Fasting Cleansing The Body Of Toxins Psychic Powers
What you will discover when fasting or removing dairy and animal products from the bodyIf you have certain gifts/powers/abilities, they become stronger. Using a tv analogue style antenna and now upgraded using satellite. Psychic powers, if it’s a more generous understanding, I do not give credence to the desire to demonstrate such. However, I did not want to have to move my camera back on a vest as that gives the wrong idea of wearing protection plates.,
I see if this helps the mind rest at ease. My camera is on my strap right side. If what I carry is light, then the strap shifts due to the weight of the camera. It’s not always visible. I sense it shifting before it goes, so I move my arm back, under, over and down with a qigong steadiness at the end to readjust the strap to stop it falling. Nothing nefarious. I am more surprised nobody can read that, as all humans are given the ability to know the thoughts of others.,
Fasting and removing animal products just upgraded the signal strength. I normally ignore such thinking. I have no desire to leave you on old earth. I am illuminating a path down a darkened lane to new earth., Old earth is called old because it’s the earth they chose to destroy. New earth is the one for the future. Old earth misreads my adjusting strap arm movement. New earth does not., To new earth, I am an open book. Our thoughts are transparent and freely read.,
Example: I assure you there are no police or armies on new earth as both careers need the person to be super paranoid and see others in a negative light as they do not hold our gifts/powers/abilities or they themselves would be ahead of the game., Knowing where to be before the deeds occurred without informers, if they had such gifts., Paranoid and negative light are old earth's ways of being., Nobody on new earth looks at another in a negative way or misreads., Telepathy gives them that transparent understanding of every moment., Cleansing the body is the first step down a beautiful path.,
Thoughts are not a secret or private thing that a person can have. All thoughts leave the body the moment they think them., If you think about Tim, Tom or Jerry, then Tim, Tom or Jerry can pick them up, as they were meant specifically about them. Target, destination bridge, receiver/transmitter.,
Reading others’ thoughts is not an invasion of privacy., Nor permission required.,
If all humans had their gifts/powers/abilities restored, there would be no reason for police, armies, governments or deception based elite., Everyone would be superhuman naturally., Restoring earth to its former glory in the beginning.,
Why would UFO’s ET and the entire universe all come to earth, the planet we created., Because police, armies, governments or deception based elite are out of alignment with the truth.,We NINE have accepted these minds do not wish to evolve, so the new earth was born in preparation for this decision., We have no desire to fight with them over any subject. They have chosen their route the singularity of the old earth is set., However, the door for those not yet awakened to the truth is still ajar until the split transpires., Ready for the late arrivals to board the flight out.,
Why is our wisdom, insight, and knowledge so vast and deep and all knowing, plus mysterious?
The truth for all souls, all life throughout the universe, is as follows., All is ONE all is connected.,
The Pharaoh Akhenaten was given the law of one by us of the 24 under the guidance of NINE., In his moment of greed wanted all power consolidated to himself above all others. He kept the secret that all were ONE., He wanted the old gods gone and all to serve him., That’s what you see on earth, with governments select few rather than a single person. In his moment of receiving divine wisdom, greed and control took him over., This, in turn, brought about his fatal end., Akhenaten and old earth have the same path., The truth is a blessing or a curse., Share the blessing or consolidate the curse., As every empire on earth throughout history fell into the same curse.,
Akhenaten Moved society to the one god. However, he did not inform society that all people were equally the same. He sought the role of Infinite One Creator, all to worship him, which brought on the curse., No soul can go into competition with the infinite one., In this endeavour of greed and control, he denied the infinite one creator., He brought the curse upon himself by doing what the infinite one does not., Ye are gods ye is not the infinite one individually as all as ONE is that., The role of a king on a throne is the silent action of Akhenaten.,
All souls, all humans, are sovereign and divine., No mediator or guru required to seek the infinite one’s wisdom, all secrets, all knowledge given to all, who praise the infinite one creator’s wisdom.,
NINE and the 24 are the guiding force on behalf of the Creator holding the balance of the universe.,
A proposition: I will be the experiment. I will take the journey without meat and without animal products. If I become sick, then gov speaks the truth, If I don’t ask why., If I die because I am not eating, the government speaks the truth. If I don’t, ask why.,
I intend by using myself as the one doing it as evidence to all I have shown and still after all this it’s your choice what you want. A life with disease or a life without., A life under manipulated control or a life with shared equal responsibility, honesty, unity, harmony, peace, happiness, joy as one earth family.,
If one believes I am wrong about animals, it will be evident., Which doctor’s surgery am I registered under? None.,
I am providing workable truth and proof., Not hearsay, not speculation. I am doing what no politician ever does. Talking truth showing truth using oneself as the tried and tested experiment., Walking their talking.,
You are free to speak the truth regarding me. If I walk into your shop or buy from your restaurant meat or animal products providing you have fully backed evidence and not made up, then be my guest. I will hold nothing against you.
I invite you to inspect freely., bear in mind, I buy grated cheese for the crows, which I never store at home bought just before giving to them., You will need to follow me if you distrust these words., That’s fair.,
So we are on the same page. No human will be judged for eating meat, or for choosing not to evolve, the information of truth provided to give all an equally honest choice, to weigh up the pros and cons allowing all humans to choose what is right for them., Those who choose old earth and those who choose new earth., This is how the infinite one, roles., All choices are your responsibility., Earth, The Only Planet of Choice.,
Alan Watts proposes an interesting truth.,
When shops and corporations raise the prices, the value of money goes down, so when the financial market collapses people will not be prepared and will give up all power to obtain a meal? Do things that go against one’s morals and values?The Great Depression in the United Kingdom, also known as the Great Slump, was a period of national economic downturn in the 1930s, which had its origins in the global Great Depression. Also followed by world war 2.,
I am pointing out similar patterns by governments between then and now., Covid, Russia and Ukraine interference by other nations blaming them for energy crisis, gas might come from Russia but electric does not notice the unbalance in excuses? interference by other nations will always lead to a global dispute if not stopped another global blah blah blah., I will say that’s where the old earth is heading.,
New earth people are happy and excited about life, not worrying, no fear for life or death. They just do not fear what old earth fears., They have, to a very large extent switched off the old earth lies, turned on creativity and peaceful interactions with like-minded souls., They love to grow and nurture with nature, indoors or out., They are in tune with the new earth, which all is one and everything is connected.,
If I harm one, I harm myself. Most call this karma we do not, as all species throughout the cosmos have some level of this understanding some more than others., Earth is the late bloomer., There are no wars in the universe outside earth, no species hurting each other., They all have an understanding of the Infinite One Creator.,
Old earth is a child kicking and screaming on the shop floor because he could not have some sweets when mum or dad said no, not before dinner., War is the child throwing a tantrum it has not yet developed the maturity to lead the way.,
If NINE or the Infinite One Creator asks of me to do something regardless of location, I do because we, unlike humans, do not have free will to choose., Our development from Pleiades to an entirely different galaxy “2nd octave” how we earned 13th dimension of the 2nd octave can only achieve by going this route in service to the One Infinite Creator our will is the creators will.,
We, like humans of earth, were also once here, meaning wars, the Great Rebellion., Our war was about bringing peace in the universe, a selfless act to bring it into harmony, not about power or control over others., The 2 factions of the Annunaki in dispute., Altea is the Annunaki faction that brought harmony.,
And no, Annunaki is not reptilian. This idea comes from the creative movie industry and misinformation from an outside source which became distorted and enhanced when the V series came to the big screen in the 80s., Everybody wants a villain, someone to blame that’s human mindset, not ours.,
We dumped and imprisoned ANU on earth. He was our responsibility. We sectioned off this planet from the universe., We return as it was our responsibility to clean up our mess., We as Altea hold accountability for its pure, higher dimensional intelligence., The great flood was us, as well., Caused by our colony on earth known as Atlantis., Slavery of the human race came about due to us imprisoning Anu on earth., Hense our responsibility.,
One empire in the universe, the Annunaki, dominated, destroyed and took planets as slaves and, among our group, the 2 factions formed. We wanted not this, as it would end the universe., This is why slavery and royals occurred the mindset of ANU during his imprisonment.,
You have one film that strangely resembles the great rebellion wars., You know it as star wars and Darth Vader as ANU.,
Little more when word of the rebellious faction of the Annunaki spread hope, and the alliance began, known as the 24., All whilst NINE watched on as the NINE were not known until the war ended, they came out from the shadows., Our intention changed everything., NINE, the Infinite One Creators caretakers., In search of worthy deeds, worthy souls., Like hidden talent scouts hiding among the crowd.,
Orion was a prison system owned governed by ANU., I, son of ANU, the black sheep imprisoned on the Orion’s belt during the first uprising., Escaping for Venus introducing RA brother of the 24., Orion today a self imposed prison of the remaining old faction., They did this to themselves, refused to evolve., They cannot leave the first octave., ~ MELKAL.,