Crystal Juicing Heart Chakra Recipes

Recipe one:
1 Advacodo.1 Apple.
2 handfuls of raspberries.
Handful of spinach.
Dash of coco powder.
If you are using a blender for juicing and do not want seeds in your succulent refreshing new life giving wellbeing food, then use a sieve to filter out seeds.,
Recipe Two:
2 Apples.3 Bananas.
handful of spinach.
1 advocado.
1 Liter of soya milk or however much you require.,
Cup of crystal filtered water.
Preparation of water:
Crystal Heart Chakra singing bowl, add water and start playing the bowl for 3 minutes, 5 minutes or 9 minutes. Then filter the water or restructure the water and filter. Place this water in a bottle with the word love written on the bottle. Leave that water overnight.Before you put in the blender with the vegetables and or fruit. Take the water and run through a carbon water filter.
If you use distilled water, we recommend you run that water in the crystal bowl for a minimum of 18 minutes.,
Turn of the TV before preparing your water, a tv playing in the background can and will affect the water. Play spiritual music or a meditation music whilst preparing your water.,
More recipes added soon.,
~ Melkal., Water Research learn about water and why crystal sound bowl have a massive impact on the water and your body when consumed. Learn what no government is willing to teach you and hides this information from you., Fact., Avoid shop bought bottle water., Is that tap water? No, HOW DO YOU KNOW?
To any and all governments, if you had earned my respect, if you had given me reason to trust you, then maybe I would not speak so much truth about you., You get what you deserve, what you give you receive., I do not reward unacceptable behaviour. “Children, all children”., Earn my respect.,
I do not condone hatred towards children.
After watching this video, know now why I said in the past never take water from another person, you don’t know how their feelings and thoughts have changed that water., Bottled water has a long journey than sits on a shelf in a shop whereby many touch that bottle you don’t know how those people felt or thought. It’s poison on a shelf when looked at clearly with an educated mind.., How many times have you witnessed a pissed off shop assistant or waiter or delivery person?Consider this: if governments are not educating, then people who pass and sell you water will also not be educated. Therefore, poison the very water you took from them without realising it., Bad management is not acceptable., That’s what government is bad management. If a terrorist poisons the water, what do you do? Now explain what the difference is between what government is not doing and what a terrorist does? It’s a form of hatred for human life if you know and do not educate what you know.,
Children MUST be taught the truth regarding water during all levels of education. Difference between good management and bad management., What I AM doing is education of truth., By giving those who do not know this truth the opportunity to take control of their own life with pure honesty, pure truth, absolute truth., Integrity, compassion, love, care and wellbeing for all humans., Good management.,
52:30 minutes Notice the rice water that’s ignored.,
Would could that happen to me? I am not ignored.NINE and the 24 and the entire universe are all watching me, and there are humans. Although I do not know them personally, they do take comfort in me., I don’t need a thank you from anyone. I just keep on flowing., As a divine sovereign being of the universe, I am celebrated in all that I do on earth., I am the only bridge between humans and the high council of NINE., I am also the seventh council of the New Earth., Off planet on the planet it’s all the same to me., Council of Seven is guvnor of universal space., It means my power among NINE is dominion over this quadrant of the universe as we Altea are the ancients of it or what you call pleiades.,
It’s well known that secret societies withheld knowledge from the people. However, I am not of earth., What they have does not come close to NINE or any of its members., They are playing a game of snap rummy or pairs and I am playing universal chess.,
This is the map to everyday life whilst navigating the remaining 2 timelines of earth.,
Weakness is harm, selfish, hatred, anger, ignorance, arrogance, greed, abuse of life animal, human or child, misleading others with the intention to gain solely on the ignorance of those not informed, deliberate lack of transparency., dishonesty, war are all weakness., If one gives such, one receives what it gave. As that is the only future it made for itself., Old Earth.,Strength is honesty, selfless, integrity, compassion, kindness, support, nurturing, wellbeing of all under its wing, accountability, responsibility for its actions., Honest education that supports growth of all under the same guiding principle of honesty and truth., Unity, harmony under the fundamental principle of law of oneness., New Earth., that the high council of NINE manages in benefit of all on and for the Infinite One Creator.,