Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - Fake King Charles .,
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Fake King Charles
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We have our verdict as NINE., First; we want you to know why. My earth father had cancer. I went in search of his real family. I discovered the Hudson family linked to the Perry family in south London. I contacted Katy Perry through my music contacts and requested her to visit a dying man. Katy Launched an attack at my entire music empire. All record labels got banned and deleted, apart from the independent labels I had been signed to which still exist online with very old songs.,

This created a rift between us, the NINE and America. You discovered what Katy had done, that she hurt the family who won a high court battle against you for the abuse of my daughter. You then went public in the middle east and made her ambassador congratulating, rewarding her on what she had done. Rubbing it in our face.,

We gave you cancer so you can now feel what my father was feeling., So you can understand what you did., and so your family can see it from our position at that time.,

We will not be keeping you on earth., We shall take you unexpectedly., You will face a trial of the realm of nightmares for approx 8 billion lifetimes before we consider you back to relearn and try again.,

Your associates and family in crime will be following you and anyone who supports you.,

We do not hate you. We gave you plenty of options to resolve., You must learn from your errors.,

Plus Diana was a member of the NINE., You over stepped our boundaries.,

Also, we picked up our army uniform in December 2019 where it has remained on I., We did this as a sign of disrespect for you and all governments for every crime against children.,

A song for you.,

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