Alexa Seleno
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Истина - Extraordinary Gifts Gaining Momentum .,
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Extraordinary Gifts Gaining Momentum
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Extraordinary Gifts Gaining Momentum.,

4 Days away from the 8th April., My telepathic skills took an instance upgrade, gaining momentum., By watching a video recorded two decades ago, watching for the first time., I extracted an entire letter sent to someone in the video reading it word for word., By watching this character someone who obviously knew the contents of that letter, I pulled this intention out and relayed it word for word and 20 minutes later she read that letter out loud word for word, as I received it., I had no help from NINE or the 24.,

This changes everything, breaking time and space from the past into the future., Someone who might even be dead today., Someone who lived 3,000 miles away In Los Angeles, USA., someone I’ve never met or any association with., No secret in history is safe.,

I could already do with any recent video, any letter sent to me, any person passing me close by, any physical object I can link to via touch, yet to stretch back in time two decades in the past and pull it from a recording., If they had not read it out-loud and kept it secret, I might have taken longer to witness the truth., If I did not receive word for word, I would have put down to something else., Even realised I can connect to others removing all barriers between, undetected by them masking myself as their thoughts, data inputs.,

My goal now is to seek out those who can talk back to me and know it is I who calls them., A new communication system., Nothing like talking back to our brothers and sisters above., Rebirthing the human’s natural abilities again.,

If only those who harm life in any form knew what they were missing out on., The gods have returned.,

2 billion humans preparing to activate the same gifts., One route is the choice., The consciousness of One Creator is as one, live as one, knows all life as one, treats all as one., The way of the New Earth., Insight into the new world., This paragraph assisted by NINE. It is also clear that at what level and how fast one reaches is dependent on each soul., A natural course of human evolution of the new earth., NINE continues to those souls that feel this is an invasion of one’s personal right of privacy, is incorrect., It is a human freewill to decide if they do or not., However, the ONE has no limitations., Example: If I SEVEN am one and all is one, then those I access are also I as I am they as they are all, and all is the ONE., I Am One and the same., To know the One Creator is to know this without boundary., To those without this understanding, it is far better to remain masked to them., A non freewill soul breaks no soul or universal laws. It is one with the all.,

Just like any other thing, there are always those who claim to teach you how, in exchange for money, worship and so on., Heed, recall the words of NINE, What you must understand is that you yourself must uncover this revelation. As each of you must be revealed. Not taught by another.,

I am somewhat shocked that Bran and Braga do not realise what they did, or how true their instinct was. UNITY defining the NINE exactly speaks a lot. I assumed SEVEN Of NINE came from star trek generations as I first noticed her in the PICHARD series. How wrong can I be.,

Everything I have learned is so exactly to the truth of ARZU, true to her Anika stance of a rebellious nature.,

Amazed that Bran and Braga must feel their science fiction attitude was purely imaginary. However, science fiction is truth creatively re-imagined.,

I say this about Bran and Braga as they really think it was science fiction in the sense of just imagination., How wrong are they., SEVEN of NINE is so exact to ARZU and the rebellion and so distant in Borg mentality yet so accurate to NINE In mind of that which is infinite intelligence.,

I wanted to know who was responsible yet see how much they do not see., I wanted to meet them, yet can they ever see how accurate they were., Wish I knew sooner she came from voyager who knows the difference it would have made., Maybe they can rest in peace knowing how close to the truth they were., Their fictional character was so much more than an imaginary character., As the original character I can feel so much respect for them., They served their purpose for infinite intelligence., All that is that is I that is SEVEN., Much love to Bran and Braga., That is I that is SEVEN of The NINE., To spend an hour in their company Bran and Braga revealing what they could not see as they were doing it., That would be something., Bran and Braga watch this video and know this is the truth., That guided you through all., THAT IS UNITY WHERE IT BEGAN.,

It is true that we, the NINE and the 24, do not interfere with a species unless a certain percentage requests our help., However, there are some things that alter our path, our laws., We are known for entering all species among the universe as themselves or as our chosen self depending on their awareness., The fact that we also did here on earth., When SEVEN’s children were harmed, this allowed us full permission surrounding universal laws of NINE., Providing SEVEN gave resolution as an option., If they refuse NINE may alter the path of the earth., That’s what’s occurring., These protocols, if you want to call them, that allows us to create the new earth and remove the old earth., A full major cycle is the time frame a species has to evolve before such actions come into effect.,

Humans joining the new not possible past the choice point., The new earth proceeds., As the Hopi teach the purification, the cleanse of the unpure., Denotes the major cycle complete, the new world begins., The old world no longer affects the universe as new earth takes its place fully integrated with higher dimensional humans or evolved humans.,

Examining all films in earth’s database regarding species from the universe are all inaccurate., All species across the universe would never harm a high council member of NINE’s children. Only earth has done this., That should tell you how inaccurate the film database is regarding the species among the universe., Plus, why so much monitoring of earth has been witnessed in the skies by our ships., Not even Zeta Reticuli or Orion would attempt such a thing they might use weak souls, yet directly never make such an error.,

All other species have evolved to a point of harmony. The reticulans or orions leave them alone because of their harmony they can only focus on unevolved species, as earth is the only one of choice, freewill., It has made it the prime target of the reticulans and orions., Governments own acts of war and harm makes them vulnerable., We cannot stop them because humans chose such things, it makes humans responsible not the reticulans or orions., Leave the strengths alone use only weaknesses that’s the rules we set for the reticulans and orions., War, hate and harm is weakness., Harmony, unity and love is strength.,

Who are these two species? They are the afterbirth of the rebellion wars of the ANU faction that refused to change have been contained for aeons by us., They have no affect on any species unless they take part in this energy release that was once ANU., Our education among the universe, our assistance of harmony, protected all races from them., They are what you call a species in isolation, desperate to be released., Their reach is on a mental level, through the mind they can influence those of a weaker origin., The systems of earth have allowed them full access to the minds of the weak due to war, hate, harm, and greed., Including not respecting our rules of engagement., The more a species comes into harmony, the less a grip they have.,

You have one reference to the General of this faction written in bibles under the name starting with S. The use of his name worships him, encourages him, yet he is isolated., The mind and the action of humans is his reaching in., The use of the S name is not his name yet its a power that extends his reach, the more you say the more he can reach., Religion is immature due to their carelessness of the use of this S name.,

By doing his work, means you become his dinner, not his Allie. You don’t join him in battle; you become consumed by him., To him you are a means to his end., This also was the attitude of ANU., Their aim is the belief they can be the one creator., Failing to see this is not how the one creator is., Human saying: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result., That’s why they always fail., Why is the earth systems falling apart? Read it again.,

At the time of writing this, I resume Voyager amused that NINE had it all covered., I recite the words Season 4, E25, ONE., 10 minutes in.,

“Something else? I want you to tell me that this is not a mistake? Your turn to get reassurance?
Maybe. But my concern isn’t about going into stasis., It’s about who you are leaving in charge., You're worried about SEVEN?
Maybe you need to step outside yourself for a minute., Look at the fact here is someone who’s butted horns with you since the moment she came on board. Who disregards authority and actively disobeys orders when she doesn’t agree with them.
And this is the person I’m giving responsibility for the lives of this entire crew. I suppose you want me to tell you I’m not crazy?
In a nutshell.,
I know your bond with SEVEN is unique and different from everyone else. From the beginning you have seen things in her that no one else could, but maybe you can help me understand some of those things.,
I don’t know if I can. It’s just instinct. There’s something inside me, and it says she can be redeemed in spite of her insulance and attitude (I honestly believe she wants to do well, by us)
That’s good enough for me.,” The nuggets left inside a story.,

Every member in the NINE, attitude would appear to humans this way in our natural form. How SEVEN of NINE in the star trek is an exact mimic how a human life form with emotion would perceive us., SEVEN in a human host has given us the ability to understand human emotions better., The star trek team of writers should be proud., Outstanding.,

Why is SEVEN in star trek female and I am male? It is perfectly relaying combined beings as we are as ALTEAN, both male and female combined., Arzu and Latea.,

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