How To Chop 11 Onions Without A Tear In Sight
Grow Bean Sprouts In Used Coffee Jars

And I can't count 🙂 12
The trick is stages don’t cut one onion at a time; the core is what really makes you cry. The moment you cut into a core, the tears start. This slows you down and maybe you get 1, maybe 3 onions at best before you're crying like a baby., Here is the hack.First, peele the brown skin on all 11 onions.
Then chop the top, not the root end., do to all onions and turn the chopped side on its head. This prevents onions juice, surprising you and tears creep in. make sure you complete each step for all onions.
Then using the knife cut around the roots in a circular pattern, push in towards the center not deep 1 inch and pop the core out in a bin away from where you're working. It will look like a cone pyramid.,
Now slice each onion in half, then slice in to equal parts. Dump on a tray. You will need to move fast through this process than place in a freezer for 1 hour.
After one hour you can dice them or place in a freezer bag or use them I guess., providing you follow correctly as shown you will not have a single tear, the slicing into equal parts you might feel a twinge that’s why you move fast.,
The cores, go to where you put them, just peek inside for a few seconds. Powerful, that’s the part that stops people peeling them because of tears., That’s the potent part of an onion never cut an onion from start to finish if your doing more than one., Most people tend to cut an onion completely before doing the next one. That’s why it makes you cry cutting into the core to quick, especially if you got 5 to do.,
When you bring them out of the freezer after 1 hour, they cut easily and have no effect on the eyes because they are on ice., Job Done.,
The more you practice, you become an onion ninja., My record is 13 onions.,
Considering I am fasting, this is a good challenge.,
Last image separated and bagged for another time., That’s 22 onions prepared in 2 days.,
~ Melkal.,