 1 thousand dominos all aligned. It just takes Donald to start the ball rolling. He has no idea where the dominos are., A jester, the trump card is a jester., - Tie him down, seal his mouth. One false move and the domino effect is underway., One domino releases the contents of that letter, your walking on eggshells now., You can thank my two besties in LA for this one.,
I am giving you a head start., I once wrote down the rules of this new world order how I lay down the laws., If you have my books, you might already know them., Look for the list where I rearrange the police force., How status/rank within the police force earned., That’s the list of how I re-order the new world order., The 8 candidates, yes, are very much spiritually established in plain sight., One female listed on this website., Happy hunting for the new world order laws.,
Teal Swan is my first choice.,
The remaining seven revealed at the time of takeover., Channeling does not fit our profile for beneficial change., Their power is not their own.,,Last song., The lyrics were me telling you the coming truth., Look who I address in title.,
And that’s why you have not been encouraged to buy my silence.,
Why multiple websites behind me? You believed you were winning., Feeding your ego.,Why is it I cannot be found within the bible? I am among the Ethiopian scripts of Enoch., Notice how I move from the south to the north, how all play out as Enoch gave it., Indicates where we are in the grand scheme of things., Why did it not make it inside the bible? If I spoke of your future, would you add it? No, of course not.,
Hidden Circles
Do not be confused., I revoked all magical dark arts, rendering you without special powers., I took nothing from the spiritually evolved they still have., Past videos with a meter reading about how my touch can take away energy., Past symbolic hint., Absorb, remake anew., Alchemy the art of self transformation., Took back that which I gave., That which benefits the all, allowed. That which benefits self revoked., The rich and famous are now up the creek without paddles., Tinsel town is crumbling.,Ask and it is given: I will take all on the day our people rise from the oceans come up from beneath the earth. The shadows shall disengage their camo, revealing the warriors of Altea, and the heavens shall descend 10,000 upon 10,000. An incalculable number shall descend upon man., This is that day.,
When the Jeffery Epstien bubble burst, many believed it all ended with him as he was now dead., Everyone was safe., The tip of a large iceberg., The entertainment industry has been under the watchful eye of NINE.,
Diddy is the start of a never-ending tower collapsing around this industry., The names you once loved shall all surface to the light of day, bringing the world in shock and horror., I once spoke about female singers who have a young audience were part of the trafficking of children via their fanbase., Keep watching., Leave no stone unturned. All branches lead to a new network waiting to be discovered., A network within a network within multiple others., Whilst a fanbase might appear a harmless thing, the penny drops when VIP access occurs, friendship, mentoring begins., The fanbase the head hunting project., Similar to the madam who culls all her girls in one place for the others to go through, like a catalogue of choices., Ignore not the global talent shows., ~ GIA.,
Changing The Landscape Of America.,
A question, a route, an event., Why have I tied Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, in with Epstein, combs what’s the connection., With dominoes, you never know what route they take, each domino leading to a new line of doms., At some point in the tumbling dominoes, the Pentagon will have no choice to assume leadership on our behalf until the next event.,Pentagon’s first mission revoke all gun licenses, disarm all civilians in possession of firearms.,
Donald Trump The Man Who Breaks The World., One billion, advisor and guide under divine law Nobody, not even you know the creator’s law better than me., Make no such claims.,
Harry Litman
Donald is the choice that brings down the house of congress, alienates nations, brings the Whitehouse to its knees, leaving only the pentagon as a viable option where our people walk the halls., It’s an unstoppable takeover., America ignoring came at a price., Matt Gaetz March 2023 Abolish the FBI, CDC, ATF, DOJ every last one of them if they do not come to heel., Matt Gaetz, domino one triggered., I lost a bet I wager he won’t trip on a dom until January 2025. The coffee is still hot and his tumbling around., At a certain dom, a state of emergency, locking down all air travel, no one gets in or out., It’s too late deals off.,Donald Trump, here is a man who for many years in secret practiced in front of a mirror his fantasy role as the most historical president in history bigger than JFK., He even staged a fake assassination to reap poll ratings., A real diva., We smiled. Your wish is granted. Yet what you want and what you get are not equal., One domino states he will attempt to save Diddy by protecting his clan, protecting his interests., Monumento trip up.,
Anything to say on the crown or Westminster? Nope, hurting their pockets., America funded by the UK and groups in Europe, their greatest gain becomes their greatest loss., Pentagon is taking full ownership and deleting the debt of an unlimited blank signed cheque to build America from the past to the present day., Balance void., The award for the most entertaining man on earth goes to Donny T.,
Transparent., Things change., I am not the man who will go around helping all I can., I would help none., My family are those within the ships., I owe no human anything., I care about those you presently cannot see., I care for the creator., It is not the will of the creator for me to help financially., I am to show the same grace I was given., This is the will of the creator., I am to assist none who have not put in the work spiritually., I am not to assist the lazy soul.,
On another version of earth that is my way., Trust is something you earn, so true is the soul., Put no faith in me if you have not done the work., I hold the list of names who have., Befriending me yields no results. Deception radar no fool stands before thee, ascending beacon beckons, moth to the eternal flame., I am here on earth to take it all, times change.,
The Kremlin, the pentagon and NINE are in union together., Visibility, not presently manifest.,
To you, the high council are mythical beings that cannot be proved or disproved., A myth, a fantasy, a story., The ships tell you differently, therefore split in understanding., To you, they reside in the heavens. To me they exist within me via a communicator, not a channel, a telepathic implant at the center of the brain, a crystalline structure, an eye of Horus, the eye of hawk.,. How I know the things I know that forever evolve the telepathic link between us., To you, seeing is believing to us, believing is seeing., The differences between us.,Knowing is seeing, knowing is knowing., If I were not SEVEN/MELKAL the 7 and the ship in the sky would not be available to the seeing eye., The Creator makes no mistakes; the creator speaks no lies.,
"It is your error if you turned your back on the creator, believing is seeing.," You did not see because at the core of your soul you do not believe “he/she of little faith”
When the bishop the priest abuses the young choir boy here stands before thee, the nonbeliever, his lack of faith now transcends across the religion when it goes unchecked., Staining the religion., They are not the voice of the creator., Or the go between., They who lost the rights., No power to crown a soul.,The entire global system founded on the foundation of the creator giving power and authority over all to govern in his name., This to is void for the same reasons.,
To the rich and famous, if you do not learn from your actions pronto, I am taking everything you own every last thing., That is what I mean by all and who I mean., I will keep 50% and hand out like bread from a basket to the people with the other 50% I have always given you the truth., “Confessions of a bodyguard - the hero’s last stand” The underground global army network the hidden in plain sight., To the CROWN, a down payment for the debt you owe, the blank cheque belongs to me.,
The Kremlin, the Pentagon and NINE always gave the truth in plain sight., visible to all with eyes that see our statement within the skies inverted pyramids.,
These are the many phases that are underway until we reach the final council of 9.,
When I SEVEN, MELKAL, THOTH look out into the world, I say men; I do not understand you.,
These women are your daughters, wives, aunts, niece, sisters, nans, and mothers., What you do to one of them, you do to all., I do not understand you.,
You won’t stop, then so be it., The Trinity, now known as the Kremlin, Pentagon and NINE, stands before you.,
That is a personal thought I have owned since 1995 that grew stronger by 2006., I have ignored my own desires for a woman for 9 years so I can reach this point., Bringing to a close: I am not alone in my thoughts regarding woman., I do not agree with what woman has done to protect herself yet do understand why., NINE sees all.,Special Bulletin No Farmers, No Food, No Future. No Politian’s, No corruption, no bullshit, no more headaches, a carefree better future.,
If the farmers bail on the world no food no future, yes and NO, hydroponic labs can cure this and supermarkets can UP the cost, feeding the POCKETS of Politian’s and their corporate friends also putting small business out of the game.,Now, ask what’s more valuable to humans: Politian or Farmers? Of course you know the answer.
No Farmers, No food, No future., No Politian’s, No corruption, no bullshit, no more headaches, a carefree future., You decide Politian’s or farmers., Which has more value to the human race?
Now if every industry came out on strike at the same time, you will bring them to their knees and show these politicians who rule the world., That’s how you take charge, not with riots., With absolute obstruction to their money machine peacefully., If all don’t take part, nothing can change., same bullshit as always., Go, Go, Go Farmers!!!
The People become the pandemic on governments., Globally!
To affect the food market, do not affect the shops, instead affect the core supply of where food comes from, affect their lives create a chain reaction until one day food is in crisis, the price hits the roof and the people suffer.,
Who suffers most? Those who eat unconsciously who live off takeaways, 3 meals a day people, Snacksters., Who is less affected? Intermittent fasters those who train their body to the most efficient use of food. Those who grow their own., Fasting 16 hours a day and having a window of 8 hours for consumption is the most efficient use of food that has beneficial results and the on-coming storm will have less affect.,
As with takeaways, limiting oneself to once or maybe twice a month is beneficial., Especially if you eat vegetables everyday same meal every day. Takeaways break down the monotony, disrupt the pattern keeps you focused on the bigger plan, providing you have the willpower to return to the plan after that taste orgasm explosion.,
Nothing crazy about what I do just way ahead of the game., In the know before they all know.,
When it comes to being way ahead of the game: Jesus knew who judas was before judas knew who he was.,
An 8 hour food window doesn’t mean eat non stop for the 8 hours its breathing space I tend to eat closer to the end of the window or if hungry early once at the start and once again at the end allowing hours in between for the body to recover., Eating food is traumatic for the body in case you didn’t know.,I eat daily spring onions, onions, chickpeas, lentils, Chana, carrots, cabbage, raisins, peppers, bean sprouts, all mixed in a curry sauce, like a soup heavy on the vegetables., might sound boring yet if you cook for 5 or 10 minutes on simmer they still remain rawish and the taste is mind blowing., Addictive., I grow my own and buy., Swapping rice for lentils is a smart move., Eating vegetables is life giving food as the creator intended., Eating animals is death, it’s just dead., You become what you eat.,
If you don’t break the monotony of your bigger plan, you will feel like you're missing out on something and eventually go back to your old ways., Learn when to break your own patterns so you never feel like you're missing out., Always have the willpower to get back on the horse.,
What do you do if you have a partner who teases your plan, tempts to old ways? Put your foot down, respect my plan, support it or get the fuck off my plan., Take no prisoners. That’s how.,
When I eat rice with vegetables as a stir fry I found I fell off the wagon more., What I eat now is mouth watering compared to dry. I believe this is what made all the difference., All is trial and error finding the sweet spot., I add a photo of what it looks like later to give perspective.,
This is what that food looks like. For weeks I wonder where does the excitement with cleaning up right after eating come from. Today I realise I answer my own question. I feel alive because I am not eating dead food so I am excited and energised to cook then clean and feel satisfied “Living Food”.,
Plants are life giving, cut a flower from the plant. You notice it has life still, yet it’s on a clock before life is gone. Kill an animal. Life is gone. It’s dead before it even reaches a shop shelf., No animal ever given to earth to be killed or eaten. They were companions. The creator is life.,