Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - ETs Among The Cosmos Be Wary Orion – Julian Assange .,
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ETs Among The Cosmos Be Wary Orion – Julian Assange
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The council of NINE. sent Julian Assange on a special mission, whereby we wait to see what the British government decides what they are going to do with him.,

Orion and Zeta Reticuli both are connected they are ex warriors of the old ANU regime. They are also connected under the one on the sixth dimension named Sa.tan they are working under that entity. He is not how they portrayed some dude with horns and a tail. He is Sixth density of light of the unbalanced negative polarity, so are Orion and Zeta Reticuli.,

They are covert in presenting spiritual light. Their methods are to move humans into a selfish way of living spiritually. This is how they trick humans.,

They are not part of the NINE or the 24. The 24 are known in bibles as the 24 angels., We refer to the heads of those species. Altea is one of the 24., The heads of Altea are 144,000 in number. We do not breed, so our number remains the same., 24 are of the balanced positive although throughout our history we have all been many things. NINE are in the center, not negative or positive.,

The 24 formed at the end of the last rebellion war., NINE has been protecting the earth since the imprisonment of ANU on earth.,

When I speak as Altea, that of Latea of Arzu., we are all speaking collectively., Those you call Pleiadians would be considered our children, as we were responsible for their creation among the seven daughters of our system., They are not nordic blondes with blue eyes., That was a form they took when they visited the area of the nordic people to appear similar in nature., We are all an electric neon blue mist as our natural formation. We have not always been this way. We once had a physical form like humans when we ourselves lived among the 3rd dimension during the rebellion wars.,

We are 13th dimensional beings we take form if and when required., When visiting those we manage among the universe, we take their form whilst visiting., All other species among the universe are fully aware of us all, including the NINE.,

When I arrived in 1982, I left the 12th dimension. Our work on earth earned us the upgrade to the 13th dimension where we are now under the guidance of the 14th dimensional beings.,

Back to Orion and Zeta. We are not at war with these beings; they have no way of fighting us. If they tried, we freeze them in stasis, we only release them if they are willing to return home., They do attempt to invade the earth, whereby they become stuck at the barrier that surrounds the earth. They know it’s pointless, yet they do still try., Sometimes they are sneaky and do make it inside., However, that would be a singular ship.,

I do not have the vocabulary to explain how they sometimes do make it past our barrier., All ships that do come into earth are sent to us on Saturn, whereby they must state their reason for visiting. If we agree they enter.,

We started the barrier after ANU’s imprisonment to keep the Orion warriors and zeta from freeing ANU., it was also to keep ANU locked inside with no way to escape., Imagine a glitch well that’s what Orion waits for and makes a run at earth and then makes it inside., We come in after them and remove., A glitch happens so fast only a ship could make it through not an entire fleet., They discovered this backdoor through patterns.,

Earth’s history has information among cultures that speak of a great war in the sky in ancient times. That’s correct, it was only one time that was the last rebellion war and ANU being imprisoned alongside our siblings Enki and Enlil.,

Our children spoke of a war for the battle of ownership of earth., That’s what we told them to give., We do not give all info at one time. We work like a ladder. Jacob’s ladder resembles our meaning., That info was say, ladder level one. As you progress to level two, it appears that all you learned on level one is now invalid and that’s incorrect., You could not reach level two without level one, it remains valid., Once you understand this, you understand how we work.,

Remember Orion and Zeta Reticuli are of the love and light vibration, yet the unbalanced negative variety selfish is negative., They are attempting to move you away from selfless positive., A covert operation disguised as good.,

Orion was the prison planet of ANU, we were kept prisoners there during the rise of the rebellion., After we lost the first war., My escape led me to Venus, where the Ra Collective kept me hidden under the name THOTH., There were a few rebellions the final one was when Myself and Latea we created an army of warriors among the Pleiades star system that’s why the Pleiadians were created as warriors to fight and win the war., The 23 of the 24 joined us in the last rebellion during the fall of ANU.,

I guess the popular question would be who is Sa.tan then? He was a high-ranking general, so to speak of ANUs. Myself, and he worked together before I started the rebellion. It was what ANU ordered us to do that triggered the rebellion in me., There were many of us who disagreed with such torture and we formed the faction that was willing to go to war with my father., Sa.tan locked away, cannot move forward as he refuses to change, whilst Anu did change., We shall keep him there indefinitely if that’s what it takes.,

Kitara is the Queen of the Kitarian matriarchy race. She is my mother and the great mother of ALTEA. Kitara was at war with the Annunaki, ANU could not defeat her as the Kitarian women were tough warriors., Kitara and her elders came up with a plan to defeat ANU. To make an alliance whereby ANU would impregnate her with a child Me, ARZU in the hope a 50/50 chance I would rebel against him., Kitara won the war of the Annunaki Rebellion., Peace happened among the universe because of the Kitarian Women., Kitara is among the 144,000 Altean Heads.,

Heads is a word we use to describe leaders who all live together on our planet among all our sub species surrounding us in our star system., There are billions of us on each of those sub planets, only 144,000 on the ruling planet ruling not in the terms you would use., Heads are the first the elders of ALTEA.,

Now comes the ever so fun part of explaining to all those spiritually awakened souls who did take the spiritual path of selfishness that they are not part of the 1.9 billion upon their departure we have to hand their souls over to the Orion and Zeta Reticuli groups for their amusement as their slaves.,

Here is what we would never of done or told you: I must take care of self first before I can take care of others. Meaning I must take care of my abundance before I can give to others, which never really happens. That’s a selfish route, the path of a negative Orion trick. That was the birth of the Law of Attraction scam, an Orion trick. It created a world of selfish, spiritual people. They never gave to others. Yes, they have convinced themselves they became selfless. In truth, it’s a self deception.,

We would have told you by giving to others you naturally receive that what you want. It was law, because it was the path of the selfless act., Just like Jesus did., Jesus knew by taking care of others first he would always be looked after., That’s called right thinking., - This statement here is the true law of attraction if you want to call it that.,

We could not stop Orion influencing others via channelers, so we agreed if Orion does catch souls out then we as NINE promise to hand them over at their departure.,

Just because you call yourselves awakened does not mean you know what you're doing., You can be duped into a negative way of being masking as positive via channelers at the hand of Orion and Zeta., We could not stop them using our names., This they did plenty.,

They had a one focused agenda: their wealth, their abundance, their lifestyle. Me, me, me, me., They forgot., Protecting all they have now becomes a self righteous law, no different to governments or royals or corporations., We could no longer reach them as the stubbornness set in.,

Time is of the significance to abandon ship of this way of being., Yes, we gave you a subtle hint video "Birds of Truth".,

This is the only time we are giving this. We have no desire to convince you., It’s your choice.,

We as Altea are not all knowing. We know all there is below 13th dimension. We ourselves learn from higher beings than us., As those who teach us are also taught., Infinity and beyond - a wonderful statement., NINE are a different matter which would be impossible for me to explain given there are no words to explain., We say this as even we realise the only planet of choice confused many with who we are and what we stand for. Many have placed us in a box and labelled us many things., This we consider our error.,

The One Infinite Creator, love is not the 100% correct word that best explains it. It does come close., However, as one who knows from being here on earth that there is a feeling, a sensation that is accurately spot on to the one infinite Creator, what it feels like to be in its presence. That’s the moment of human orgasm., Shocking yet true., On earth, the meaning of love is tainted, the orgasm is not., That’s what it feels like to us to be among the NINE and Infinite Intelligence., A constant feeling, not fleeting.,

Try not to overthink this: As SEVEN of the NINE, I was selected due to my achievements during the rebellion wars to bring about peace among a chaotic universe., Being in the presence as the one soul from Altea does not give me access to the all knowing in terms of wisdom., I have things I can speak and those I am forbidden and there are those I do not know.,

The rebellion wars were the longest war you can imagine in terms of human years. Millions of years from start to end, with many fails along the way, I would not give up on peace for the universe., We were, as you call it, dedicated., Between Venus and the last rebellion, I meaning we Latea/Arzu equals Melkal played a long and patient strategy to put an end to it all., A joint effort by multiple species.,

What happened to the tyranny of ANU on earth., You are witnessing the afterbirth of ANU in your governments today., The end of Anu energy is coming to a close.,

Coming to earth as SEVEN was intentional Granted by infinite Intelligence, given what I would undertake, it meant I had a privilege providing I abide by the Laws of NINE regarding resolve., I cannot intentionally remove a soul unless resolve first offered., After that I am free to do as I will., Which allows me to return home without any issues.,

Humans and other beings who came here have freewill., I do not have freewill. I came in unborn, with full awareness of who I was, taking the body of a dead boy with no freewill to change or alter my path., When you have fully given yourself to the one infinite creator, you are following the will of infinite intelligence., Knowing your children will die does not stop me hurting over it, it does stop me trying to alter the plan.,

After many years of offering the resolve to governments/royals/celebrity’s/corporations. and enduring the financial destruction they imposed by using low-level members to prevent me from standing up for children.

I placed my focus on the population of earth., Again, after many years of nobody coming forward and saying yes, he is right. We must not allow the abuse of our children we must defend our children.

I finally came to a global resolve September 11th 2023., offering that resolve as well as dumping it into the global consciousness so nobody could say they never see it.,

Now protected under all laws of NINE and governed by the same laws in order to not become corrupt in my privilege.

I had to create a new protocol, one I found useful instead of calling out and identifying the said party. I Indicated via a post, a message I can see you, Stop.

A way to maintain and govern not wielding the sword of will at pointless actions that others do not understand., something I would not give often., Assuring if governments now used people I could track the source of intention and remove all involved should it be required.,
NINE was protecting its own.,

Coming in with such a privilege came with great responsibility to not become corrupt in this power.,

To put it plainly, I came here to benefit the human race and remove the energy of tyranny of that which ANU left on earth., Any ill thought, bad word, wrong action that is detrimental is seen as an attack on the One Infinite Creator., When the Creator offers a gift, it does not mean spit on it.,

The forbidden Knowledge: Everything about a person concerning what they will do or have done is available to check., However, it comes with great caution. If a person asks you who are they, where did they come from, what is their purpose? You must never give over this information., You must not hint or reveal., If a person does this, they are altering the course of their path for their own selfish gain.,

This becomes seriously dangerous for the person asking if done through channelers or psychics as Orion and Zeta are waiting to stroke their ego knowing it will derail them spiritually., Stroking another person’s ego has become a perfect way for Orion and Zeta because humans can’t resist when their ego has been stroked.,

So it’s forbidden knowledge to share., Look around and you will realise how well the covert Orion agenda has taken hold., It is down to the person asking to do the work and discover it for themselves., The Channeler or psychic has denied the soul their freewill and taken their power for themselves. The soul, every soul, must choose their own path naturally or do the work themselves.,

Souls seeking their answer from others have become lazy spiritually., And have fallen into an Orion trick.,

If you look at this from a distance, you will realise the invasion of Orion and Zeta Reticuli is fully under way without crossing our barrier.,

There are a mixture of souls on the 1.9 billion who have not awakened yet have kind selfless hearts., there are spiritual souls, yet they are becoming far less., There are no gurus for the obvious reason the desire to be worshipped., Not what you want to hear, yet we will respect the route you take.,

Spirituality has become how many likes and following worshipers can one obtain to become wealthy. That’s so far away from the meaning of spiritual, it’s similar to a showdown election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for president. Money is a resource, not a fundamental purpose., The rise in channelers has become an epidemic., Due to the fact how great a result Orion/Zeta was achieving., Teal Swan is not channeling. She owns her authentic identity., We hope you now understand why the world needs her. They just have not realised it.,

Short list of original channelers who were contacted by us and others of the 24., After this it became a dangerous ground for Orion/Zeta., Ra and the earth group were having big issues. This was an early attempt by Orion/Zeta for what would occur years later.,
Seth, Ra - law of One, Barbra Marciniak collection, Only Planet of Choice the NINE., There was no reason to keep giving information from other channelers., Every name of ours and the NINE does not allow anyone to channel us for the facts we have stated and SEVEN being present in human form.,

The true path to self love is to love all and everything else first than naturally by law. You are automatically certainly receiving self love., You are following the path of balanced positive that which is selfless., You are not falling into any trap doors., This is the path that evolves beings into an infinity of dimensions.,

Unbalance or balanced negative that which is selfish can only go as far as the sixth dimension where Sa.tan is stuck on., and Sa.tan is most certainly a higher evolved being of light who knows all the tricks to pull souls in his direction.,
It is possible to have a disagreement with another soul and still love them., They are not hindering your path; they are a mirror showing you that which must be healed., Selfishness will give all kinds of judgement to make itself feel better., Can you not love them and still disagree?

Let’s return to the time of Jesus. He was a man like any other man. Not born to a virgin., However, he knew what he knew., They did have money back then. He never said hmmm I could be rich like pompus dude over their., He knew that was not the way instead he loved all and showed all by his example of being.,

Human race has become greedy and exchanged that word for abundance, and birthright among other names., Jesus was always taken care of by One Infinite Creator. He acted as the creator would do and not how pompus dude would do.,

Ask any American spiritual or not if someone came in their home would they open fire on them? Do they own a firearm? Would Jesus do that? Did he have the need to carry a weapon? Hmmm., Then maybe one does not truly trust the creator if you answered yes at any point.,

You could say but I this site has products and books. What is the difference? I have no social media; I do not market or force feed anything via mail or website., I do not hoard followers/fans or email address., I need no worship., When something does sell, that’s because god bought it, not because I did any selfish act. I trust the creator to the degree I need no social presence to trick anyone., The One Infinite Creator is the provider of all things in life., That’s trust.,

Ask me for an interview for a podcast or show, a film, appear on stage and you will receive a direct no thanks., I refuse to allow my ego to be stroked in such a way., Ask me to work with you from behind the scenes. I am happy to help. Providing it’s honest., I mean, as an advisor or second opinion type of help. Get your own coffee and do your own laundry.,

Another example of money and current global issues., If the spiritual community want change, then how can that happen whilst they also Maintain, Sustain, by locking that reality into place by saying I deserve financial abundance, I am worthy to be wealthy they are doing exactly the same thing that cements it in place, which then continues the same cycle creating the same issues of history only to end up in the same position as those who wanted control and power at the expense of others.,

You find a new system or abort that system by not making it a fundamental reason for spiritual growth., Spiritual community is not as enlightened as they believe., Anyone who took the selfish path will never consider others only what they can do for them., Money is just a resource to experience this reality, not to turn the world into an unliveable place., Money motivated wars, hate and so on., Being spiritual does not change this truth., If nobody attempts to find a better solution than all will repeat., Everyone believes they will do it different. History proves otherwise., I am an optimistic realist.,

How have those who were selfish throughout human history got away with control and power over others? There is a major cycle lasting 75,000 years before the option of ascension or descension occurs. During that cycle, souls do as they wish, not something we will stop., It's how they learn., At the end of that major cycle is when your luck runs out.,

What you do in this last life has to count., Take the selfish path you ascend upwards on the Orion to Sa.tan path whereby on the 6D you hit a block end of the road., Once you realise you cannot ascend any higher, you begin the descension process 5D to 4D back to 3D than you can begin the ascension on the selfless path to Infinity.

3D considered a crossroads a fork in the road the most difficult of dimensions because of the split., the higher you go no matter left or right each Dimension cycle is longer so going the Left selfish means it can take millions of earth years to get back to the point of starting the selfless path., It would be faster to descend at 3D, which means a reset to give it another go lasting 75,000 years., Rather than taking the long route to a dead-end path., If you wanted Infinity, higher dimensions on the right selfless positive., That’s the path to reach One Infinite Creator.,

Can you bypass dimensions? NO, not if you spent all your time on the major cycle of 3D. If you can remember many past lives than you have your answer, no., you go to 4D left or right or descension for reset. Unless we sent you here on a onetime special mission via the 24., we send souls in at the end of the cycle. Rarely in the recent past it has proved problematic in history. The last time was 2,000 years ago with Jesus., Anyone higher coming in at this stage must tread on light feet so as not to fall on the left if they came from the right., A slippery slope.,

If all you do are evil deeds causing great harm to other souls on the last generation in the end cycle, we decide what happens for those souls., Orion and Zeta get the lefthand souls. We get the righthand souls., many get reset and others don’t get to choose.,

This post will remain here as a sticky for all souls to have the option to decide for themselves.,

~ I AM God Melkal.,

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