There are billions who do not know what I am saying., I am god and when I look out into the world I see god, when I meet a person I am just meeting god., When a bird comes to me I met god., When I talk to a stranger, I am talking to god., So, everything I experience and interact with is god, including myself.,
I do not need to pray to an imaginary friend one cannot see touch or talk to because I already know where god is., Yet don’t confuse god with Infinite Intelligence or the One infinite Creator., Gods are the fragments of the one infinite creator as a whole they make that one infinite creator.,When I talk to you I am talking to god., If a person is in a state of anger or war than that’s god opposing itself, therefore, the one infinite creator does not support this version of itself.,
Religion does not know who god is, so it puts god in an invisible stance so nobody but them can reach., They cut people off from the truth.,
I am a god. You are a god, we all are a god., The tree, the rock, the dirt, the insect, the dog, the cat, the blade of grass are all god.,
When I see someone having a public outburst, I chuckle to myself, “oh look, there goes god having a funny moment” and leave god to get on with it, it’s only temporary their be fine god will realise later how funny they looked and laugh at themselves.,
When I say I know the depth of that question and meaning, this is what I know., I will not deny the god in me for anyone., Yet by telling you I allow the door to open for the god in you to be discovered., Once you know the truth, you cannot be fooled by others with a hidden agenda anymore., That’s a fact.,
When you hear a person say Namaste, it means the god in me recognises the god in you., They are saying I am a god.,
Religious leaders, governments, royals certainly do not want you to know this truth as they believe only they can play that role., Yeah, right, take a hike., When I am kind to another person, I am being kind to god., No hidden agenda in that.,
God is a blue tit. Why? because god can laugh at itself, its joy, humor, and love., it is not hate or war., That’s opposing god, opposing the Infinite One Creator.,
This was what I, as Jesus, was telling you 2,000 years ago. Nothing more nothing less.,
So we are clear and on the same page when you see me do the dance of polarity between both sides., You are witnessing me as god standing in front of the tanks saying NO, you're not going here., Not in my name.,I do not avoid polarity; I integrate all aspects of thyself as one., I do not fear if something feels a little negative., If you do not face this aspect of self, then you suppress it., That’s how wars begin., That’s how anger starts., Someone who has denied their emotions and how they feel about a subject is now a ticking time bomb., This I do not allow of thyself.,
~ I Am god Melkal.,