6th Day Of Gaining Momentum To Fasting
Within the hearts of the weary of causation does the sound penetrate “feed me, feed me now” The great one from the heavens calls upon hush dear one your time is nigh.,The weary one within shouts please oh great one, for is it not so that the freezer is filled with delicious insight for my succulent feast? And the great one looks down upon the weary stomach. Is it not more challenging and beneficial knowing thine truth., Is it not more rewarding to resist thine urges? Have I not promised thee greatness upon thine insights and challenges of great endurance whilst I dangle a carrot upon thine nose, tormenting you with every temptation faced upon thine eyes?
Then hush and begin complete hunger avoidance., Grow, prosper and be merry., Therefore, grin with glee, for have I not granted thine elect with a sugarless coffee if thine one asks for a trick or a treat.,
Then thy great one is more wiser than I, a mere mortal stomach of greed., Lift thine head above thine shoulder hang not in shame of empty space for I reward not the faithless in heart, reap thy knowing and greatness upon thousest glorious soul.,
Oh, great one, how long do thou ask of I? For when the newborn cries at the first breath of dawn and the crows and gulls sing from thou brow, then the hour is upon thee dear one., See the signs within the sun.,
For now speak only thine experience of experiencer of thou every step forward shine thy light upon thou soul within each challenge that faces upon thou starvation of greed rid the world or disease upon this hour be the beacon revealing the way to wellbeing upon the new earth rising., Hunger is an illusion, dear one., The new dawn breaks upon 3 successful cosmic smiles in a row from thy sun of sons.,
Day 6 begins with complete avoidance of food, and juicing, water and sugarless coffee., When the hunger stops, the coffee may reduce or stop., See you on day 7.,
Caterpillar to chrysalis, preparing to take off for the stars, let the metamorphosis begin.,
MELKAL, Stand tall to the greatness and testament of all that is good, all that is the Infinite One Creator for the New Earth is upon thee and all whom thee bring forth within thine heart of hearts., Thine is testament of thy truth.,
Upon the 7th day, take the 10 onions within storage, peel them all within one seat of an afternoon, smell the aroma and freeze them all without touching a taste upon thine lips., Feel the torment it brings, resist.,

Me., Archangel of the northern star.,

That’s blessed water by me. No PH testing, no chemical altering, just good old tap water blessed by a divine being.,
Test 2 tomorrow to change the water to the same water I drink and add a different food still without checking the balance or over complicating anything., Then see what transpires a week later., Spinach is not the easiest of seeds to geminate. I see many struggling with this., Plus; I am only using normal sunlight on an east-facing window, not south., speaks volumes., No fake lighting fixed up at present.,

NINE has just told me to make an additional change to my water filtration system. Remove all items in the restructuring device. Bleach, then add all crystals and remove all other objects, carbon used in an independent device separated from the restructuring device.,
Nine monitors the water entering here as I would be public meant anything was possible because I am public., And still keep the extra device and stage out of sight., I have upset corporations because of the truth., Tip: Always bless your water.,