Alexa Seleno

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Do not create gods from physical beings, do not give power to physical beings

- except inasmuch
as you consider yourselves equal to them.

Melkal is the corporation of the divine., No affiliation with any false governments., The divine Melkal is 100% tax immune., Melkal, a divine diplomat of earth from Altea., Melkal is a sovereign being of the council of NINE known as SEVEN.,

Is Melkal equal to human beings? Absolutely not., Melkal is a supreme being compared to humans., Also, once known as Prime Creator among the Altean race.,
If you have heard of Pleiadians, then you already know the Alteans. Melkal is the creator of all those in this star system.,

The formation of Altea occurred with the union of Queen LATEA of Venus, the RA Collective and ARZU of The Anunnaki rebellion son of ANU and KITARA Queen of the Kitarian matriarchy race. Our union the blending into one soul, as the birth of Altea the birth of MELKAL.,.,

I am the physical manifestation of god.,

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November 2024, Russia will launch an attack on France with a biological weapon. The death toll will be in its millions., This weapon will spread carrying across to the England, Ireland and Scotland, then moving across to USA and Canada., Like a domino effect, on this day the winds will be moving in that direction., North Korea and China will target following Russias move., This will trigger a devastating blow to the world., Many countries will fall sick following Russias attack on France., Leaving no healthy person to fight back., Rendering these countries powerless.,

This weapon will be carrying a deadly virus., All happening when football season is underway, taking many by surprise and unprepared.,
NATO is the cause.,

What I relay to you shall answer many questions you have., I am not alone in my thoughts as you are., I am connected to NINE and all the 24 as one thought., We have no emotions like you do. My time on earth has given me this gift to understand you fully., In my quest, I have learned only how you seek to harm life., That knowledge comes to us in great sadness., This poses many problems for the universe., If what lives on earth were to spread beyond this planet, the universe would no longer be able to sustain itself and all would be pulled into the void., Therefore, it is paramount this infection does not leave this planet.,


Man and sex.,

Man taught via word of mouth, pass down through the generations, TV/films/media man is an animal who has animal instinct, basic self gratification whereby he pushes all that energy out of the body into the woman and then depleted of all energy and falls to sleep., Leaving the woman dissatisfied, frustrated., When man can send the oil/sperm inward/upward and outward to the woman, man can then experience what the woman experiences. He is on his way to the godhead, the sacred fire within.,

When a man is wasting energy regularly, he is making himself vulnerable to falling ill. He has no energy reserves to keep the immune system running in tiptop shape., Eventually the body gives up trying to defend the body and gives in to sickness., Sperm is energy “life force”

When you give sperm to a woman it invigorates her, awakens her so the once in-synch pair are no longer in-synch out of alignment., Man doesn’t know because it’s kept secret away from public knowledge.,

Metaphor: When you put a match to an explosive material, it gives all its energy to that singular moment until it fades out that’s the male orgasm., The momentary firework.,

The woman’s orgasm is an electrifying earthquake and an earth shattering volcano that carry’s aftershocks that spreads across the entire earth body., Man’s recovery ZZZZ Woman’s recovery HUM…

Why others so invested is steering man away from discovering because they didn’t want gods walking around., The gods do not give over power nor waste energy., Gods are an uncontrollable force., Man will hump any hole it can find., A god will not. They are specific they know the sacred truth., They are like golden swans who mate for life.,

Mostly man or woman waits until the end of life before considering what happens next., It’s too late., Imagine man is a battery his life-force is what regulates the battery’s life. If he keeps depleting by the end, he cannot regenerate enough life-force energy at the end of life to make the transition home.,

Some humor: There is a mysterious hum sound in the night that makes many curious where is it coming from., Well, that’s women humming whilst men are sleeping… Someone had to finish them off., The moment man reads he realises “Agent Smith” has done a number on us., Now his seeking the matrix door to the truth.,

When we say inward upward and outward to the woman., most will guess we are speaking about kundalini. Most people practice this awakening via yoga or meditation, yet the same is true for sacred sex between a man and a woman. That’s a real union.,

All depends on the man knowing how to go inward upward and outward all at the same time during orgasm., Whilst man is busy poking the ducks in the shooting gallery at the fairground man will never know., Man will not awaken this way., He is like a minute man waiting to punch in his codes to fire off his load and be done with it., God remains dormant in man.,

Have you heard that anything on the internet can be manipulated to make a person seem like a liar, crazy, or paranoid? Well, I am going to prove it true any website can do what I am going to show you. See this image now go to Truth-Pill page here and see for yourself., Notice the dates and order. I will make the 19th May 2024 become the 17th May 2024., The one marked in RED.,

If you're on a website owned by others, FB, they can mess with your information as well. If they want, they can even say things you never said., The “owners”, not hackers, a hacker is a scapegoat, a man or woman with no face, the bogeyman, an excuse to escape taking responsibility., Now you know when someone you know tells you fail play was done, don’t disbelieve them.,
Or the computer malfunctioned and corrupted the system., Computers do not make mistakes, men or women do with their programming., The computer program does exactly what it’s told to do by a man or woman., A.I will be to blame next., Excuses to avoid accountability.,



The symbol you see is ours put here in 2001 England on a crop field. The location name sounds similar to our name when pronounced Mei Kal.,


About MELKAL.,

What does MELKAL mean? It’s our name outside SEVEN or THOTH., A name that I am recognised throughout the universe as the soul signature of my being formless formed, formed formless., Melkal pronounced as Mei Kal., Michael is the acronym of MELKAL.,

ARZU, which is an ancient name prior to venus., The binding of souls of Arzu and Latea, a ceremony, took place whereby red triangles covered what you know as the third eye., Our ascension into Altea, what you call pleiades, we birthed ALCYON, which means Altea., The Name MEL KAL began., The combining of the masculine and feminine making one being the combined soul., The birth of a new race, Altea., The leader and creator being that of Mel Kal.,

On earth, I am considered a walk-in, as all humans are walk-ins. The difference is when, meaning each human walked in to a baby’s body at birth, I walked in to a body that had died by entering and reanimating that established life continuing with me MELKAL/SEVEN/THOTH/ARZU/HAWK.,

Each name has purpose throughout my soul’s evolution since entering this universe from the completion of ANON universe., In this form on earth, I have chosen to embody them all as one., By doing I access different stages of the universe and its growth markers governed by each soul identity.,

My 12th chakra is rooted on the 13th dimension of the 2nd octave of Altea where our species reside., What you see in the night sky of Pleiades is that of the first octave, a bridge a doorway to our home.,

Arzu was the first of all names Son of Kitara and Anu, a merging of two species Anunnaki and Kitarian for the purpose of rebellion against Anu.,

Above my right eye, in the shape of a reversed 7, I hold the map of our home and the Seven feathers of NINE., Council member 3 to 9.,


2024 is the year the mighty will fall., The entire planet will push back against all governments in a way the world has never seen., The beginning of the government’s end., We say NO to war; we say NO to control; we say NO more lies., Change or be changed.,

There was is and always be, one infinite creator. Every soul, insect, animal, plant, physical and nonphysical within the entire universe all make up the one infinite creator. All are part of this one truth.,
There is NO God, only the ONE Infinite Creator., All is ONE.,

Looking back, what did I get from holding governments accountable? POWER I got to speak truthfully without being suppressed in my speech. I got to show them how children must feel when they abuse them. They were powerless against me as children are with them. I got to embrace my shadow side in an unfiltered way. I got to look at myself honestly and unconditionally. The power to keep that website or not. The power to speak openly about who I am., Did it feel good? YES! Did it benefit me? YES! Do I need to punish governments anymore? NO, for they have damaged themselves., I am in the constant process of shifting parallel earths defining the new earth I want.,

For 5 years, I danced with my shadow self. I have loved it and embraced it all in a public arena., In those 5 years, I lost all fear and discovered a profound love for all things., I chose love over fear., There is no war outside, as there is no war inside., I chose to fix no one but myself., I chose love., I chose the new earth, turning my back on the old.,

I am a conscious parallel earth traveller  using different portals to enter and leave each earth., I always have visible feedback when portal entry and exit are successful., I create the portals, open, move through and close., The time I spend on each earth version depends on what’s different, required or needs changing., I am constantly redefining the new earth within the infinite universe.,

This truth is the bridge crossing between the old and the new.,

A question:  During covid what benefit did you discover that helped or changed your life for the better? Have you ever contemplated that idea? In every person, a benefit did occur, yet if one focuses on what’s not wanted or liked, then how can one see the benefit it gave? If you can find a single benefit, then you have found your true power.,

For years I see myself visiting Scotland. Some may argue it was wishful thinking, since I didn’t even try to go. 5am one morning. I chose to walk away during the height of the pandemic., Covid gave me Scotland and all its beauty that lives there., Now I live in Scotland. That was the benefit I discovered. That power came from having the courage to step into the unknown, knowing it would mean living in a forest for a while in an unwritten, unscripted future. I did without doubts., It wasn’t a pandemic; it was CANdemic the reason I gave myself to show that I CAN DO IT.,

I came from living among eight million people to six thousand, where there is less entangled energy, more harmony.,
What did you discover that changed your life for the better?

New Earth Bible of One

There was is and always be, one infinite creator. Every soul, insect, animal, plant, physical and nonphysical within the entire universe all make up the one infinite creator. All are part of this one truth.,

Unity is truth unity translates as mass or individual cooperation with the physical and nonphysical.,

Love is truth love translates as mass or individual harmony with the physical and nonphysical.,

Individual is true and false. True that one appears individual, yet all actions relate to all other parts of the one infinite creator as in one as in all which reveal the falseness of individuality.,

True compassion is non-compassion when one has no reason to feel compassionate then compassion is natural, when there is no compassion there is no reason for compassion, like no war, no hate, no harm for these are the things that alerts one to feel or be compassionate., When it’s natural, war, hate, and harm are no longer a state of truth., Harmony reached.,

Male or female is void of truth. All humans are both they are the combined being, a woman is feminine on the outside and masculine on the inside., A man is masculine outside and feminine inside., Each human is both the combined being., No separation of sexes between men or women reversing one finds the other within.,



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