10 Days of Intermittent Fasting - Royal Child Abuse
12th September is Day 10. 5 days of juicing, come morning 5 days of fasting. Now I wonder if I am doing an intermittent fasting without first realising it.I have learned much about what my body feels, how it responds this time around… The main goal was about locating the poison that was causing the body to malfunction. Then how can I give birth to my unborn child., The animal poison catapulted into learning new things about my body, understanding it on a level I refused to listen to out of ignorance.,
Why? I wondered. I don’t care for anyone, no one to trick dishonestly into liking me, or the desire to be that dishonest, my attitude on that this is me. Take or leave, regardless I am happy.
I lived carefree of stress, hateful people, angry jerk syndrome group friendships to feel important, just kept my peace, always demonstrated kindness. Hello, thank you, have a nice day and so on. Yet that attitude did not benefit to the point I ignored the truth about animals and what it was doing to the body.,
I practiced eating different kinds of food, which has added to my knowledge of where to go and not go now. Now I know what this body is saying and requires I am moving to a plan., changing 12/12 to 16/8, as I never eat throughout the day anyway.,
Total avoidance of all animal products., one small meal vegan a day to ease back and focus on what the gut really wants., Avoiding crisps., Junk food takeaways., Once my hydroponics is flourishing, I can alternate between rice and veg, plant-based meal, with juicing., If juicing becomes the more beneficial than that’s it.,
If I can peele 22 onions whilst fasting, walk into shops surrounded by food, look at burgers in images, and stupid adverts, buy crisps then give them away to crows and not lose control of myself over food than I have no excuse, why I can’t eat healthy, I was ignorant and lazy.
Taking responsibility for my own health and accountability for allowing animals to be killed by buying meat. I am saying it’s ok, it’s not ok., For disrespecting life and the CREATORS wishes, If I continue eating animals that’s what I will be doing., Spiritually, when we say eat chicken or fish because it’s lighter, we are making excuses and disrespecting life., And if I ever use the excuse “no right or wrong” then obviously I do not believe that ALL is ONE, as I exclude the life of chickens and fish that would make me a hypocrite., No different to excluding women with fair pay compared to men or being a racist.,
No human body ever designed to eat animals. Now what other people do is not my responsibility.,
I share my plan when I have one that works well.,
This journey opened many doors, new knowledge, better understanding what the body says, obtaining a plan of action and dumping excuses.,
Successful Honest Self Evaluation, Stage One Complete.,
16/8 IF Plan
Daily structure:12pm - 8pm: Feast, one meal a day.,
8pm - 12pm: Fast.,
More, as and when it develops.,
Restart Meal:
20grams White Rice, boil, simmer, leave to go cold.,
Ingredients for later: Handful peppers, handful onions, handful carrots, handful raisins, dash of garlic, dash of paprika, half handful ginger, dash of cumin, handful green onions, handful small potato chunks, handful Quorn plant based chicken chunks, plant cuttings from window coriander, plant cuttings from window thyme, plant cuttings from window rosemary,
First meal, complete around 3-3:30pm, took around 20 minutes to consume, which feels like a long time. Reentering fasting until tomorrow's feast window., Will reduce the amount rather than increase., My guide will be 10 grams of rice., If not tomorrow, I will postpone until Saturday before the next meal tomorrow will be my guide.,
Regarding lifestyle changes. Mark Zuckerberg is criticised for wearing a certain jumper all the time. I recognise the man is intelligent. Most people can spend pointless time choosing what to wear that mostly ends up stressing them out, which sets the start of their day., Mark understands take care of the morning and the rest will take care of itself.,
I myself have no headaches or stress about what I will wear., I never start the day confused, stressed or worry., I did transition from a long cromby overcoat, suit trousers and shirt to how I am today., Same rules applied in both outfits.,
I never use a mobile, that will dictate my life with all kinds of stuff firing off in my pocket. A mobile to me is something that can carry out minimal tasks in flight mode, great cameras. If someone wants me, my attitude is if it’s really important you make the effort and come see me, if not it’s not important., which gives clarity and peace of mind., I am the captain of my ship, not a mobile., I don't do social compliance., The only way I show up online is at home., Strict willpower and control over how I give attention to an imaginary reality, space or time in my everyday life.,
That’s partly how I navigate a world confused and maintain peace in my own world.,
When you consider the life-changing events I was involved with and the extreme dark-side of the government., I drew a line in the sand, took my power and said do not cross this line. To how I live today, I have uprooted and moved many mountains., I can only be an inspiration or not.,
A major thing about us the NINE is accountability and responsibility known throughout the universe among all species., If one or all cannot take accountability, we retract all power and eventually the species fall., this last final sub cycle, approx 2,000 years of second chances to evolve., What you witness is the falling of a civilisation brick by brick., If any planetary species were given the rule book, then none would learn anything, hence guide books, not absolute truth.,
Air Physio

Doing 9 breath bursts as and when or daily patterns once in morning one at night, you will discover your lungs will begin to clear., You will notice benefit within less than a week if done daily., I also recommend if you decide to continue smoking, then regular use is also beneficial., This is not medicine, it’s a natural breath exercise device., As for the price, it’s worth it considering the beneficial impact it has, if you do not choose to quit or find it difficult for whatever one’s reasons.,
When smoking the lungs form mucus in defence to a nonhuman agent, this slows down the body, climbing hills might feel like an effort, stress no more, by clearing the lungs has benefit.,
As for what’s right concerning smoking I will tell you what I know but your choice is your choice., Nature does not get things wrong, plants are here in benefit to humans, if one has chosen to include poison “Cyanide” then that’s human error not natures.,
Informed Choice
Freewill comes from informed choice. When you have ALL data available to the point that no information is hidden or removed if it’s removed or kept out, that’s not informed choice, freewill is violated, this is manipulated choice to push one or more down a specific path for nefarious reasons this is not for the greater good.,-----------------
I am divergent
and that’s why most can’t always understand me., I am a part of no earthly group or mindset., I and the Creator are one., I and NINE are one., I and the 24 are one.,A unique, independent free thinker, one who revels deeper in soul, avoids surface thinking as a way of living as this leads to conformity., I am the one that does not conform to social peer pressure., A rebel., A rebel does what’s right for all rather than following others for no reason at all., Divergent., This has always been my long-term key role for the NINE. A cog in the machine of a broken system, a cog in the wheel of universal intelligence.,
This I have been since 1982 my arrival taking the fully formed body., The Creators will is to break down the negative aspects of the system until it all falls as it is not support, nurture or benefit of others. The Creator does not support this system in any way, shape or form., King Charles a fraud.,
I am the physical manifestation of god.,
The energy of the stars governsno matter how much one believes they can gain control or abuse a nation’s people, WE get the last say, the easy way or the hard way., Norman Bergrun was one such individual who spoke out about what was happening in the universe. He might not know the reasoning behind things. The rings are our ships ramping up or down the energy that affects the earth along with the moon and the sun.,
The easy way or the hard way., By using energy is why we have no reason to land and shake hands. Energy is how a pawn, knight, king or queen moves across the board until we get the desired result., The ships in the skies assist in the process., Saturn is the main monitoring station of the collective NINE., The gods of the infinite one creator.,
There are 9 heads of high council, ONE to NINE., I AM SEVEN., Our collective are in their billions monitoring earth., and then there is the 24 collective species who offer guidance alongside the NINE who has the final decision., Picture billions of souls being monitored on earth by a large team of dedicated members of NINE visually. Their thoughts, intentions, all that is hidden, are revealed by NINE., I come from Altea, also known as the past Pleiades species of the first octave, who now reside on the second octave of the 13th density. As NINE, we govern the first octave of this galaxy., Full Interview