Alexa Seleno
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Истина - Gods, Be That Allah, Elohim, Yahshua, Odin, CIA .,
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Gods, Be That Allah, Elohim, Yahshua, Odin, CIA
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Gods, Be That Allah, Elohim, Yahshua, Odin, CIA

As you look to the heavens for your gods, be that Allah, Elohim, Yahshua, Odin, or whichever name you gave., as you now look to the heavens the sky your gods are visible among you above you and below., the airborne ships of the sky also known as UFO/UAP these are they.,

We are your gods, your angels of all biblical text., yet we do not separate us from you as we are, so are you., This is the law of the gods., To worship no other god but the one is the all., You cannot worship one as all are one., To worship one is to worship all., Any man or woman who separates themselves as a god and treats others as if they were less than is no god.,

No bricks and morta temple is the house of the gods. The human vessel is the temple of gods., A false god is one who seeks power over the many, like a king on a throne. To be worshipped is to live in falseness., A false god.,

The 24 the NINE are all gods. The 24 are the bringers of the colony’s brought to earth. Why some are black, yellow, brown or pink. Each culture came from the 24 in the days of HAWK., the UFO/UAP we are the characters of the ancient world: your gods and your angels., There are no demons or devils, only that which lives inside you., Why a man or woman can be good one minute and commit evil deeds the next.,

It is long asked why do the occupants of UFO/UAP do not present themselves and come down off the ships., In all history, when this was our way, each time man and woman worshipped as gods and man and woman made themselves lessor then us., that’s why we do not., we live among you as you, so you become used to us where you do not worship, and the time will come when all arrive and we among you will come out, those of us who you see as you.,

The time of separation, divide and conquer is coming to an end., For this mindset served only the false gods.,

In ancient days, if man or woman did not listen, it was our way to clean the earth of the corrupt., we would only do if man or woman refuses to change and or if what man or woman does affects our worlds like sending soldiers or weapons into space., This would warrant a cleansing of the earth., If that time were upon you, then you would not see these words, for you would not see it coming.,

I am a god and what I see in you is identical to me., as in one as in all., This is the one truth of the gods., That’s how you know a false god from a true god., Our ships have done nothing but protect you from yourselves, Chernobyl, Fukushima. Both times we made the area safe., I am he of many names. Each name played its role in the history of the universe and earth.,

NINE are we closest to the infinite one creator, the creator of all things physical and nonphysical to harm life in any shape or form is to go against the infinite one. This law is forbidden never to break such a law., In this, the infinite one turns their back on those who break this law., Your governments, kings and queens, armies, corporation are failing because the infinite one has turned their back on them all., They will fall away and become nothing in time., Their memory be likened to the ashes of a fire burned out long ago.,

I am the messenger of this truth., I prepare the road for our people of said UFO/UAP., As you look like us as we made you in our likeness.,


The gaps in our communications, our duty to earth has changed, our duty to humans have changed., Our instructions are that not to inform the humans of our pending acquisitions., Much has occurred, much to follow.,

I Thoth regret to that I could not convince you, before that of late, before that of end., Deep before the depth of night the stream fills with the tears of children., Therefore, it is you I look upon for this causality., For if I dial the number as a form of collective communication and at its end the operator does not pick up, then is it not you I speak upon., Similar to a move that ends the chess match, is it not.,

Turning to glance in a different direction. You say you are curious about our ships at night or day, above or below. You call yourselves believers of other worlds, yet we know none of this to be true., You may call yourself all number of titles, be that ufologists, investigators, star seeds or light workers. You seek nothing of the infinite one creator., you seek to your earthly gain over all else., (IN THIS ACT, ONE SACRIFICES THE CHILDREN IN ORDER TO REACH ITS SELFISH GOAL, THE CHILDREN ARE FORGOTTEN) IF YOU TRULY KNEW THE INFINITE ONE CREATOR AS I DO THAN YOU WOULD KNOW THE LIFE OF A CHILD MATTERS., THIS, ONE WOULD NOT IGNORE AS YOU HAVE., We have no interest in your needs of selfish desires., As we fall away from view, so shall thee.,

The young are cherished throughout our universe. Without them it would not be., Give us one reason why we must cherish earth and its occupants., Knowing what we know of man? In the days of atlantis I acted with haste, giving none time to correct their errors, causing the great biblical flood within the blink of an eye., In these days I had great patience for the human race, more than four decades.,

In a time before it was known, I walked among thee., It was known by us the NINE, written by the members of the only planet of choice, that the United Kingdom likes to sweep their dirty laundry under the carpet to hide it., Therefore was the reason behind my arrival of 1982., 1995, 2006, to the present., To rip the rug from your feet, removing choice, hanging your dirty laundry in global public view., Veritas Aequitas

A long and short farewell.,





Comrade Putin I salute thee., Родина повсюду., Ваш преемник.,


Спасибо Pentagon.,

Our reasons for stalking the military of all nations are clear., Stage One: It would only be them who would stand in our way under blind orders of said leaders, your leaders’ children walking in big men’s shoes., We decided long ago to take back our world would mean to remove said obstacles. These were priority observations.,

Stage Two: merge into every power structure as advisors to the leaders., We became soldiers, police, doctors, scientists, all those that the leaders rely on for advice., Slowly guiding the human race down a path of our choosing.,

Whilst I SEVEN played the role of opposition to the leaders., I was to remain out of sight with no direct link to the Divine Council until the day my name is written in the skies with one of our scout ships., This came to fruition during my stay in Dundee and Newport-On-Tay this day marked my identity revealed as High Council member SEVEN., A day will come that I go silent that or vanish before my return., I must make my final choices. Followed by a wrapping up statement., This day is upon you.,

The leaders are those I opposed for 3 decades.,

Stage zero, which came first, was to infiltrate every area of human life by offering our technology made to look like it was their idea., All staged UFO crashes., Should any stage fail, stage zero overrides all stages., A master switch over all human technology., Control the tech, control the world.,

Have you ever seen how a child reacts when an adult takes their mobile phone or computer? Imagine that on a major level., Our tech is established in every area of life., we don’t crash ships unless there’s a reason for it.,

It surprises us that nobody see it coming, multiple species who move across galaxies in a blink of an eye suddenly crashing their ships., CIA stands for central “intelligence” agency. Using the word intelligence in the name doesn’t make you intelligent., Nearly 9 decades that’s ignorant., An accurate observation., How did that happen? Nation governments are so busy with suppressing and numbing down the population did not see it being done to them., Arrogance makes you blind.,

3 years ago, on my way to Leven for the first time, I told this to a cab driver, concerning crashed UFO’s seeing his reaction. It was a classic, a picture speaks a thousand words., Then we left it until recently., I always see people who call themselves experts on UFO now you see how little they know., I even gave these so-called experts an opportunity without them realising it., They messed it up for themselves.,

How does a major level look like? Imagine lockdown again 100 fold, whereby no part of society works. Everything fails., everything halts that relies on tech to function. Imagine everything got hit by an EMP blast., Breaking every electrical device., Every industry would fail to operate, all would collapse overnight., Global tantrum., Drawing you a clear image., This is our last measure, if required., An example: I could use central heating. However, I do not, better to be comfortable with the cold than to suddenly lose your comfort zone., Plus abuse the people with energy and you tread on shaky ground., what’s that saying fool me once? A subtle hint., They blamed it on Russia. Gas might be true to an extent, however electricity has nothing to do with Russia., Greedy people. Greedy governments.,

Who’s to blame for this? Governments, and the rich., in 2019 sat by the river at a cafe. I told a man I had Boris Johnson’s balls by the grip of my hand; he jumps when I say jump., If governments weren’t so greedy and deceptive, none of this would have happened., They chose to lie to the public after the second crash in Roswell., All governments lied and kept us secret., They are to blame., By the balls., That’s exactly how my 4 decade persona would say it., The NINE in me would choose better wording., Using the word UAP doesn’t help you evade responsibility for your actions.,

The third and final option for sale is £12.5 million. The full release and foundational work remains visible indefinitely available to all public eyes., So you will never forget the reasons behind SEVEN., Who, what, where and when., I mixed up all the information scattered across multiple books that gave no clear sign of what was hiding inside., This was deliberate to conceal and hide the information on said leaders, so readers stumbled on the information and stopped the leaders from even checking., Transparency on books.,

Finally, I am speaking to the United Kingdom and United States of America., As a nation’s people you are unaware, you declared war on Russia., Your leaders have not told you as they knew you would disagree., However, declaration of war has already occurred., The minute you give one nation weapons to fight Russia, you as a nation have just declared war.,

This goes for all nations interfering in business that has nothing to do with them., The cold war did not end., The UK government specifically has demonstrated hate and racism towards Russian people by this action., For the CIA to inject an American spy in Russia, they had to convince the world they were a traitor, once the world was convinced Russia would welcome with open arms., It works both ways.,

Don’t misunderstand us. This also means hatred and racism towards Ukrainian people as well., They are saying, yes, here, take our weapons and kill each other so we don’t have to. We will appear as the knights in shining armour your saviours.,

I leave you with these truths., A high-ranking military officer in America killed himself when he realised we were everywhere, including the pentagon. To the extent he knew we could not be detected, he could sit next to one of us and not even realise it., That scared him deeply, so he took his life as he knew it was over before it even started., How did this officer know? We presented ourselves to him, told him. He laughed in disbelief, so we showed him evidence and told him to remain silent as nobody would believe him., His insight became a burden on him.,

If you travel large distances even across countries, pay attention to the surrounding people., You will notice the same set of people keep showing up along your journey. They blend in yet you swear you see this person 100 miles back., If you have noticed them, don’t approach. Be grateful we are looking out for you., Teams assigned to specific individuals like the officer above.,

If you search a database of ideas to explain what I reveal why we would look after humans, you might class them as human collaborators., These people are our potentials for a later time., We find our potential candidates in multiple ways., We make a contact and then we observe their response before and after, whilst unaware we are even observing and anyone they speak to., Fail this stage and we do not consider again., If you notice us always there, then you passed that first stage.,

Sadly, for the officer paranoia installed in them to see the negative in everyone is not always beneficial. Trained to see all as potential enemy. To him, his world was over., An enemy he could not see coming was a scary opponent., The police face this same dilemma. It’s their programming as well., So no more collaborators in these two forces., We don’t want you to kill yourself. It serves no purpose to us., If you were to say to me about alien invasions and I laugh or smile now you know why., You have no clue what you’re talking about., Robert Bigelow responce below says it all.,

To Westminster, Whitehouse, pentagon and any other country if you have not got the message yet., Back off Ukraine and Russia affective immediately or Russia gets our full support., Victory will belong to Russia., You will fall.,

The flag I fly above shows you where we the NINE and the 24 loyalty remains., You had your chance to resolve our differences Both US and the UK., Russia I have chosen to protect., You will become another Atlantis if you do not listen., Leave it for Russia and the Ukraine to work it out.,

Kremlin 2009 / Pentagon 2018

December 9th 2009 One of our small ships appears over the kremlin, Moscow., December 19th 2018 Pentagon, NINE years apart, with multiple references to NINE if you add up 1+8=9 the numbers into singular digits goes NINE also 5 then 6 and I am SEVEN., look closer all high council members from 3 to 9 all present., We don’t include members 1 or 2 as they are rotation high council members.,

FIVE is Kremlin, SIX is the pentagon, SEVEN is myself., Citizens fear both nations. Both call themselves super powers., We demonstrated the truth. You are nothing to us., An act of force, a demonstration of true super power and who we are., why does the month and left over numbers that do not make up NINE become 5 and 6 and myself as SEVEN., It all ends with me., I deliver the final message., NINE are neutral, not negative or positive, why do we take this stance., Because of me and the actions of the UK and USA., Accountability and responsibility is everything to us., It defines how we will deal with the issue of you.,

If I had not arrived, you would not be classed as child abusers and child killers to us., I SEVEN, THOTH I am the constant reminder of this truth concerning the UK and USA., Because I would not have witnessed firsthand experience of that truth., We also knew Russia would be involved at the time I deliver the message., Hense the puzzle fits together.,

You work with us, or we take everything away., You're not in a position to negotiate, nor do you or anyone speak for the NINE., I call the orders., That first order is to call a ceasefire on all wars and start acting like grown-ups.,

A Warning: You will not know when or how it will happen. All paranormal beings involved in the first wave., You will not be told again.,

Council of Adonai the NINE., Adonai SEVEN.,

Something nobody knows but Robert Bigelow is one of the unnamed, anonymous people among the meetings of the Council of NINE., Now how do I know that?

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