Alexa Seleno
Archangel Melkal
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Answers So Far..

  • ANON asked:
    You call greys drones, clones. They are biological entities. How can they be clones or drones?
    • Melkal replied:
      Biological or not, all can be drones., A clone is a duplication., Humans are biological, yet if you look, many walk around as drones with their heads stuck in a phone., They follow pre-designed patterns without the awareness they are running a program that someone else programmed.,

      Recall we created those you call Pleiadians Nordic blondes as warriors. Nordic blondes is a laughable description, I might add., You could have called them drones, yet they are higher beings living among us in the 13th dimension., So as with the greys, they too can evolve past their predefined creation purpose.,

      If you consider yourself as an evolved being, and you act as a drone, then you have devolved., Like a modern man returning to cave dweller.,

      With all things unknown, if you think from the point of your human limitations, it will always remain the unknown to you., You cannot understand from the level that you understand.,
  • ANON asked:
    You speak of wars, a culling of 2 billion children. Are you not the great evil we should fear? You do this in the name of the creator?
    • Melkal replied:
      You’re a Dallas texan man who has many dark skeletons in your closet and you seek to justify yourself in this way., There will be no more questions answered after this.,

      Have you seen the film (Girl In The Basement?) Based on a true story., My heart is broken in sorrow at such things happen., Tears cross my face in great anger at man and woman., I cannot comprehend what brings a man to a dark place like this., Yet it’s happening every day., Earth is the only location the only species that the creator gave the gift of freewill and look what you have done with it.,

      When I see films like this, I am glad for all I have experienced and why I do what I do; the creator made no error in sending me nor the suffering I would experience, for it gave me the understanding to care enough to do something about it., The creator has no faith in the police or soldiers to fix this, so we came., The creator has lost faith in the human race., It gave you this gift and you spat in the creator’s face., You will find no sanctuary in religion.,

      You fail to see the importance of life all life.,
      You fail to see you’re the only species in the universe who was given the freedom to choose your path.,
      You fail to see how special of a gift the creator gave.,

      The burden once fell on men for his abuse than woman decided to act as men do and this has put her in the same position as him.,

      You seek to see us as evil only to hide what’s hidden in you and justify your reasoning for such actions.,

      Not every human has done evil, many have and redeemed themselves by evolving., We speak only to those who refuse to evolve., A new rebellion war will reveal the truth in the hearts of men and women with what must remain.,

      I myself gave the option for all to protect these children alongside us and humans refused., Look at yourself first.,

      Those metallic silver orbs that are always whizzing around in the skies they read the thoughts of humans. They are data scouts collecting all informations on your actions you keep secret., We know everything about you.,

      We shall conclude this with a reply to the question regarding seven trumpets as you are the same entity., We have made it known many times we offer you the truth and at the same time we give you information to disbelieve what we say so you do not follow us or worship us., There are many who want your belief for a coin or two., Seven trumpets are nothing more or less of this truth., Our aim is you make up your own mind about what’s right or wrong., Your heart knows this truth., Your choice determines your future or not.,
  • ANON asked:
    You share the seven trumpets of revelations which show ufos as a delusion sent by god. Why if you are from these worlds where ufos come from?
  • ANON asked:
    Where to find the akashic records? what purpose does meditating serve?
    • Melkal replied:
      I am the akashic, you might say, is it not the field that connects all the universe? I say again, yes I am the akashic., It is within me, not outside of me., As with me as with you as with all.,

      Let me break down the wall that blocks your understanding., When you connect to the akashic records, where are you? Where is your focus? Where is your conscious attention? Are you reading a book outside of you? Are you in a distant land far away? Or are you within your own being seeking the answer? You have found your answer.,

      Meditation will have different purposes for each soul. I cannot define yours. However, it is regeneration for me. If I am practicing healing, then it’s practicing meditation., For some people, meditation is their way to connect higher to gain information., For myself, I am always connected, so meditation serves no purpose in this area.,

      Regeneration is my fundamental use of this., Remember, the human body is always receiving foreign agents into the system. If you do not maintain, it will degrade., Its intelligent maintenance.,
  • ANON asked:
    Are you for real, the whole galaxy?
  • ANON asked:
    Can you tell us who the fayre are?
    • Melkal replied:
      The Fayre are the original occupants of the United Kingdom. They lived from Scotland to Southern England., They were here first, before the British, the Welsh, and the Scots. They even lived in Ireland.,

      The scots and the romans went to war with them until they vanished., They never left. They became hidden, resonating on a different frequency., They are found in woods and forests., They are the caretakers of them.,

      Only an enlightened beings will see them, if they call to them to reveal themselves., If their intention is worthy, they will decide if you meet them or not., The Fayre found in myths. The stories of the Fayre are real., The war scrubbed from human history., made into folklore., If you are British, Welsh, Irish or Scottish, you are not the original race of your land., The Fayre are., The Scottish came from Egypt, the welsh, Irish came from Europe., The British Rome.,

      Outside of humans, only the birds can see the Fayre as birds can move between dimensions. That’s why you see a bird, and in a flash, it’s gone. It can move between dimension with ease., Birds are messengers and multidimensional beings., Birds are the only ones who can see the members of NINE., Birds will honor and respect us, fore they know the truth of us., They know when god stands before them.,

      Know this a human is someone who does not know he or she is a god or deny’s this in themselves because others told them., A god is someone who knows their connection to the infinite intelligence and knows all is the same as one, whether they see it or not, it matters not to them.,
  • ANON asked:
    What happened to the thought entity you were hunting?
    • Melkal replied:
      The hidden Fayre community captured it, bottled it and removed., We seldom go down there as not much need anymore., In passing, I pay my respects to the Fayre.,
  • ANON asked:
    Why no social media presence?
    • Melkal replied:
      I know from experience when one has a social presence and a following., That what I say becomes corrupt, it no longer becomes about my wisdom, it becomes about me, the look at me syndrome., A superiority takes over, and the followers become those below me., I myself become blind to it and my soul becomes corrupt., That which I came to do is all but lost., I become another trapped soul on earth., I would be no different from any religion or government., I would enslave my followers., That’s why no social media presence.,

      People are free to read or not, free to bookmark or not., Free to come and go as they please., Free to share or not., Free to listen and learn or not.,

      I add I am superior because I see this in all things., Nothing below or above me, all side by side with me., Outside of humans, there is only one that is above ALL., Infinite Intelligence.,

      Majority of humans see superficial beauty, a false mask. I see inner beauty that is true beauty., Beauty of the soul., I am fooled by no human wearing a mask.,
  • ANON asked:
    I am always worried about what others think about me. What can I do to change this?
    • Melkal replied:
      You must face your fear head on by avoiding you change nothing., Go to a large supermarket, find a spot where it’s busy with people, sit down on the floor, say nothing, watch the people judge you, experience multiple different ways of their judgement., Stay there for 30 minutes or until you’re moved on., If anyone asks why you're sitting there, say you're taking a rest.,

      You will feel uncomfortable., As each judgement arrives, you will notice you are becoming immune to those judgements., Eventually, you will feel comfortable and not care what others think about you., When complete leave., whenever you feel your returning to that fear, engage in a new experiment of the similar nature.,

      Your biggest challenge is actually doing it without the support of others going solo and making that move into an uncomfortable position that sparks judgements of others., Just do it.,
  • ANON asked:
    Is there no right or wrong?
    • Melkal replied:
      We as NINE are in error, we taught this idea., We did not foresee its outcome or its misunderstanding in humans., Human language is difficult at times for us., We miscalculated its meaning.,

      If there were no right or wrong, this allows and excuses humans in their deeds of error., No different from confessing your sins and then going out to commit again., Nothing can come from this teaching. It is a misinterpretation of language on our part.,

      An example: If you kill a person, a dog, a cat, and then you say there is no right or wrong, you have allowed this action. You justify this action., When the deed is committed to an outside source with no direct personal attachment to you or the subject, then it is easy to say in arrogance., When it’s committed personally in your life, how the energy changes for you? Is it not so.,

      We have seen this saying thrown around without care just to sound enlightened, ego., There is nothing enlightened about this saying.,
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