Alexa Seleno
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Archangel Melkal
Истина - Dear Melkal, how to apply such power – Altean Power .,
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Dear Melkal, how to apply such power – Altean Power
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Dear Melkal, tell us how you can apply such power to those who did your family wrong?

Questioner, I tell you with authority of NINE and permission to answer such.,

First, I point you to the conversation between ATUM and Miki, who refer to those who choose a dark path.
Miki: Yes. So originally, what is now the negative once came from the Creator -but did God leave them?
ATUM: When you say ‘Did Infinite Intelligence leave them,’ we understand not. Do you mean did he forsake them? Do you mean he threw them out?
Miki: Yes.
ATUM: No one can compete with Infinite Intelligence, for they have not truth within, for Infinite Intelligence is a collection of purity which means only goodness for all the Universe. They threw themselves out by going in competition and having the desire to become all that is. That is not possible, for in order to do that, you must return to Infinite Intelligence. That is the sadness: they had not patience for understanding. They are attempting to disrupt the work of the Universe.

If you have one that you have loved, nurtured, fed, and have transferred great love to, and all you wished from it was for it to grow in beauty, straightness, flexibility, and love, giving as it has been given to, but it chooses not to do that, then there comes a time when you come to a realisation, that it must find for itself that it may not destroy others - and so in the Universe it is not discarded, but it is also not fed and supported, for that which loves it, it attempts to destroy. What we are attempting to say is that Infinite Intelligence did not discard, but he does not help, for the negative refuses help. Is that clear?

So, the questioner here we are at the end of the major cycle. They have been given 75,000 years to evolve and they have not.
By removing them, we are not destroying them. First, they did this to themselves., Secondly, by sending them into the realm of nightmares means some day far from here they will have the chance to try again.,

I gave them their final test. Nobody forced them to destroy children, our children, they chose it themselves., They also choose to refuse resolve. They have chosen 8 billion life times in the realm of nightmares.,

We hope you understand no one can compete against the One Infinite Creator., Their arrogance is their undoing., Their choice., Understand the vastness of that one event. Because we directed at government and royals of the British., By them not taking resolve, we now direct it onto all governments, all royals globally, and corporations who have acted from a dark position, police, armies, judges, justice, health and celebrities for getting involved., This one government, one royal family, condemned them all., This truly is the end of tyranny on earth.,

Melkal, you use the term I am god as I am, so are you. Then you say you are not equal to humans, as you are a supreme being. Is this a contradiction?

No, it’s not a contradiction supreme to us and supreme to you are different. Supreme means one who has achieved great goodness within the universe. What we are saying I am not equal in this respect if a human does not recognise or own their godliness., Although we are all equal to gods of the creator., If a human remains sleeping and I say I am equal to that, then I myself reprogram myself back to sleep mode., I will not bring myself down to suit anyone’s comfort level., The god in you, the gods within all, awaits for one to take ownership of this truth. Until then, how can we, you and all, be equal in this respect., Although I know you are that, I wait for you to level up with your truth.,

Also, I was not born into this world. Humans were born, this makes us different., As you can see, there are many ways to look at this., I do not look at things through a single pane glass window., I will look into a prism that sparks out in many directions concerning my words. My knowing is expansive., So I own it as myself.,

We are all one and the same. I express my unique expression as an individual entity of the universe that remains part of the ALL.,

A growing number of conversations detected. Of how we are doing what we do to remove souls., Is it magick? a ritual? Something we can learn? On and on.,

The answer: Not magick, no rituals, nothing you can learn, only those of Altea can do., What we do cannot see done. As Altean, we are mental beings. This is the domain we play on., Every soul has a soul signature, so their names, how they look, or a sample of them are not required.,

The intention of a soul is highly visible on the mental plane., No matter what a soul does in the physical plane, leaves a trace on the mental plane., There is no escaping this truth.,

An Altean in human form as there are many millions on earth, only they can develop their natural gift., To practice, one might mentally picturing themselves with an extended arm reaching across the room and tapping a person on the shoulder or blowing on their neck, until the person responds by rubbing their neck, moving, a sign that you have affected that person.,

By doing this every day three to five years, you will be ready to enter the mental plane., However, they will not hold the same power as one as a member of NINE., Just using my words will create a powerful outcome unless I place a fork in the road., The fork will delay, divert or stop it., A work around would be to use something that ends the end of that something marks as a clear path to action., The reason we ended websites.,

No Altean can use their power to harm unless granted for a specific reason., Any Altean found using their gift to cause harm would have their powers removed.,

If say you had a secret you wanted kept secret, then your best move would be don’t ever talk to me, people who communicate end up spilling the beans., I am like a walking, talking lie detector to the point of confession., I have seen many reactions like “shit why did I just say that” to the point the person does not even realise they gave the information., You would think I was their confession box without the protection of confidentiality., It’s all natural to us our technology is of the mental plane., The bird, the wasps, the tarot reader voice projection, the 7 ufo ship in the sky all created using our gifts of the mental plane.,

Perfect example: Two policemen knocked on my door, claiming I was growing cannabis. He told me the housing people made the complaint which was a lie., He then asked me if I was housing association or fife council. I laughed and let them both in. I never mention to him I just laughed. He voluntarily gave over the information it was a local grassing to cause trouble.,

I tapped his mind and said to him on the mental plane whilst he was explaining himself. “Now tell me what you're hiding” and he revealed the truth., The other guy said nothing, silent throughout. He was the observer. As I am in the mix of the physical reality, Nine and the 24 observe every interaction concerning me.,

I kept my windows blacked out for a reason., You may think I am alone and have lived that way for 8 years. I am never alone., I am highly monitored on earth more than any other soul.,

Example: In 1953, Albert K Bender received a visit by the Alteans. Three Alteans appeared to him during the night, spoke to him and then left., Appeared and disappeared into thin air., Albert was poking around in our affairs. They warned him to stop his pursuit., We are not alone.,

So, the questions you are asking are unreachable for you and your groups., You work on the negative scale. These powers/gifts are never allowed access., Dark is lack of information, light is information., You do not have the correct vibration even if you were Altean., You seek to control others with such wisdom and we say NO.,

If required, we then call in the shadow beings since humans do have a negative mindset to them created by the film industry., We are the only ones who truly know what and who the shadow beings are., That’s a fact., Everyone else cashes in on bullshit.,

Why do some people witness something and others do not? Because what’s created targeted at the one who did see., All done on the mental plane so others cannot see., Different realities tied into one reality.,

Take someone who drinks or takes drugs they experience whilst under the influences. This way, they cannot prove or disprove. The same goes for anyone they tell, as they were not in the right mind space.,

You cannot prove or disprove we exist until we are ready to pull back the curtain.,

Alteans in human form do not use emotions. We use the mind over matter because that’s what we evolved into., Emotions, words, thoughts are just neural pathways for all causality of that which we want.,

A synaptic point in the brain molds, joins, rejoins with old joins, emerges as new points., When you exercise this gift by tapping a person on the shoulder with your mind, the moment the first reaction occurs a new synaptic join occurs, it’s in a vulnerable state of collapse, once you do and every time a new reaction happens a new stable pathway has emerged., This is just brain chemistry for the human perspective.,

Take any mental disorder. It’s not what you think, it’s medical BS based on control and greed., Clue is in the name DIS ORDER. That soul has opened pandora’s box to the unseen realm., A person loses control because they cannot order the information. They cannot filter., They opened the door so fast all realties became visible to them it overwhelmed them into a chaotic state., Suppressing this soul with meds is an absolutely bad idea.,

The actual remedy is to encourage what they see, hear, feel and sense., To teach the soul to manage and create ORDER in that chaos., These souls can obtain more information than any average person., These are extraordinary human beings with a magnificent gift., When a psychic a medium, a clairvoyant says I see and hear dead people, do we respond with take a pill? NO, we say tell me more.,

Proper education on mental challenges is required. The current system is draconian., A person who claims a voice told them to do something negative is more a projection and the state of the draconian system mindset than actual truth.,

As this subject comes into our realm, it remains under our domain., It takes true intelligence to recognise this truth., Failure as a system to recognise this truth and evolve is immediate grounds for removal.,

Moving back to Alteans in human form., Once you understand the reach of the mental plane, you understand that we can move location to any point within the universe at will., Time and space don’t exist for us. You can think of a person who lives 500 or 1,000 miles away and you can hug them., They might interpret as a loved one who passed over hugging them or an angel., Very seldom do they know who it really is who snuck into their bed at night., In their hour of need, Alteans show up as a source of comfort, be that off world or on world human non-human.,

The unexplained is actually very explainable., Mental reality in humans and the mental plane are all our technology seeded into the human race as our contribution to the condition of being human on the physical plane., As holograms are tech, mental is tech., It is this that sets you free to sour through the universe., You are bound only by the limitations you or others set upon yourselves., You are the prison guard and the prisoner of your own mind., The key is in your pocket. It has always been there.,

We calculate that the human race understands the mental plane

about 25% and 75% they have no awareness of., This is the domain that Orion and Zetas use to affect human beings without them realising they are doing it., They feed on your hatred, anger and so on and we feed on your love.,

When you sleep, you call this a dream or the dream world. This is the mental plane., It’s where we pass on information. This dream state is the only real sign of parallel worlds. You can meet people you have never seen before, yet they talk to you like you have known each other your whole life., That’s because you have at least that version of yourself has on that version., You are witnessing other versions of self via their eyes during sleep., The mental plane is the only way to gain access to parallel versions of yourself.,

There’s a film the One by Jet Li. There’s a kind of irony in this film: a wise person would integrate all versions of themself into this one body gaining all wisdom of all versions., It doesn’t mean fight yourself like the film portrays you would assimilate each version., Gaining all experiences and lessons of each version makes for a wise monkey.,

There are people who can’t recall dreaming. These people are hardcore asleep in their waking life.,

Take a ghost hunter he has not realised he, and the spirit is both meeting on the mental plane. That’s why you see them react the way they do., A spirit cannot harm you unless you allow it on the mental plane, which then bleeds into the physical plane where harm is created.,

An actual example of this is when I enter the battlefield on the mental plane to spar with my coworkers of rebellion., When I took a major hit on the mental plane, this bleed through on the physical plane, and my arm broke., The only reason we spar is to sharpen our tools whilst in the physical.,

Now another example of Moscow 2009 Pentagon 2018 UFO pyramid hovering above was not really a physical thing, created on the mental plane., Why was this important? If the Kremlin or the Pentagon sent migs to shoot them down they would fail., Commonsense., It was a message from NINE, the inverted pyramid, not a statement of war.,

Given everything I have told you, is the world an illusion?

Absolutely not. The issue with this kind of mindset is when one believes this, they tend to allow their ego to rule the roost. If it’s an illusion, then it does not matter what you do or who you harm., That’s incorrect thinking., You are here to balance the physical with the spiritual to integrate the both whilst in physical form., If you believe it’s an illusion, this would be the last thing you ever look at as a truth.,

~ I AM God Melkal., As I am, so are you.,

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